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Posts posted by daison3

  1. Updates:


    I'll be creating a parser for iteminfo.lua, to support latest clients. I observed that some items are not included in the iteminfo.lua for the 2014 release, so I'm planning to merge the 2012~2013 idnum/num2 files to iteminfo.lua.

    It's an easy trick, anyway...

    Be right back...

  2. What project is this?

    I would like to introduce my alpha project that parses idnumresname.txtidnumdisplay.txtidnumdescription.txt and also to numresname.txt and so on.

    I am not limited on that part, I also added a php script to parse accname lua to support item sprites



    What benefit we can get?

    We want our server to be updated asap, however we don't have the tool to update our item db and client files, we're just manually adding that shit and sometimes we caught some errors because we're just manually adding those things. How about creating a CRON jobs to do that? One command that parses all the files, that is the most awesome! right?



    What language and framework you used?

    I've been developing web applications, web crawlers, and bots. So expect that I'll be using PHP Language, ooppps... Let me introduce to you the Laravel Framework. It has a TASK or COMMAND whatever you call it. That task/command helps me to parse those txt/lua files sequentially.




    Where is the downloadable php source code!?

    As of now, I can't provide my source code as it is not yet finalized, I even discourage users to run this script to Windows Platform, instead, running this framework to Linux Platforms is much better or to use Vagrant/Virtualbox to run this script.




    Where/What official server you have got those txt files?

    I'm using pRO txt files, but the main parsed file was based to kRO(2013+), but some of items are not included in the kRO, so using pRO txt files helps my database to fill the missing match items.




    How could we help you?

    You could provide your kRO official txt/lua files, and pRO official txt/lua files, or even providing some Official Servers txt/lua. Please, this project is only for official txt/lua files, we need to maintain the official Item IDs. (I'm too lazy to extract/patch those grf file  :D  )




    Why you did not include item_db_re.txt?

    Yes I could, however, we can't predict each item script to our server, we don't know the script tag, e.g Red Potion, could you determine that item could heal you?

    Both client side and server side has a missing item id, so we need to fix those item id.



    Can you sort the Item IDs to Ascending?
    Yes!, when the txt/lua files are parsed, those information will be stored to a table, this will help me to sort the item id by ascending, this will organize the item information.




    Can you parse as well the item images?

    Yes! item images inside the grf are the idnumresname so I have a short code that converts those image names to their respective item id something like 501.bmp for Red Potion instead of the »¡°£Æ÷¼Ç.bmp, this will benefit most servers that uses fluxCP.



    [server Side vs Client Side] (517 Item not found in the server side) Last Update: Oct 25, 2014

    This is based from client side files comparing to item_db_re

    Please see attached server_side_comparison_to_client_side.txt




    [Client Side vs Server Side] (1273 Item not found in the client side) Last Update: Oct 25, 2014

    This is based from item_db_re table comparing to client side files
    Please see attached client_side_comparison_to_server_side.txt

    Idnum and Num and Accname.rar




  3. I would like to hear some comments or suggestions.

    I'm a web developer and I want to create my own customized website without using any existing control panel. I wan't to optimized how should header requests works and everything, also some rendering of values using template engines such as blade in the Laravel Framework, also converting the MyISAM into InnoDB engine if possible, and ofcourse to support mobile devices when integrating my own Control Panel.


    So, I've been using Symfony or Laravel Framework that could make everything easily for me, the migrations of tables, re-building of schema, creating task/cron, and restful requests.

    However, I found out that the main.sql file has this kind of field name 'attribute', in which it is a preserved key or word based from what I encountered using ORMs.

    As a web developer / software engineer, we're using this kind of library or plugins, "Doctrine" or "Eloquent" ORM(Object Relational Mapping) that will help us to convert database results into an object variable results.


    Importing the main.sql manually works, but re-compiling the schema into a coded file for migrations, it will never work because of the 'attribute' reserved word.


    Any suggestions?


    thank you.



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