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About lucasavilez

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  1. Thanks @hemagx & @Habilis, it will be a looong journey. There's a lot more information now, buuut i can't find how mobs changes over runemidgard, i'll find.
  2. Hi mates, I've planning to create a Gold Times server (Ep. Lighthalzen) but i want to use all new interfaces and system, so i decide to downgrade manually all episodes (yes, it will be hard but honestly i'll give it a try). So, to start it i realize that i have to find all informations, minucious informations about all episodes (as mobs quantity for each map, npcs, dmg calcs, skills, mob skills, etc.) and after digging the whole worldwideweb, i found only superficious informations. Could somebody help me? There's a trustful place where i find all that informations? Best regards
  3. Hello fellows! I have a doubt, how can i make a floating rate based on a character lv? I mean, when u are 1~60 your exp rate is 5x for example and when u are 61~99 it downs to 2x. I've found scripts that gave options for maps or day, on a global meaning. How can i set it for each individualy player without confronting a Manual exp boost? :|
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