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File Comments posted by enmity






    Adding them with a right-click "Add" menu wouldn't work out too well because mob skills do not have unique IDs. To add a mob skill, go in the "Mob Skills/Mob Skills2" tab, Edit > Add entry (Ctrl-N) and fill in the information. Alternatively, mob skills can be copy pasted across the application which can make this process easier :

    • If you select another mob for instance, you can right-click its skills and use Copy, then use Paste on your own mob.
    • If you select an existing skill from Mob Skills, you can copy it (with Ctrl-C) and use Paste on you own mob as well.

    If you want, I could add the "Add" option, but it'll only create an empty mob skill and you'd end up having to fill in all the information yourself from the Mob Skill tab anyway...!


    I'm sorry, but you have misunderstood me. What I meant was to add a skill to mob. How do I easily add skills to the custom mob I made? Thanks for that info though, I can use that in future!

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