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Posts posted by timo0o

  1. 4 hours ago, bWolfie said:

    FluxCP needs a page in both modules\page\index.php and themes\<theme name>\page\index.php

    You need to do it for every theme that can be used. You can also put it in the add-ons folder which bypasses this I believe.

    Hey bWolfie,

    thanks for your answer. But that dosen't resolve the Problem.

    Even when I add the php-files to both folder the page is showing up as the screenshot in my first post shows. 😞



    EDIT: Ah! I've done a mistake..!

    Here's the solution!!!

    1. Add index.php file to the /fluxcp/modules/<pagename>/index.php with the code:

    if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit;

    2. Add the index.php file to the /fluxcp/themes/<themename>/<pagename>/ folder and add your content:

    <h2>TEST RULES</h2>

    3. Now if you want to add the rules like me, you have to name the folder "Rules" for example.

    So the index.php's are in: /fluxcp/modules/rules/index.php and /fluxcp/themes/<themename>/rules/ index.php


    4. The Page can now be opened with the URL: https://myro.net/?module=rules

    >>>> If you name the folder something other (exp. "Download"), then you can open the page with /?module=download instead of "rules".

    >>>> If you rename the php file or add some others (it must not be the "index.php and can be named as you want) you need to add the &action=<phpfilename> to the URL

    Example: PHP Namefile in the folders (test123.php in both folders as discribed in 1 and 2), then the URL must be https://myro.net/?module=rules&action=test123


    That's easy if you know what to do.


    THANK YOU!!!!!

  2. Hi there.

    I want to add some Pages to my website (FluxCP).

    The Pages-Site is Showing up and I can Add a new page:




    When I click "Add" I've got the message that the page was successfully added, but it's not showing up and was not created as you can see here:



    And when I now want to add a page manually (for example add the rules.php to the "pages" folder), i can open it with

    ....its even showing up with the content, but only in the left upper of the site and not in the content field:




    the rules.php looks like the other php-site files:


    if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit;
    <h2>TEST RULES</h2>

    I'm using the "hurtfreev2" theme and the fluxcp with build-in cms addon etc. from here: https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP/

    But the problem is also there with the default theme!!!


    Whats wrong with my fluxCP and how can I fix this?


    Thank you 🙂

  3. Hey there.

    After many years of not playing RO I decided to create a hercules based Server and Client for me and my friends.

    I have some old administrative skills with rathena and herc - but I have problems with my client.

    I've followed this guide here:


    So... everything seems to work, the Servers are online withour errors and the Loginserver

    accept my connections, but i can't get to the characters and the char and map server don't say anything when i Log-In


    I've tested some Client-Versions without success:

    - 2017-12-06c

    - 2018-03-28b

    - 2014-03-05b

    -2019-01-09a (there i have many errors in Nemo)


    The Packet-Ver in the Server  mmo.h is

    #define PACKETVER 20141022


    Here are some screenshots:





    My Clientinfo (Only with correct address and registrationweb):

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> 
         <display>Ragnarok Online</display>     
    	 <address>The servers Public-IP</address>


    Can Someone help me???


  4. Generally, this error is due to space used instead of tabs.

    Type "-<tab>script<tab>vaporize<tab>-1,{"


    OK. Now it says


    scirpt error in file 'afk.txt' line 9 column 13 parse_simpleexpr: unmatched ')'
    9: if(getidle() >=$antiakf) {

  5. Hello guys and girls :-)


    I would like to request whether if anyone has any anti-afk script for homunculus AFK farming?

    If possible I'd like to set for specific maps where people who AFK will be
    questioned (specifically for alchemist/creator & genetic class
    only) and if they fail to answer within 1 minute, they'll be auto jailed
    / kicked.

    Hopefully someone can help thanks!


    Duration before asking would be afking for 10 minutes straight with no movements.




    PS: The script from this Topic in 2013 doesn't work or the Copy-Paste is terrible because it's 1line.


  6. Can't test it right now, but this should do the job


    - script vaporize -1,{
    	addtimer 60000,strnpcinfo(0)+"::On1min";
    	if(gethominfo(2) != "null"){
    		if(getidle() >= $antiafk) {
    			atcommand "@useskill 244 1 "+strcharinfo(0);
    			dispbottom "You are not allowed to farm with Homun while AFK.";
    			addtimer 60000,strnpcinfo(0)+"::On1min";
    	addtimer 60000,strnpcinfo(0)+"::On1min";
    	set $antiafk, 120;// how many seconds to use vaporize





    Need this script,too.


    But your script give this error:


    [ERROR]: npc_parsesrcfile: Unknown syntax in file 'antiafk.txt', line '1'. Stopping...
    * w1=- script vaporize -1,{
    * w2=
    * w3=
    * w4=

  7. I want to deactivate it because I want to use my own script.


    -	script	DayNight	-1,{
      if ((gettime(3) < 6) || (gettime(3) >= 21)) night;
      announce "The Sun is rising! [6:00]",bc_all,0xEEEEEE;
      announce "Good Night Players![21:00]",bc_all,0xEEEEEE;

  8. here is the ping back url :


    if u place ur control panel at root folder u can use : https://domain.com/


    don't forget to choose virtual currency as your API.


    Thank you!

    And what do I need to set in the fields "module" and "action" to test the pingback??


    Paymentwall says:



     Thank you

    for your reply,




    We have found our widget on

    your website. Thank you!




    >> As you are passing email for UserProfile API in the widget call, could you pass the history[registrate_date]

    as well? We will need these parameters to calculate the Risk Score for each transaction and thus preventing chargebacks.


    Hope to hear from you soon.






    Paymentwall Team


    What can I do here?

  9. conf/map/battle/misc.conf


    Thanks. I think you mean these settings?


    // Choose if server begin with night (yes) or day (no)
    night_at_start: no
    // Define duration in msec of the day (default: 7200000 = 2 hours)
    // Set to 0 to disable day cycle (but not @day GM command).
    // Except 0, minimum is 60000 (1 minute)
    day_duration: 0
    // Define duration in msec of the night (default: 1800000 = 30 min)
    // Set to 0 to disable night cycle (but not @night GM command).
    // Except 0, minimum is 60000 (1 minute)
    night_duration: 0


    But it is still active.

  10. Hi!


    I've got a new problem with my FluxCP. Everytime i open the itemshop or search for an item I get the following error on the website:

    An error occurred while trying to process your request.
    Please try contacting an administrator: [email protected]


     I've looked into the error-logs in ...\data\logs\errors\exceptions and found the following errors in there:


    [2016-08-15 09:46:51] (Flux_Error) Exception Flux_Error: MySQL error (SQLSTATE: 21S01, ERROR: 1136): Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
    [2016-08-15 09:46:51] (Flux_Error) **TRACE** #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\lib\Flux\TemporaryTable.php(198): Flux_Connection_Statement->execute()
    [2016-08-15 09:46:51] (Flux_Error) **TRACE** #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\lib\Flux\TemporaryTable.php(80): Flux_TemporaryTable->import('ragnarok.item_d...')
    [2016-08-15 09:46:51] (Flux_Error) **TRACE** #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\addons\base_features\modules\itemshop\last.php(17): Flux_TemporaryTable->__construct(Object(Flux_Connection), 'ragnarok.items', Array)
    [2016-08-15 09:46:51] (Flux_Error) **TRACE** #3 C:\xampp\htdocs\lib\Flux\Template.php(389): include('C:\\xampp\\htdocs...')
    [2016-08-15 09:46:51] (Flux_Error) **TRACE** #4 C:\xampp\htdocs\lib\Flux\Dispatcher.php(180): Flux_Template->render()
    [2016-08-15 09:46:51] (Flux_Error) **TRACE** #5 C:\xampp\htdocs\index.php(177): Flux_Dispatcher->dispatch(Array)
    [2016-08-15 10:07:16] (Flux_Error) Exception Flux_Error: MySQL error (SQLSTATE: 21S01, ERROR: 1136): Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
    [2016-08-15 10:07:16] (Flux_Error) **TRACE** #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\lib\Flux\Template.php(389): include()
    [2016-08-15 10:07:16] (Flux_Error) **TRACE** #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\lib\Flux\Dispatcher.php(180): Flux_Template->render()
    [2016-08-15 10:07:16] (Flux_Error) **TRACE** #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\index.php(177): Flux_Dispatcher->dispatch(Array)
    [2016-08-15 10:07:16] (Flux_Error) **TRACE** #3 {main}


    I've didn't changes anything on my fluxCP or SQL databases.


    Any ideas????






    PS: sorry for my english. It's not my main language :-)

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