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Posts posted by eetuy20

  1. Hi all, I am having problem with this script. What I want is that every time a party finished the dungeon they will automatically received the reward and will be teleported to Prontera. But, what is happening is that everyt ime a party finished the dungeon, only the leader of the party received the reward and not the members.


    here's the script:

    //////	Author		Goddameit//	Version		2014/05/14//	Web		http://goo.gl/0vY9GV////prontera,156,223,4	script	Party Dungeon#fb156df	4_LEVITATEMAN,{	if( .NP_GAME_STATUS )	{		mes "Sorry, someone is playing.";		close;	}	mes "Hi, do you want to join this game?";	if( select("No","Yes") == 1 )		close;	next;	if( getcharid(1) == 0 )	{		mes "You need to join or create a party.";		close;	}	if( getcharid(0) != getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) )	{		mes "You're not party leader";		close;	}	if( countitem(.SP_PLAYER_ITEM) == 0 )	{		mes "You don't have any "+getitemname(.SP_PLAYER_ITEM);		close;	}	getpartymember getcharid(1),2;	getpartymember getcharid(1),1;	if( $@partymembercount < .SP_PLAYER_NUM )	{		mes "You need at least "+.SP_PLAYER_NUM+" player";		deletearray $@partymembercid[0],$@partymembercount;		deletearray $@partymemberaid[0],$@partymembercount;		$@partymembercount = 0;		close;	}	.@amount = 0;	for( .@i = 0; .@i<$@partymembercount; .@i++ )	{		if( !isloggedin($@partymemberaid[.@i],$@partymembercid[.@i]) )		{			$@partymemberaid[.@i] = 0;			$@partymembercid[.@i] = 0;		}else			.@amount++;	}	if( .@amount < .SP_PLAYER_NUM )	{		mes "You need at least "+.SP_PLAYER_NUM+" player";		deletearray $@partymembercid[0],$@partymembercount;		deletearray $@partymemberaid[0],$@partymembercount;		$@partymembercount = 0;		close;	}	if( .NP_GAME_STATUS )	{		mes "Sorry, someone is playing.";		close;	}	.@amount = 0;	delitem .SP_PLAYER_ITEM,1;	.NP_GAME_LPID = getcharid(1);	.NP_GAME_LAID = getcharid(3);	.NP_GAME_LCID = getcharid(0);	.NP_GAME_STATUS = 1;	.NP_GAME_TICK = 600;	deletearray .p_cid[0],.p_num;	deletearray .p_aid[0],.p_num;	.p_num = $@partymembercount;	copyarray .p_cid[0],$@partymembercid[0],.p_num;	copyarray .p_aid[0],$@partymemberaid[0],.p_num;	deletearray $@partymembercid[0],$@partymembercount;	$@partymembercount = 0;	disablenpc "Treasure Chest#ukdfkbp";	initnpctimer;	mes "Done";	warpparty "guild_vs5",50,55,getcharid(1);	close;	end;OnTimer1000:	if( !mobcount("guild_vs5",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKill") && .NP_GAME_STATUS == 1 )	{		sleep2 5000;		monster "guild_vs5",50,72,"--ja--",1502,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKill";	}	if( .NP_GAME_TICK > 0 )	{		.NP_GAME_TICK--;		.@bool = 0;		if( !isloggedin(.NP_GAME_LAID,.NP_GAME_LCID) )			.@bool = 1;		if( .@bool == 0 )		{			getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, 0, rid2name(.NP_GAME_LAID));			if( .@map$ != "guild_vs5" )				.@bool = 1;		}		if( .@bool == 1 )		{			.NP_GAME_STATUS = -1;			mapannounce "guild_vs5","[System]: You're team leader is gone!!",0;			sleep2 2000;			mapwarp "guild_vs5","prontera",155,180;			.NP_GAME_STATUS = 0;		}else			initnpctimer;	}	else	{		.NP_GAME_STATUS = -1;		mapannounce "guild_vs5","[System]: Time Out!!",0;		sleep2 2000;		mapwarp "guild_vs5","prontera",155,180;		.NP_GAME_STATUS = 0;		donpcevent "Treasure Chest#ukdfkbp::OnCleanVar";		disablenpc "Treasure Chest#ukdfkbp";	}	end;OnKill:	detachrid;	if( .NP_GAME_STATUS == 1 )	{		.NP_GAME_STATUS = 2;		mapannounce "guild_vs5","[System]: You win!!",0;		sleep2 4000;		mapannounce "guild_vs5","[System]: Here is your reward!!",0;		sleep2 2000;		getcharid(1),1;		getcharid(1),2;		if( $@partymembercount <= .SP_PLAYER_NUM )		{			getitem 7959,1,$@partymemberaid[.@i];		}		if( $@partymembercount <= .SP_PLAYER_NUM )		{			getitem 674,50,$@partymemberaid[.@i];		}//		for( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; set .@i,.@i + 1 )//			getitem 501,100,$@partymemberaid[.@i];		sleep2 4000;		mapannounce "guild_vs5","[System]: You will now be teleported to Prontera!!",0;		sleep2 2000;		killmonsterall "guild_vs5";		mapwarp "guild_vs5","prontera",155,180;		donpcevent "Party Dungeon#fb156df::OnCleanVar";//		sleep2 2000;//		enablenpc "Treasure Chest#ukdfkbp";//		donpcevent "Treasure Chest#ukdfkbp::OnCleanVar";//		.NP_GAME_TICK = 300;//		$@NP_GAME_LPID = .NP_GAME_LPID;//		.@j = 0;//		for( .@i = 0; .@i<.p_num; .@i++ )//		{//			if( !isloggedin(.p_aid[.@i],.p_cid[.@i]) )//				continue;//			getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, 0, rid2name(.p_aid[.@j]));//			if( .@map$ != "guild_vs5" )//				continue;//			$@p_aid[.@j] = .p_aid[.@i];//			$@p_name$[.@j] = rid2name(.p_aid[.@i]);//			.@j++;//		}//		$@p_num = .@j;	}	end;OnInit:	.SP_PLAYER_NUM = 1;	.SP_PLAYER_ITEM = 674;	disablenpc "Treasure Chest#ukdfkbp";	mapwarp "guild_vs5","prontera",155,180;	end;OnCleanVar:	donpcevent "Treasure Chest#ukdfkbp::OnCleanVar";	disablenpc "Treasure Chest#ukdfkbp";	deletearray .p_aid[0], .p_num;	deletearray .p_cid[0], .p_num;	.p_num = 0;	.NP_GAME_LPID = 0;	.NP_GAME_LAID = 0;	.NP_GAME_LCID = 0;	.NP_GAME_TICK = 0;	end;}guild_vs5,50,55,0	script	Treasure Chest#ukdfkbp	1324,{	function	__st	;	if( getcharid(0) != getpartyleader($@NP_GAME_LPID,2) )		end;	.@item = 2;	setarray .@item1max[0],674,100;	setarray .@item2max[0],7959,10;	while( __st() == 0 )	{		mes "Done!";		next;		mes "------Remaining Prizes------";		for( .@i = 1; .@i<=.@item; .@i++ )			mes ""+getitemname(getd(".@item"+.@i+"max[0]"))+" X "+(getd(".@item"+.@i+"max[1]")-.@useitem[.@i])+"";		if( (.@co = prompt(implode($@p_name$,":")+":[Send]")) == 255 )		{			mes "Thank you!";			next;			close;		}		if( .@co > $@p_num )		{			close2;			detachrid;			for( .@j = 0; .@j<$@p_num; .@j++ )			{				for( .@i = 1; .@i<=.@item; .@i++ )				{					getitem getd(".@item"+.@i+"max[0]"),getd(".@player"+.@j+"item["+.@i+"]"),$@p_aid[.@j];					sleep2 1;				}			}			mapwarp "guild_vs5","prontera",155,180;			donpcevent "Party Dungeon#fb156df::OnCleanVar";			end;		}		mes "Alright!";		next;		.@co -= 1;		if( .@co < 0 )			break;		deletearray .@select$[0],.@item;		next;		mes "--- "+$@p_name$[.@co]+" have these rewards---";		for( .@i = 1; .@i<=.@item; .@i++ )		{			.@select$[.@i-1] = ""+getitemname(getd(".@item"+.@i+"max[0]"))+" X "+(getd(".@player"+.@co+"item["+.@i+"]"))+"";			.@selectz$[.@i-1] = ""+getitemname(getd(".@item"+.@i+"max[0]"))+"";			mes ""+.@select$[.@i-1];		}		if( (.@ct = prompt(implode(.@selectz$,":"))) == 255 )			continue;		mes "Okay!";		next;		mes ""+$@p_name$[.@co]+" now has "+.@select$[.@ct-1]+" How many would you like to give him/her?";		mes ""+.@selectz$+" to...";		input .@amount;		if( .@amount < 0 )			.@amount = 0;		if( (.@useitem[.@ct]-getd(".@player"+.@co+"item["+.@ct+"]")+.@amount) > getd(".@item"+.@ct+"max[1]") )			.@amount = getd(".@item"+.@ct+"max[1]")-.@useitem[.@ct];		setd ".@player"+.@co+"item["+.@ct+"]", .@amount;		deletearray .@useitem[0], .@item;		for( .@i = 1; .@i<=.@item; .@i++ )			for( .@j = 0; .@j<$@p_num; .@j++ )				set .@useitem[.@i], .@useitem[.@i] + getd(".@player"+.@j+"item["+.@i+"]");	}	mes "You will now be teleported back to Prontera ";	next;	close;	end;OnCleanVar:	deletearray $@p_aid[0], $@p_num;	deletearray $@p_name$[0], $@p_num;	$@p_num = 0;	$@NP_GAME_LPID = 0;	end;	function	__st	{		return getvariableofnpc(.NP_GAME_STATUS,"Party Dungeon#fb156df");	}}


  2. hi @zackdreaver its fixed now! I just delete all inside my "msgstringtable.txt" and replace it with all text inside "[2013-08-07Ragexe]msgstringtable.txt" and it worked like a charm! you're a hero! its been a week trying to solve this! /no1


    btw, another question maybe you can help me again.. Im trying to put a custom item after following the video tutorial I still can't get it worked. when I use @ii it shows the correct information for the item but when I try to summon the item it shows different item .. what do you think is the issue?


    thank you!

  3. Hi guys,


    I am having a problem with my client.. my server is running good and actually I can connect to my server BUT local only.. but when I try to connect to the server through the internet, I can't connect.


    I already changed my char_ip:, map_ip: and my <address> x.x.x.x </address> to WAN IP. Port 6900, 6121 and 5121 are already forwareded by my router. <--- I already check those ports using canyouseeme.org and they are all open.


    Now, my problem is everytime I run my game the server says "Failed to connect to server".



    please guys! I want to host my server here in our house! I hope someone can help me.



    Thank you so much!

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