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About chewaw00

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  1. bump. badly want this help are much appreciated
  2. Hi guys can anyone help on converting this script from eathena to hercules script? here's the link from eathena http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=229144 I hope it's easy thank you very much guys
  3. Thank you so much for the help guys! couldn't have done it without your help. TYVM. Here's a screenie of what i've done
  4. I don't get the error anymore but here's my problem. I have equipped the item but the sprites doesnt show up on my character.
  5. i think there's something wrong with my accessoryid and name. my accessoryid for my custom item is "ACCESSORY_Tobi_Mask2 = 1200" is it case sensitive? or should i name it with my spritename? i see some all caps in the accessory id and some are not. So any ideas?
  6. tyvm! but i get this error when i wear my custom item. Any solution? ive been working on this all day like 14 hours now :'( just for the sake of 1 custom item on my server.
  7. is accessoryid and accname should be compile inside my Data/luafiles514/luafiles/datainfo folder? using grfbuilder? ty for quick reply
  8. Thanks! it worked! this is what ive been searching for the whole day. but when i equip the item, the sprite doesnt load on my character can you help me?
  9. Hi everyone, ive been wanting to create my custom item on my own server. all my problem now is about itemInfo.lub i cant recompile my idnum's to itemInfo.lub again, btw i used SeperateItemInfo by Dastgir. Are there any tools i can use to convert my idnum back to itemInfo.lub? Or are there any other way i can edit iteminfo so that i cant get any errors? Thanks in advance!
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