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Posts posted by thanna

  1. On 2/19/2022 at 11:39 PM, 4144 said:

    if you using mods, you can change any structs and add anything what you need. getFromMSD need only for plugins, because from plugin you cant change existing structs but can change only data

    Thank you sir, I am still learning on source and plugins but you answer does enlighten about getFromMSD.

  2. Good Day everyone, I dont know if this is the right place for this question, sorry if Im on the wrong section.

    While playing with the bodystyle on my pre-re server and adding sprites with the proper names on costume_1 the job sprites are working correctly with and without boarding halter but with the dragon mount it breaks the costume garment placement.

    With a dragon mount it breaks the placement of the costume garment.




    with or without halter it does work fine


    working.PNG.149ae18e65d721c98d7ecba74c035d12.PNG working2.PNG.598995925827500b25e1dd818e22f172.PNG


    This is not changebase its just bodystyle. can someone enlighten me about this issue.

    Thank you.

  3. Good Day Everyone,

    I would just like to ask about Thor Patcher self update. I think I got the correct settings which is listed below. when I try to run my old thor patcher exe i closes automatically but wont open again. Do i really have to open it manually? I do ask this question because before I think I managed to make it work and it does open automatically with the new skin. I am currently using Thor_Patcher[] version because the latest one I think is much worst than this version in terms of self-update.





    Thank you.

  4. 41 minutes ago, Kuroe said:

    mind telling your client's date?

    Hello there. Im using 2015-11-04aRagexe client.



    I manage to make it work. For everyone crashing on the item tag

    here is the fix


    local imagetag_front_startpos, imagetag_front_endpos = string.find(msg, [[<%s*image%s*=%s*"%d*"%s*>]]);
    Just replace the above line with the line below.
    local imagetag_front_startpos, imagetag_front_endpos = string.find(msg, [[<%s*image%s*=%s*\"%d*\"%s*>]]);

    Hope this helps everyone who are looking for the answer.

  5. So after researching for about 2 days now and concluded that 3999 is the is the max mob id for my client 2015-11-04aRagexe, So I made some custom mobs on the vacant ID's the problem is when the id is below 3970 the mob is too big when spawned. 3971 and above is fine until 3998.

    here is an example of the mob. I also check it on act editor/sprite editor and the size is just normal.






  6. Actually by default ma'am the quest is already loaded with the asheraf luafiles. I just edited it to work on my needs.


    Here is the code ma'am

    DivideQuest_List = {
    		[80000] = { 
    				NPCFromName = [[Guide]],
    				NPCFromMap = [[auda_city1]],
    				NPCFromSpr = [[8W_SOLDIER]],
    				NPCFromX = 208,
    				NPCFromY = 219,
    				NPCToName = [[King of Midgard]],
    				NPCToMap = [[auda_city1]],
    				NPCToSpr = [[4_M_RUSKING]],
    				NPCToX = 201,
    				NPCToY = 258,
    				Item = [[]],
    				PrizeItem = [[]],
    				Title = [[Meeting the King of Midgard]],
    				Info = [[Meet the King of Midgard so he could brief you about the current situation.]],
    				QuickInfo  = [[]],
    				Hunt1= [[]],
    				Hunt2= [[]],
    				Hunt3= [[]],
    				Time = [[0]],
    				LV = [[0]],
    		[80001] = { 
    				NPCFromName = [[Combat Instructor Vino]],
    				NPCFromMap = [[iz_ac01]],
    				NPCFromSpr = [[4_M_NOV_HUNT]],
    				NPCFromX = 59,
    				NPCFromY = 83,
    				NPCToName = [[Combat Instructor Vino]],
    				NPCToMap = [[iz_ac01]],
    				NPCToSpr = [[4_M_NOV_HUNT]],
    				NPCToX = 59,
    				NPCToY = 83,
    				Item = [[< image = "909">Jellopy<\end> (5)]],
    				PrizeItem = [[]],
    				Title = [[Jellopy is Delicious..]],
    				Info = [[Creative Ventura School, We use an important ingredient which is called Jellopy, Get 5 Jellopy and Kill 10 Porings(Can be found on west field of izlude) then come back to Vino]],
    				QuickInfo  = [[]],
    				Hunt1 = [[< link = "PORING">Poring<\end> x 10 ]],
    				Hunt2= [[]],
    				Hunt3= [[]],
    				Time = [[0]],
    				LV = [[0]],


  7. 1 hour ago, AnnieRuru said:

    I do have 2017-05-17aRagexeRE, and I couldn't even make the npc sprite shows up


    it reads client/data/questid2display.txt, though, so I don't think npc sprite or navigation system are supported <-- correct me if I'm wrong

    client stuff isn't really my thing ...
    can you show me how you get the item thing shows up ? on this ... outdated quest log system ...
    because newer ones like 2018 only read 1 file and its more flexible

    The asheraf lua files maam is modified by sir dastgir that includes a modified QuestLuaFileList.lub that reads the localquest/local_dividequest_list.lub

    This is the original link maam Annie


  8. 3 hours ago, AnnieRuru said:

    try extract your KRO's data.grf and read the format
    or maybe post it here .... so we could solve the mystery together ....

    which file does it read ? my sample quest log script ...
    0.3 says its client/data/questid2display.txt
    1.0 says its client\system\OngoingQuestInfoList_Sakray.lub


    and why some people still using outdated hexed KRO...

    Hello Miss Annie.

    Im using Asheraf data folder. Along with sir dastgir's custom quest on event tab. The quest is attached below maam.

    Its reading the questid2display.txt maam along with the quest folder inside luafiles. My eyes burn T_T took me so much time to google and try other lubs.

    Thank you.


  9. Good Day Ma'am/Sir,

    Im trying to figure out the Quest Log window. Everything is working fine except when a quest got an item requirement or attachment something like the image below. even with the ItemPrize it would stop responding automatically. I am using asheraf quest lua/lub (because this is the only lub file that shows me the quest) and my client is 2015-11-04aRagexe



    Thank you in advance. I really need your help 😟

  10. On 1/9/2016 at 4:31 PM, Dastgir said:

    Hello Community,


    Yesterday, I was trying to make Quest Appear on other TAB's and result was successful.




    Here's a Guide:




    You need 2 files, local_XYZquest_list and l_XYZ_list and in the folders as mentioned below:

    Add Following lines to questluafilelist.lub(at end of file) without EXTENSIONS as mentioned below:



    local_dastgirquest_list.lub(Sample Files, Modify to your needs):

    LOCAL_DastgirQuest_List = {
    		name = [[Dastgir Custom  Quests]],
    		imagefile = [[ep_test_sample.bmp]],
    		list = {
    				name  =	[[Novice]],
    				list = {
    						name =[[Test1]],
    						scrfilename = [[DastgirQuest]],
    						questID = 1019,
    						name =[[Test2]],
    						scrfilename = [[DastgirQuest]],
    						questID = 1017,
    				name  =	[[Quests 11~25]],
    				list = {
    						name =[[11-15]],
    						scrfilename = [[DastgirQuest]],
    						questID = 1017,
    						name =[[16-20]],
    						scrfilename = [[DastgirQuest]],
    						questID = 1019,
    _G.QuestTable.add(LOCAL_DastgirQuest_List, "EVENT")


    It needs Following line at the bottom for compulsary


    _G.QuestTable.add(LOCAL_XYZQuest_List, "TAB")

    where TAB's are


    Replace LOCAL_XYZQuest_List with Table name at top of this file...


    l_dastgir_list.lub(Sample File, Modify to your needs):

    DastgirQuest_List = {
    	[1019] = {
    		NPCFromName = [[Dastgir]],
    		NPCFromMap = [[new_1-1]],
    		NPCFromSpr = [[4_M_01]],
    		NPCFromX = 63,
    		NPCFromY = 53,
    		NPCToName = [[Dastgir]],
    		NPCToMap = [[prontera]],
    		NPCToSpr = [[4_M_01]],
    		NPCToX = 86,
    		NPCToY = 84,
    		Item = [[]],
    		PrizeItem = [[]],
    		Title = [[Event QuestInfo ]],
    		Info = [[Testing the Event.]],
    		QuickInfo = [[QuickInfo.]],
    		Hunt1 = [[]],
    		Hunt2 = [[]],
    		Hunt3 = [[]],
    		Time = [[0]],
    		LV = [[0]],
    	[1017] = {
    		NPCFromName = [[Dastgir-1]],
    		NPCFromMap = [[prontera]],
    		NPCFromSpr = [[4_BRICKPILE]],
    		NPCFromX = 84,
    		NPCFromY = 123,
    		NPCToName = [[Dastgir-2]],
    		NPCToMap = [[payon]],
    		NPCToSpr = [[4_BOARD3]],
    		NPCToX = 76,
    		NPCToY = 114,
    		Item = [[]],
    		PrizeItem = [[]],
    		Title = [[Event QuestInfo ]],
    		Info = [[Testing the Event.]],
    		QuickInfo = [[QuickInfo.]],
    		Hunt1 = [[Alarm]],
    		Hunt2 = [[]],
    		Hunt3 = [[]],
    		Time = [[0]],
    		LV = [[0]],

    In this file too, you need Following line in the end


    where XYZQuest_List is table_name(mentioned in first line of this file), (Please see the quotes)



    and that's it. put it into your GRF, and it will work



    NOTE: Many Functions are modified, so you would need quest_function.lub provided in the repository





    Please Don't Remove credits in the quest_function file...

    Good Day Sir,

    I followed the instruction but I got errors. below are the errors that Im having. I think I got a problem with this file

    because the link is dead. would you mind sir if you can give me a copy.

    I hope you can help me out.

    Thank you.



  11. 3 minutes ago, AnnieRuru said:

    I was using 2018-06-20Re when I wrote Sample Questlog script


    the newer quest window, edit the file -> client\system\OngoingQuestInfoList_Sakray.lub
    supports navigation system, including <itemlink>

    	[49908] = {
    		Title = "Poring Problem",
    		IconName = "ico_lq.bmp",
    		Description = {
    			"Poring has invaded Prontera town last night",
    			"Help out the town by killing them.",
    			"Submit to the <NAVI>Guard<INFO>prontera,147,28,</INFO></NAVI> when finished."
    		Summary = "Kill 10 Porings",
    		NpcSpr = "8W_SOLDIER",
    		RewardEXP = "1000",
    		RewardJEXP = "1000",

    NpcSpr is the npc sprite
    monster sprite ... no idea ... after all you can have multiple target mobs in 1 single quest

    Thank you very much miss annie.

  12. Good Day everyone,

    I have been googling and searching in here and on the wiki but there is not much info about the quest window. The thing is how can I show the sprite of the npc/monster on the quest window? please see attached for example.

    Thanks in advance guys and more power.


  13. Good Day Everyone,

    My client is working perfectly but there is one thing that is bothering me a little . Everytime I open my client I am ask by windows to allow my exe to make changes on my device. But I know how to remove it manually via the user account settings. But my question is, is there a way to make it automatically?

    Thank in advance.


  14. 6 hours ago, melv0 said:

    i use DO on live server and it's good i compare with linode and digital ocen


    4 hours ago, Myriad said:

    Digital Ocean is better than Linode and vultr for LA location...tried all three in LA server, linode and vultr really sucked from my experience.

    LA, San Francisco, Silicon Valley (pretty much anywhere West Coast USA) are all good locations for Asian players if you want to also have good connection for USA players. I've had reports of anywhere from 150-220 ping for SEA based players for west coast host.

    Hello Guys, Actually I got my eyes on DO but they don't offer any DDOS protection. is firewall enough to avoid DDOS attacks? base on my experience before which players that I got are not that good and they will do what they can to do harm on the server.

  15. Good Day everyone,

    After being out of the game for quite some time. I finally got the drive to move forward again and make a new server. but something is bothering me. Its the hosting, my choices are OVH and Digital Ocean. Im from the Philippines (SEA), Somehow cheaper servers are hosted far for example LA, Just wanna ask if whats the best server that I can get not in Asia that have a stable latency which I can connect and other players from other countries specially US because my friends are there.

    Thank you.

  16. Shared hosting often does not support connections to outgoing ports(required to check status of server), also, having vps for web server means you have full authority to customise as you want and you would be fully responsible for security related things, be sure to have tight security as well.


    Hello Sir just wanna ask, does DO have a anti ddos protection or I am the one responsible for that? I think its very expensive if I am not going for the shared hosting. But I prefer my own unmanage VPS.

  17. You can buy a vps on DO then a shared hosting in any hosting company you want. Allow your shared hosting IP in your mysql server in vps and also allow remote access in your mysql server.




    Good Day Everyone,


    I'm planning to get a hosting service at DO but I got this question on the back of my mind. If I applied for a VPS should I get a webhost on them too or I will use the VPS as my webhost also. My point is I don't want to much stress on my VPS. I hope someone can enlighten me.


    Thank you.


    More power Herc.ws


    I suggest always separate your website and server. Its not recommended to run them on the same machine unless  you are running on a dedicated server


    1 more thing mates, for example I bought 1 VPS on DO and decide to make a webhost also on DO because I want DO to handle my server and my webhost. Is that possible? I'll make the other VPS to be my webhost. 

  18. Good Day Everyone,


    I'm planning to get a hosting service at DO but I got this question on the back of my mind. If I applied for a VPS should I get a webhost on them too or I will use the VPS as my webhost also. My point is I don't want to much stress on my VPS. I hope someone can enlighten me.


    Thank you.


    More power Herc.ws

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