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Posts posted by pixel

  1. Okay i have


    prontera,155,180,5 script somenpc 89,{

    do something bla bla bla;

    callfunc "somefunc";



    function script somefunc {



    announce "blabla",bc_map,0x00cc00;



    announce "blabla 10 seconds",bc_map,0x00cc00;



     please ignore my syntax i write it on fast hand, in real script it's have tabs, etc and server do not warning or telling about any wrong in my script. 


    My problem:

    initnpctimer do not triggered. Where is the problem?


    not work;


    not work too!


    Help me. 


    So Initnpctimer in functions is possbile to trigger or nope?


    In normal npc without function i can trigger initnpctimer and do some OnTimerxxxx:

    Help me please:)

  2. I was ready many times official manual and docs about initnpctimer, stopnpctimer but i still cannot understand how it work.




    initnpctimer;     OnTimer10000:      announce "10 seconds to the whole map!",bc_map,0xcc00ff;      end;     OnTimer20000:     announce "20 seconds on map and i do something with characters",bc_map,0xcc00ff;     attachrid(somechar_ac_id); // example, not real variable just for example!     dosomething.... ;      attachrid(backtothemain_ac_id);     OnTimer25000:     announce "i done it after 25 seconds...",bc_map,0xff0099;     stopnpctimer;     end; 




    Can someone teach me by examples, etc about timers, where i wrong? How to use initnpctimer? 

    I need to write end; after initnpctimer? or just need to use initnpctimer alone, or with some label?

    When with after initnpctimer i write 'end'; i get script stop; But i need to do something OnTimer:

    When i remove end; my script have no delay, i mean i get all announces in < 1 second. No delay i mean...


    Teach me please by examples in different situations how to use initnpctimer, stopnpctimer, attaching players, can someone talk about attaching timers to players, i can attach one timer to one player right? How to attach same timer to few players? Etc.... help me:)


    Thank you a lot!

  3. I want to increase /taekwon ranker list, for example to 50 people. What i must to do? I cannot to find anything in sources to make it.

    Or the best way it's make taekwon ranker with only one complete mission.


    I kill 100 monsters from mission, i get 0 point.

    All taekwons have 0 points, all of them must be taekwon rankers.


  4. Thank you God for showing me Hercules.

    I no feel more pain caused by super bugged rathena + eamod.

    I now can increase perfomance of my server and include many unique features for my dear players.

    I can start to maniuplate by many things. I follow hercules till march, and always happy with each update.

    Thank you hercules community (not only to developers (do not shame)) for support so great emulator.


    Anyway, i think, hercules need more guides and other manuals how to build servers, for each hercules feature, list of the all features of hercules etc.



  5. Advanced logging feature details:

    1. each spell usage logged in database.
    2. each damage from spell loged too.
    3. Each spell show next information: who was use it, to who it used, and how much it used.

    Idea not fresh, and already added to another emulator. (eAmod);

  6. few questions:

    1. this tranlation project need just pack to grf, and it will work?
    2. i'm was use previosly old emulator + 2010 exe. so, data structure wass changed in 2012 exe? 
    3. Where is idum*.txt files with information of items? 

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