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About Brozan

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  1. Ran into another problem (which large amounts of googling has shown no answer to): It seems that all magic skills work fine, but any "weapon" type skill always misses regardless of range (presumably because it fails - NPCs can't have weapons).
  2. Nude worked! It was a stupid error though, character I was testing it on had Golden Thief Bug Card equipped. I appreciate your time though!
  3. Hi, I'm making an npc that casts skills on the player for the purposes of Reproduce/Plagiarism. The issue is that the NPC's skill always misses the player, so the attack doesn't connect. I've tried debuffing the player with sleep/freeze/stun to set flee to 0 but that still doesn't work. Can anyone help?
  4. Dastgir, that was the case. @mobinfo was giving me a false reading and changing that line solved the issue. Thank you!
  5. Perfect, that worked! I figured you could pick and choose which features were available, but I guess not. Thank you!
  6. I have set up my server but I can't disable Renewal EXP/Drop level penalties. I have commented out both lines in /src/config/renewal.h, recompiled the server many times, but when I type @mobinfo, it seems the exp and drop penalties are still in effect. What am I doing wrong? Could it just be the case that @mobinfo is giving me a false reading? Thanks in advance.
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