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About tapsilog05

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  1. Let me give it a try. What do you mean it doesn't look like default hercules? I'm using wampserver 2.5 by the way. But looks like I got the french version O.o thanks @@evilpuncker
  2. Basically, my problem is whenever I close all the 3 servers (char, map, login) and I reopened it again. All items, skills, job pts and job level are being wiped out. - items are gone - skills are back to 0 - job pts are back to 0 - job level back to 1 Although the Base Level, Job, and the last Headgear Sprite that the character wore before restarting all servers are still the same (Although not equiped and also wiped). Additionally, I'm getting the following warning messages on map_server: Does anyone know how I can fix this?
  3. The exception file didn't really fixed my problem. What I did was I created several dummy bmp files (map_info0, map_info1, map_viewon0, map_viewon1) that are being required by the client and place it under the path where it's locating the bmp files.
  4. Now that you mentioned it. Any map except the ones inside shops. Cool. Thanks bro
  5. I keep getting ResourceErrors whenever I'm @move/@jump/@go to a town. See bmp files not found below: map_info0.bmp map_info1.bmp map_viewon0.bmp map_viewon1.bmp The file is not availble in the translation project.
  6. tapsilog05

    Hi All

    Hi All, I'm from PH and have been a ragnarok player since the launching in 2003. I've been a lurker here for about a month now and just decided to join now. Cheers to Hercules, I've learned lots of stuff just by lurking. More Power guys.
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