uhm okay, I think I get how it works now but I'm not sure. I think it saves the data when the pvpeventstop func was called. here's my sample code, can i just use getmapusers to trigger the start/stop function? so it starts when someone enters and stops when arena is empty or is it better to use OnMinute etc? Thanks!
- script PVPEvent -1,{ end;OnInit:OnMinute00:OnMinute30: if( gettime(2) >= 0 && gettime(2) < 30 || gettime(2) >= 30 && gettime(2) < 59 ) goto OnStartPVPEvent; if( gettime(2) == 29 || gettime(2) == 59 ) goto OnStopPvPEvent; end;OnStartPVPEvent: initnpctimer; deletearray $pvpevent_reward[0],10; deletearray $pvpevent_id[0],10; deletearray $pvpevent_fame[0],10; deletearray $pvpevent_name$[0],10; set $pvpevent_count, 0; pvpeventstart; end;OnStopPVPEvent: stopnpctimer; pvpeventstop; end;OnPCKillEvent: pvpevent_addpoints 5; end;}