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Posts posted by Apacman

  1. Buen día a todos,

    Quería preguntarles cuál servicio de hosting me recomendarían, busco lo siguiente:
    - Emulador Hércules renewal (con opción a poder modificarlo en un futuro si es necesario, o cambiar a otro emulador [aunque siento que Hércules es mejor]).
    - Área: Latinoamérica y América del Sur.

    Lo que he leído en otros lados es que existen servicios que te hacen todo fácil pero a la larga cobran mucho, a diferencia de un servicio en el que debo preparar todo por mi cuenta pero ya tengo algo de experiencia en esto, mas aún así me preocupa estropearlo y perder algo de dinero.

    Espero su respuesta, de antemano gracias.



    // HEADER_CZ_SHORTCUTKEYBAR_ROTATE =  0xa01,struct PACKET_CZ_SHORTCUTKEYBAR_ROTATE {  /* this+0x0 */ short PacketType  /* this+0x2 */ char Rotate}

    should be a fun bit of learning for you :)

    hint: look in packets.h and clif.c

    at the pHotkey and how it does the clif_parse_hotkey


    Can someone make a PR for this?

    i'm not good at source edit :(


    thank you


    Any solution to this? I don't have a packets.h or I can't find it on my server folder.

    This is what I have in my clif.c

    /// Sends hotkey bar./// 02b9 { <is skill>.B <id>.L <count>.W }*27 (ZC_SHORTCUT_KEY_LIST)/// 07d9 { <is skill>.B <id>.L <count>.W }*36 (ZC_SHORTCUT_KEY_LIST_V2, PACKETVER >= 20090603)/// 07d9 { <is skill>.B <id>.L <count>.W }*38 (ZC_SHORTCUT_KEY_LIST_V2, PACKETVER >= 20090617)void clif_hotkeys_send(struct map_session_data *sd) {#ifdef HOTKEY_SAVING	const int fd = sd->fd;	int i;	int offset = 2;#if PACKETVER < 20090603	const int cmd = 0x2b9;#elif PACKETVER < 20141022	const int cmd = 0x7d9;#else	const int cmd = 0xa00;	offset = 3;#endif	if (!fd) return;	WFIFOHEAD(fd, offset + MAX_HOTKEYS * 7);	WFIFOW(fd, 0) = cmd;	for(i = 0; i < MAX_HOTKEYS; i++) {		WFIFOB(fd, offset + 0 + i * 7) = sd->status.hotkeys[i].type; // type: 0: item, 1: skill		WFIFOL(fd, offset + 1 + i * 7) = sd->status.hotkeys[i].id; // item or skill ID		WFIFOW(fd, offset + 5 + i * 7) = sd->status.hotkeys[i].lv; // item qty or skill level	}	WFIFOSET(fd, packet_len(cmd));#endif}/// Request to update a position on the hotkey bar (CZ_SHORTCUT_KEY_CHANGE)./// 02ba <index>.W <is skill>.B <id>.L <count>.Wvoid clif_parse_Hotkey(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {#ifdef HOTKEY_SAVING	unsigned short idx;	struct s_packet_db* info = &packet_db[sd->packet_ver][RFIFOW(fd,0)];	idx = RFIFOW(fd, info->pos[0]);	if (idx >= MAX_HOTKEYS) return;	sd->status.hotkeys[idx].type = RFIFOB(fd,info->pos[1]);	sd->status.hotkeys[idx].id = RFIFOL(fd, info->pos[2]);	sd->status.hotkeys[idx].lv = RFIFOW(fd, info->pos[3]);#endif}

    Also please take in mind I changed the Character slots in Accounts so players have 5 pages of characters (15 character slots in total)

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