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Everything posted by windston

  1. Yes, I would reply to his topic but its on rAthena and alas its still down.
  2. Hello, I am using a PVP script but it does not count deaths when a player dies. Does anyone have any idea why this is? - script Versus -1,{OnInit://--Configurationset .System, 1; //Toggle PvP System (0:Disable|1:Enable)set .ServerType, 1; //Are you using TXT or SQL? (0:TXT|1:SQL)set .GMLevel, 90; //GM levels above or equal this level will be ignored by the systemsetarray .PvPMap$[0], "All"; //List all pvp maps here (Index 0:"All" to enable all maps)//PvP Ladderset .Top, 10; //What is the length of the list?set .Reset, 2; //Allow players to reset their PvP statistics? (0:Disable|1:Zeny|2:Cashpoint|3:Skull)set .ZenyFee, 0; //How much zeny you want to charge to reset their pvp stat?set .CashFee, 1000; //How much cashpoint you want to charge to reset their pvp stat?set .SkullFee, 1000; //How much skull you want to charge to reset their pvp stat?set .AnnouncerFee, 2000; //How much cashpoint per announcer? (DotA announcer is set as default)//Reward Setting (Every Kill)set .MaxZeny, 1000000000; //What is the max zeny of the server?set .Zeny, 0; //Earn zeny each kill? (0:Disable)set .Cash, 0; //How much #CASHPOINT every kill? (0:Disable)set .Skull, 1; //Collect player's skull each kill? (0:Disable|1:Enable)setarray .ItemID[0], 0; //Get items each kill? (0:Disable)setarray .Amount[0], 0; //How many items per kill?//Penalty Settingset .Feed, 10; //How many kills before feeding is called? (10:Recommended)set .Penalty, 1; //What is the penalty for the feedee? (0:Disable|1:Kill Rollback|2:Server Kick|3:Server Block)set .Kick, 0; //Who to kick? (0:Feedee|1:Feeder|2:Both)set .Rollback, 10; //How many times should the kill count rollback when feeding is called? (10:Recommended)//Announcer Settingset .Broadcast, 0; //Where do you want to broadcast? (0:bc_all|1:bc_map)set .Streak, 1; //Show number of killing streak in broadcast? e.g. Ghost is Beyond Godlike(8)set .Multiple, 1; //Show number of multiple kill in broadcast? e.g. Makizushi just got an Ownage(5)set .Nemesis, 1; //Show number of nemesis in broadcast? e.g. Epoque is owning Jguy(9)set .Feeder, 1; //Show number of feed in broadcast? e.g. Cookies is feeding `KeiKun(10)set .RandomKillWord, 1; //Randomize the kill words? e.g. Arcenciel "Kill Word" jTynne (0:Disable|Default:"pwned")setarray .KillWord$[0], "pwned", "killed", "disintegrated", "neutralized"; //Enable above setting for this to work//Broadcast Color | See HexTable: http://johncfish.com/bggallery/otherchart/hextable.gifset .KColor$, "0xFFFF00"; //Kill Broadcast Color | e.g. Jguy pwned Mercurial set .KSColor$, "0xFFFF00"; //Killing Streak Broadcast Color | e.g. jTynne is on a Killing Spreeset .MKColor$, "0x33FF00"; //Multiple Kill Broadcast Color | e.g. Mercurial just got a Double Killset .ESColor$, "0xFF0000"; //End Streak Broadcast Color | e.g. BrianL just ended Jguy's Killing Spreeset .NMColor$, "0x0099FF"; //Nemesis Broadcast Color | e.g. Xazax is owning Cookiesset .PBColor$, "0xFF0000"; //Payback Broadcast Color | e.g. Makizushi just have a payback againts lilcooldude69set .FDColor$, "0xFF00CC"; //Feeder Broadcast Color | e.g. Cookies is feeding Z3R0//--Warning: Critical Setting | Killing Streaks and Multiple Kills Announcersetarray .KSDotA$[0], "is on a Killing Spree", "is Dominating", "has a Mega-Kill", "is Unstoppable", "is Wicked Sick", "has a M-m-m-m....Monster Kill", "is Godlike", "is Beyond Godlike";setarray .KSHoN$[0], "is a Serial Killer", "is an Ultimate Warrior", "is Legendary", "is on an Onslaught!", "is Savage Sick", "is Dominating", "has a Bloodbath", "is Immortal"; //Took out #9. Champion of Newearthsetarray .MKDotA$[0], "just got a Double Kill", "just got a Triple Kill", "just got an Ultra Kill", "is on a Rampage", "is Owning his enemies";setarray .MKHoN$[0], "just got a Double Tap", "just got a Hat Trick", "just got an Quad Kill", "annihilated his enemies", "just got a Genocide";setarray .ESDotA$[0], "Killing Spree", "Dominating", "Mega-Kill", "Unstoppable", "Wicked Sick", "Monster Kill", "Godlike", "Beyond Godlike";setarray .ESHoN$[0], "Serial Killer", "Ultimate Warrior", "Legendary", "Onslaught", "Savage Sick", "Dominating", "Bloodbath", "Immortal"; //Took out #9. Champion of Newearthsetarray .EMDotA$[0], "Double Kill", "Triple Kill", "Ultra Kill", "Rampage", "Ownage";setarray .EMHoN$[0], "Double Tap", "Hat Trick", "Quad Kill", "Annihilation", "Genocide";//--Warning: Fail Safe | Do Not Touchif(.System > 1){ set .System, 1; }if(.System < 0){ set .System, 0; }if(.ServerType > 1){ set .ServerType, 1; }if(.ServerType < 0){ set .ServerType, 0; }if(.GMLevel > 99){ set .GMLevel, 99; }if(.GMLevel < 0){ set .GMLevel, 0; }if((.PvPMap$[0] == "ALL")||(.PvPMap$[0] == "ALl")||(.PvPMap$[0] == "AlL")||(.PvPMap$[0] == "aLL")||(.PvPMap$[0] == "aLl") || (.PvPMap$[0] == "alL")){ setarray .PvPMap$[0], "All"; }if(.Ladder > 1){ set .Ladder, 1; }if(.Ladder < 0){ set .Ladder, 0; }if(.Top < 0){ set .Top, 0; }if(.Reset > 3){ set .Reset, 0; }if(.Reset < 0){ set .Reset, 0; }if((.Reset == 1)&&(.ZenyFee <= 0)){ set .Reset, 0; }if((.Reset == 1)&&(.ZenyFee >= .MaxZeny)){ set .Reset, 0; }if((.Reset == 2)&&(.CashFee <= 0)){ set .Reset, 0; }if((.Reset == 3)&&(.SkullFee <= 0)){ set .Reset, 0; }if(.Zeny > .MaxZeny){ set .Zeny, 0; }if(.Zeny < 0){ set .Zeny, 0; }if(.Cash < 0){ set .Cash, 0; }if(.Broadcast > 1){ set .Broadcast, 1; }if(.Broadcast < 0){ set .Broadcast, 0; }if(.Feed < 1){ set .Feed, 0; }if(.Penalty > 3){ set .Penalty, 3; }if(.Penalty < 1){ set .Penalty, 0; }if(.Rollback < 1){ set .Rollback, 0; }if(.Streak > 1){ set .Streak, 1; }if(.Streak < 1){ set .Streak, 0; }if(.Multiple > 1){ set .Multiple, 1; }if(.Multiple < 1){ set .Multiple, 0; }if(.Nemesis > 1){ set .Nemesis, 1; }if(.Nemesis < 0){ set .Nemesis, 0; }if(.Feeder > 1){ set .Feeder, 1; }if(.Feeder < 1){ set .Feeder, 0; }if(.RandomKillWord > 1){ set .RandomKillWord, 1; }if(.RandomKillWord < 0){ set .RandomKillWord, 0; }end;OnPCKillEvent:if(.System){if(getgmlevel() >= .GMLevel){ end; }if(.PvPMap$[0] != "All"){ for(set .@i, 0; .@i < (getarraysize(.PvPMap$) - 1); set .@i, .@i + 1){ if(strcharinfo(3) != .PvPMap$[.@i]){ end; } }}if((@nm == .Feed) && (.Penalty)){callsub OnClearData; switch(.Penalty){ case 0: break; case 1: callsub OnRollback; break; case 2: callsub OnRollback; if(.Kick == 0){ atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); } if(.Kick == 1){ atcommand "@kick "+rid2name(killedrid); } if(.Kick == 2){ atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); atcommand "@kick "+rid2name(killedrid); } break; case 3: callsub OnRollback; if(.Kick == 0){ atcommand "@block "+strcharinfo(0); } if(.Kick == 1){ atcommand "@block "+rid2name(killedrid); } if(.Kick == 2){ atcommand "@block "+strcharinfo(0); atcommand "@block "+rid2name(killedrid); } break; default: break; }}if(@nm < .Feed){ if(.Zeny && ((Zeny + .Zeny) < .MaxZeny)){ set Zeny, Zeny + .Zeny; } if(.Cash){ dispbottom "[Point System] +1 Kill Point"; set #CASHPOINT, #CASHPOINT + .Cash; } if(.Skull){ getnameditem 7420, rid2name(killedrid); } for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.ItemID); set .@i, .@i + 1){ if(.ItemID){ getitem .ItemID[.@i], .Amount[.@i]; }}}if(.RandomKillTerm){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" "+.KillWord$[rand(0, getarraysize(.KillWord$) - 1)]+" "+rid2name(killedrid)+"'s head", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .KColor$; } else { announce strcharinfo(0)+" pwned "+rid2name(killedrid)+"'s head", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .KColor$; }set Kill, Kill + 1; if(@ks < 10){ set @ks, @ks + 1; }if(@mk < 6){ set @mk, @mk + 1; } if(!NemesisKilled){ set NemesisKilled, killedrid; }if(NemesisKilled == killedrid){ set @nm, @nm + 1; }deltimer "Versus::OnMKReset"; addtimer 18000, "Versus::OnMKReset"; callsub OnRecordStreak; callsub OnAnnounce; callsub OnDeath;end;} end;OnPCDieEvent:if(.System){if(getgmlevel() >= .GMLevel){ end; }if(.PvPMap$[0] != "All"){ for(set .@i, 0; .@i < (getarraysize(.PvPMap$) - 1); set .@i, .@i + 1){ if(strcharinfo(3) != .PvPMap$[.@i]){ end; } set Death, Death + 1; }}} end;OnPCLogoutEvent:if(.System){if(getgmlevel() >= .GMLevel){ end; }if((.ServerType) && (Kill)){ query_sql("REPLACE INTO `pvp_rank` (`char_id`, `account_id`, `char`, `kill`, `death`, `kdr`, `killingstreak`, `multikill`, `nemesiskill`, `feedcount`,`killingspree`, `dominating`, `megakill`, `unstoppable`, `wickedsick`, `monsterkill`, `godlike`, `beyondgodlike`, `doublekill`, `triplekill`, `ultrakill`, `rampage`, `ownage`) VALUES ("+getcharid(0)+","+getcharid(3)+", '"+rid2name(getcharid(3))+"', "+Kill+", "+Death+", '"+callfunc("KDR_Calc", Kill, Death)+"', "+KillingStreak+", "+MultiKill+", "+NemesisKill+", "+FeedCount+", "+KillingSpree+", "+Dominating+", "+MegaKill+", "+Unstoppable+", "+WickedSick+", "+MonsterKill+", "+Godlike+", "+BeyondGodlike+", "+DoubleKill+", "+TripleKill+", "+UltraKill+", "+Rampage+", "+Ownage+")"); }if(.PvPMap$[0] != "All"){ for(set .@i, 0; .@i < (getarraysize(.PvPMap$) - 1); set .@i, .@i + 1){ if(strcharinfo(3) != .PvPMap$[.@i]){ end; } }}callsub OnClearData; deltimer "Versus::OnMKReset";} end;OnRecordStreak:if(@ks > 2){ set KillingStreak, KillingStreak + 1; switch(@ks){ case 0: case 1: case 2: break; case 3: set KillingSpree, KillingSpree + 1; break; case 4: set Dominating, Dominating + 1; break; case 5: set MegaKill, MegaKill + 1; break; case 6: set Unstoppable, Unstoppable + 1; break; case 7: set WickedSick, WickedSick + 1; break; case 8: set MonsterKill, MonsterKill + 1; break; case 9: set Godlike, Godlike + 1; break; case 10: set BeyondGodlike, BeyondGodlike + 1; break; default: break; }}if(@mk > 1){ set MultiKill, MultiKill + 1; switch(@mk){ case 0: case 1: break; case 2: set DoubleKill, DoubleKill + 1; break; case 3: set TripleKill, TripleKill + 1; break; case 4: set UltraKill, UltraKill + 1; break; case 5: set Rampage, Rampage + 1; break; case 6: set Ownage, Ownage + 1; break; default: break; }}if((@nm > 3) && (@nm < .Feed)){ set NemesisKill, NemesisKill + 1; }if(@nm >= .Feed){ set FeedCount, FeedCount + 1;}return;OnAnnounce:if((@ks == 1) && (#FirstBlood == 1)){ if(#Announcer == 0){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" drew first blood", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .KSColor$; } if(#Announcer > 1){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" got bloodlust", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .KSColor$; } set #FirstBlood, 0; soundeffectall ""+#Announcer+"_KS"+1+".wav", 0, strcharinfo(3);}if(@ks > 2){ if(#Announcer == 0){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" "+.KSDotA$[@ks - 3]+" "+((.Streak)?"("+@ks+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .KSColor$; } if(#Announcer > 1){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" "+.KSHoN$[@ks - 3]+" "+((.Streak)?"("+@ks+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .KSColor$; } soundeffectall ""+#Announcer+"_KS"+@ks+".wav", 0, strcharinfo(3);}if(@mk > 1){ if(#Announcer == 0){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" "+.MKDotA$[@mk - 2]+" "+((.Multiple)?"("+@mk+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .MKColor$; } if(#Announcer > 1){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" "+.MKHoN$[@mk - 2]+" "+((.Multiple)?"("+@mk+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .MKColor$; } sleep2 1500; soundeffectall ""+#Announcer+"_MK"+@mk+".wav", 0, strcharinfo(3);}if((@nm > 3) && (@nm < .Feed)){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" is owning "+rid2name(NemesisKilled)+" "+((.Nemesis)?"("+@nm+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .NMColor$; sleep2 2000; if(#Announcer > 0){ soundeffectall #Announcer+"_Nemesis.wav", 0, strcharinfo(3); } else { soundeffectall "1_Nemesis.wav", 0;}}if(@nm >= .Feed){ announce rid2name(NemesisKilled)+" is feeding "+strcharinfo(0)+" "+((.Feeder)?"("+@nm+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .FDColor$; sleep2 1500; soundeffectall "Feeder.wav", 0, strcharinfo(3);} return;OnDeath:if(@ks > 2){ if(#Announcer == 0){ announce rid2name(killedrid)+" just ended "+strcharinfo(0)+"'s "+.ESDotA$[@ks - 3]+" "+((.Streak)?"("+@ks+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .ESColor$; } if(#Announcer > 1){ announce rid2name(killedrid)+" just ended "+strcharinfo(0)+"'s "+.ESHoN$[@ks - 3]+" "+((.Streak)?"("+@ks+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .ESColor$; }}if(@nm > 3){ soundeffectall #Announcer+"_Payback.wav", 0, rid2name(killedrid); announce rid2name(killedrid)+" just have a payback againts "+strcharinfo(0)+" "+((.Nemesis)?"("+@nm+")":"")+"", ((.Broadcast)?bc_all:bc_map), .PBColor$;}attachrid(killedrid); callsub OnClearData;return;OnMKReset: set @mk, 0; end;OnClearData: sleep2 3000; set NemesisKilled, 0; set @ks, 0; set @mk, 0; set @nm, 0; return;OnRollback:if(.Zeny){ set Zeny, Zeny - (.Zeny * .Rollback); }if(.Cash){ dispbottom "[Point System] -"+(.Cash * .Rollback)+" Kill Point"; set #CASHPOINT, #CASHPOINT - (.Cash * .Rollback); }if(.Skull){ delitem 7420, .Rollback; }for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.ItemID); set .@i, .@i + 1){ if(.ItemID){ delitem .ItemID[.@i], .Amount[.@i] * .Rollback; }}if((Kill - .Rollback) > 0){ set Kill, Kill - .Rollback; } else { set Kill, 0; }if((KillingSpree - 1) > 0){ set KillingSpree, KillingSpree - 1; } else { set KillingSpree, 0; }if((Dominating - 1) > 0){ set Dominating, Dominating - 1; } else { set Dominating, 0; }if((MegaKill - 1) > 0){ set MegaKill, MegaKill - 1; } else { set MegaKill, 0; }if((Unstoppable - 1) > 0){ set Unstoppable, Unstoppable - 1; } else { set Unstoppable, 0; }if((WickedSick - 1) > 0){ set WickedSick, WickedSick - 1; } else { set WickedSick, 0; }if((MonsterKill - 1) > 0){ set MonsterKill, MonsterKill - 1; } else { set MonsterKill, 0; }if((Godlike - 1) > 0){ set Godlike, Godlike - 1; } else { set Godlike, 0; }if((BeyondGodlike - 1) > 0){ set BeyondGodlike, BeyondGodlike - 1; } else { set BeyondGodlike, 0; }if((DoubleKill - 1) > 0){ set DoubleKill, DoubleKill - 1; } else { set DoubleKill, 0; }if((TripleKill - 1) > 0){ set TripleKill, TripleKill - 1; } else { set TripleKill, 0; }if((UltraKill - 1) > 0){ set UltraKill, UltraKill - 1; } else { set UltraKill, 0; }if((Rampage - 1) > 0){ set Rampage, Rampage - 1; } else { set Rampage, 0; }if((Ownage - 1) > 0){ set Ownage, Ownage - 1; } else { set Ownage, 0; }if((NemesisKill - (.Rollback - 3)) > 0){ set NemesisKill, NemesisKill - (.Rollback - 3); } else { set NemesisKill, 0; }announce "[Anti-Feed] Your kill count has been rollbacked "+.Rollback+" times.",bc_self,0xFF0000;return;}job3_rune02,33,33,4 script Loki 467,{mes "[Loki]"; mes "What can I do for you today?";switch(select("Player Ranking:PvP Statistic:Announcer Setting")){case 1: //Player Ranking next; if(getvariableofnpc(.ServerType, "Versus")){ mes "[Top "+getvariableofnpc(.Top, "Versus")+" PvP Players]"; mes "^0000FFKill^000000 | ^FF0000Death^000000 | ^FF22FFKDR^000000 | ^00FF00SK^000000 | ^666666MK^000000"; query_sql "SELECT `char`, `kill`, `death`, `kdr`, `killingstreak`, `multikill` FROM `pvp_rank` ORDER BY `pvp_rank`.`kill` DESC LIMIT "+getvariableofnpc(.Top, "Versus")+"", .@char$, .@kill, .@death, .@kdr$, .@sk, .@mk; for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@char$); set .@i, .@i + 1){ mes .@i+1+". "+.@char$[.@i]+" ^0000FF"+.@kill[.@i]+"^000000 ^FF0000"+.@death[.@i]+"^000000 ^FF22FF"+.@kdr$[.@i]+"^000000 ^00FF00"+.@sk[.@i]+"^000000 ^666666"+.@mk[.@i]+"^000000 "; } close; } else { mes "Top "+getvariableofnpc(.Top, "Versus")+" ranking is not yet implemented for this server type."; }case 2: //PvP Statistic next; mes strcharinfo(0)+"'s PvP Statistic"; mes "^666666Kill:^000000 "+Kill+" ^666666Death:^000000 "+Death+" ^666666KDR:^000000 "+callfunc("KDR_Calc", Kill, Death)+"^000000"; mes "^666666Killing Streak:^000000 "+KillingStreak+" ^666666Multi-Kills:^000000 "+MultiKill+""; switch(select("Killing Streak:Multi-Kill Streak:Nemesis Streak:"+(getvariableofnpc(.Reset, "Versus")?"Reset":"")+"")){ case 1: //Killing Streak next; setarray .LSDotA$[0], ""+KillingSpree+"", ""+Dominating+"", ""+MegaKill+"", ""+Unstoppable+"", ""+WickedSick+"", ""+MonsterKill+"", ""+Godlike+"", ""+BeyondGodlike+""; mes "Killing Streak Stats"; switch(#Announcer){ case 0: for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.LSDotA$); set .@i, .@i + 1){ mes "^666666"+getvariableofnpc(.ESDotA$[.@i], "Versus")+"^000000: "+ .LSDotA$[.@i]; } close; default: for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.LSDotA$); set .@i, .@i + 1){ mes "^666666"+getvariableofnpc(.ESHoN$[.@i], "Versus")+"^000000: "+ .LSDotA$[.@i]; } close; } close; case 2: //Multi-Kill next; setarray .LMDotA$[0], ""+DoubleKill+"", ""+TripleKill+"", ""+UltraKill+"", ""+Rampage+"", ""+Ownage+""; mes "Multi-Kill Stats"; switch(#Announcer){ case 0: for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.LMDotA$); set .@i, .@i + 1){ mes "^666666"+getvariableofnpc(.EMDotA$[.@i], "Versus")+"^000000: "+ .LMDotA$[.@i]; } close; default: for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.LMDotA$); set .@i, .@i + 1){ mes "^666666"+getvariableofnpc(.EMHoN$[.@i], "Versus")+"^000000: "+ .LMDotA$[.@i]; } close; } case 3: //Nemesis next; mes "Nemesis Stat"; mes "^666666Nemesis Kill^000000: "+NemesisKill; mes "^666666Feed Count^000000: "+FeedCount; close; case 4: //Reset Stat next; set .Reset, getvariableofnpc(.Reset, "Versus"); set .ZenyFee, getvariableofnpc(.ZenyFee, "Versus"); set .CashFee, getvariableofnpc(.CashFee, "Versus"); set .SkullFee, getvariableofnpc(.SkullFee, "Versus"); mes "[Loki]"; mes "Are you sure you want to reset your PvP Statistics?"; if(.Reset == 1){ mes "^FF0000Reset Fee:^000000 "+.ZenyFee+" Zeny"; } if(.Reset == 2){ mes "^FF0000Reset Fee:^000000 "+.CashFee+" Kill Point"; } if(.Reset == 3){ mes "^FF0000Reset Fee:^000000 "+.SkullFee+" Skull"; } switch(select("No:Yes")){ case 1: close; case 2: switch(.Reset){ case 0: break; case 1: if(Zeny < .ZenyFee){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "You don't have enough Zeny."; close; } set Zeny, Zeny - .ZenyFee; break; case 2: if(#CASHPOINTS < .CashFee){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "You don't have enough Kill Point."; close; } set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .CashFee; break; case 3: if(countitem(7420) < .SkullFee){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "You don't have enough Skull."; close; } delitem 7420, .SkullFee; break; default: break; } if(getvariableofnpc(.ServerType, "Versus")){ query_sql "DELETE FROM `pvp_rank` WHERE `pvp_rank`.`char_id` = "+getcharid(0)+""; } callsub OnPvPReset; announce "[Loki] Your PvP Statistic has been reset.",bc_self,0xFF0000; close; } close; }close;case 3: //Announcer Setting next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "What kind of announcer you want to use?"; if(getvariableofnpc(.AnnouncerFee, "Versus")){ set .AnnouncerFee, getvariableofnpc(.AnnouncerFee, "Versus"); } L_Announce: switch(select(""+((#Announcer == 0)?"^FF0000DotA^000000":"DotA")+":"+((#Announcer == 1)?"^FF0000HoN^000000":"HoN")+":"+((#Announcer == 2)?"^FF0000Ms. Pudding^000000":"Ms. Pudding")+":"+((#Announcer == 3)?"^FF0000Flamboyant^000000":"Flamboyant")+":"+((#Announcer == 4)?"^FF0000English^000000":"English")+":"+((#Announcer == 5)?"^FF0000Balls of Steel^000000":"Balls of Steel")+":"+((#Announcer == 6)?"^FF0000BreakyCPK^000000":"BreakyCPK")+"")){ case 1: //DotA if(#Announcer == 0){ goto L_Announce; } soundeffect "0_KS1.wav", 0; set #Announcer, 0; announce "[Loki] DotA announcer has been configured to your account.",bc_self,0xFF0000; close; case 2: //HoN if(#Announcer == 1){ goto L_Announce; } if((.AnnouncerFee) && (!#Hon)){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "Do you want to purchase HoN announcer for "+.AnnouncerFee+" Kill Point?"; switch(select("No:Yes")){ case 1: close; case 2: if(#CASHPOINTS < .AnnouncerFee){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "You don't have enough Kill Point."; close; } set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .AnnouncerFee; set #Hon, 1; } } soundeffect "1_KS1.wav", 0; set #Announcer, 1; announce "[Loki] HoN announcer has been configured to your account.",bc_self,0xFF0000; close; case 3: //Ms. Pudding if(#Announcer == 2){ goto L_Announce; } if((.AnnouncerFee) && (!#MsPudding)){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "Do you want to purchase Ms. Pudding announcer for "+.AnnouncerFee+" Kill Point?"; switch(select("No:Yes")){ case 1: close; case 2: if(#CASHPOINTS < .AnnouncerFee){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "You don't have enough Kill Point."; close; } set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .AnnouncerFee; set #MsPudding, 1; } } soundeffect "2_KS1.wav", 0; set #Announcer, 2; announce "[Loki] Ms. Pudding announcer has been configured to your account.",bc_self,0xFF0000; close; case 4: //Flamboyant if(#Announcer == 3){ goto L_Announce; } if((.AnnouncerFee) && (!#Flamboyant)){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "Do you want to purchase Flamboyant announcer for "+.AnnouncerFee+" Kill Point?"; switch(select("No:Yes")){ case 1: close; case 2: if(#CASHPOINTS < .AnnouncerFee){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "You don't have enough Kill Point."; close; } set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .AnnouncerFee; set #Flamboyant, 1; } } soundeffect "3_KS1.wav", 0; set #Announcer, 3; announce "[Loki] Flamboyant announcer has been configured to your account.",bc_self,0xFF0000; close; case 5: //English if(#Announcer == 4){ goto L_Announce; } if((.AnnouncerFee) && (!#English)){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "Do you want to purchase English announcer for "+.AnnouncerFee+" Kill Point?"; switch(select("No:Yes")){ case 1: close; case 2: if(#CASHPOINTS < .AnnouncerFee){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "You don't have enough Kill Point."; close; } set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .AnnouncerFee; set #English, 1; } } soundeffect "4_KS1.wav", 0; set #Announcer, 4; announce "[Loki] English announcer has been configured to your account.",bc_self,0xFF0000; close; case 6: //Balls of Steel if(#Announcer == 5){ goto L_Announce; } if((.AnnouncerFee) && (!#BallsofSteel)){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "Do you want to purchase Balls of Steel announcer for "+.AnnouncerFee+" Kill Point?"; switch(select("No:Yes")){ case 1: close; case 2: if(#CASHPOINTS < .AnnouncerFee){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "You don't have enough Kill Point."; close; } set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .AnnouncerFee; set #BallsofSteel, 1; } } soundeffect "5_KS1.wav", 0; set #Announcer, 5; announce "[Loki] Balls of Steel announcer has been configured to your account.",bc_self,0xFF0000; close; case 7: //BreakyCPK if(#Announcer == 6){ goto L_Announce; } if((.AnnouncerFee) && (!#BreakyCPK)){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "Do you want to purchase BreakyCPK announcer for "+.AnnouncerFee+" Kill Point?"; switch(select("No:Yes")){ case 1: close; case 2: if(#CASHPOINTS < .AnnouncerFee){ next; mes "[Loki]"; mes "You don't have enough Kill Point."; close; } set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .AnnouncerFee; set #BreakyCPK, 1; } } soundeffect "6_KS1.wav", 0; set #Announcer, 6; announce "[Loki] BreakyCPK announcer has been configured to your account.",bc_self,0xFF0000; close; default: close; }end; }close; OnPvPReset:set Kill, 0;set Death, 0;set KillingStreak, 0; set MultiKill, 0;set KillingSpree, 0;set Dominating, 0;set MegaKill, 0;set Unstoppable, 0;set WickedSick, 0;set MonsterKill, 0;set Godlike, 0;set BeyondGodlike, 0;set DoubleKill, 0;set TripleKill, 0;set UltraKill, 0;set Rampage, 0;set Ownage, 0;set NemesisKill, 0;set FeedCount, 0;return;}//Ghost's KDR Algorithmfunction script KDR_Calc {if(!getarg(1)) { debugmes "Error in KDR function, getarg(1) invalid value"; return 0; } // [Lighta]if(getarg(0) >= getarg(1)){ if(getarg(1)){ set .@i, getarg(0)/getarg(1); if((getarg(0)%getarg(1)) == 0){ return .@i+".00"; } set .@j, (getarg(0)%getarg(1))*100/getarg(1); return .@i+"."+.@j; } else { return getarg(0)+".00"; }}if(getarg(0) < getarg(1)){ if(getarg(0)){ set .@i, (getarg(0)*10)/getarg(1); set .@j, ((getarg(0)*10)%getarg(1))*10/getarg(1); return "0."+.@i +.@j; } else { return "0.00"; } }}
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