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Found 3 results

  1. Version 1.0


    This is a cursor modification I made for ragnarok, following the thoughts and feeling of my past works, I've created this with the intention of innovating the feeling of the game without letting the design break the game visual with a big gap in style. Some pieces are made from other mmos such as maplestory for example ( and some others I cant remember right now ) I've got some files backed up and lost others due to lost data on my old computer(it's an old project) so it's a little hard to deal modifications from the feedback, but i'll do my best. A lot of people came asking for this cursor over PM and Posts, glad you guys asked for it, otherwise I would let this project on the shelf, enjoy guys ;] RAN OUT OF IDEAS FOR THE NAME! cYA
  2. File Name: raPalooza's Cursor File Submitter: raPalooza~ File Submitted: 24 May 2016 File Category: Sprites & Palettes This is a cursor modification I made for ragnarok, following the thoughts and feeling of my past works, I've created this with the intention of innovating the feeling of the game without letting the design break the game visual with a big gap in style. Some pieces are made from other mmos such as maplestory for example ( and some others I cant remember right now ) I've got some files backed up and lost others due to lost data on my old computer(it's an old project) so it's a little hard to deal modifications from the feedback, but i'll do my best. A lot of people came asking for this cursor over PM and Posts, glad you guys asked for it, otherwise I would let this project on the shelf, enjoy guys ;] RAN OUT OF IDEAS FOR THE NAME! cYA Click here to download this file
  3. Wanna see something new into Ragnarok? Let's check my latest creation : Little Jump in Ragnarok ! Check it now : In this version you only can jump with Inser on the keyboard (usually used for sitting), that's why I don't release this now. I dream that one day I can put it on space or another one keyboard button. Can I get some review?
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