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Found 10 results

  1. goddameit


    File Name: BOT File Submitter: goddameit File Submitted: 10 Mar 2014 File Category: Source Modifications Refer: http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2551-autoattack/ http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2826-autopots/ Preview: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=774591642560012 https://www.facebook.com/fanen.goddameit/posts/774573372561839 https://www.facebook.com/fanen.goddameit/posts/773655365986973 Info: This system will make player auto-attack when they active this SC. Player can put some skill and item to their hotkeys for controlling something, for example, if I put fly wing to my F1, and it will use it for teleporting. Hotkeys: F1 ---> Fly wing F2 ---> Teleport (Skill) F3 ~ F7 ---> buff skill for yourself F8 ---> Main attacking skill F9 ---> Second chosen skill Line 2 1st ---> Item for HP (Lower 80%) Line 2 2nd ---> Item for SP (Lower 80%) http://i.imgur.com/v3rBXjc.jpg Active: sc_start4 SC_BOT,<Duration>,<Use Normal Attack>,0,0,0; Forced End:sc_end SC_BOT; Sample for ONOFF:@boton ---> start @botoff \ @botend ---> end http://pastebin.com/VEpkVF9i PS: If everything is right, but BOT still not working, check your SC_BOT definition in db/const.txt and status.h, both must be same value. For New Version Hercules Users : path->search is updated and it needs block_list now, so just add it by yourself. http://herc.ws/board/topic/4821-bot/?p=67769 Update: Click here to download this file
  2. This system will give title (by @fakename) to who is on the list automatically. Preview: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Download: Script GD_PK_TITLE_2.txt (info) GD_PK_TITLE.txt SQL http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=g2qTV36N ----------------------------------------------------------------- Command: @delpktitle for clean the datebase @refhpktile for refresh the datebase ----------------------------------------------------------------- Setting: Define this rank is top 2 of killer set .SP_RANK,2;Define system will give "[MVP]" to top 1 player function GETTILE { switch(getarg(0,0)) { case 1: return "[MVP]"; default: return ""; } }
  3. Version v.3


    Refer: http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2551-autoattack/ http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2826-autopots/ Preview: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=774591642560012 https://www.facebook.com/fanen.goddameit/posts/774573372561839 https://www.facebook.com/fanen.goddameit/posts/773655365986973 Info: This system will make player auto-attack when they active this SC. Player can put some skill and item to their hotkeys for controlling something, for example, if I put fly wing to my F1, and it will use it for teleporting. Hotkeys: F1 ---> Fly wing F2 ---> Teleport (Skill) F3 ~ F7 ---> buff skill for yourself F8 ---> Main attacking skill F9 ---> Second chosen skill Line 2 1st ---> Item for HP (Lower 80%) Line 2 2nd ---> Item for SP (Lower 80%) http://i.imgur.com/v3rBXjc.jpg Active: sc_start4 SC_BOT,<Duration>,<Use Normal Attack>,0,0,0; Forced End: sc_end SC_BOT; Sample for ON\OFF: @boton ---> start@botoff \ @botend ---> end http://pastebin.com/VEpkVF9i PS: If everything is right, but BOT still not working, check your SC_BOT definition in db/const.txt and status.h, both must be same value. Update:
  4. Version 1


    Preview: http://gfycat.com/OffbeatThirdFox Info: After using NPC for setting date, it will rewrite your vending list, so you can put more item.
  5. Version v.1


    Info : http://goo.gl/RXACXL Preview :
  6. In this video, you can see I get different bonus on same item (both item-id are 1101) after I change something in database, so you can set what you like on each equipment. Download: code --- randombonus.patch sql --- http://pastebin.com/ais6Tbt9 sample script --- http://pastebin.com/a64JSGv1 How to use: 1. add special command into your item_dbcallfunc "RandomBonusFunc", getuniqueid(); http://i.imgur.com/7kzDdsn.png 2.Modify script to what you like http://i.imgur.com/x1eL0T3.jpg Refer: script4each
  7. File Name: Forcibly Strip File Submitter: goddameit File Submitted: 23 Jul 2013 File Category: Source Modifications Info : http://goo.gl/RXACXL Preview : -------------------------------------------------------------------- Click here to download this file
  8. Update old work from rAthean and fix some things. (Now you can free walking without being stopped on each hit) Preview : http://gfycat.com/PlushBewitchedBabirusa Download : Critical-Magic.patch
  9. File Name: Bigger Vending File Submitter: goddameit File Submitted: 26 Feb 2015 File Category: Source Modifications Preview: http://gfycat.com/OffbeatThirdFox Info: After using NPC for setting date, it will rewrite your vending list, so you can put more item. Click here to download this file
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