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  1. Hello guys, I was wonder how can i set up walls with the barricade monster? just like the BG ones but for something else i wanna create! example: I found out in the BG Conquest script, the format of the Barricade is similar to what im trying to create with my script. ill block Passageways with the barricades and the player needs to knock each wall down to progress. Is it possible to have the barricade counted? Ex: dispbottom "There are (x) amount of barricades left"; Also is it possible to add a Emperium & when that Emperium is broken, A monster spawns? I know its possible i just dont know how to do it. But i can get this part on my own i think - But im more seeking help on the barricades~ Cause i tried doing it myself manipulating the ( SetWall & bg_monster) but i havent had any luck yet! Thanks in advanced guys ~
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