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Found 4 results

  1. Hye, Can I request. If player get MVP card from killed MVP, there will be announcement. For example ?
  2. File Name: Card Recolors File Submitter: zackdreaver File Submitted: 20 Mar 2015 File Category: Sprites & Palettes Hello, this is my custom recolors for Card, I hope you like it. How to use, simply rename the color you want to : À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå.spr À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå.bmp Click here to download this file
  3. Version 1


    Hello, this is my custom recolors for Card, I hope you like it. How to use, simply rename the color you want to : À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå.spr À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå.bmp
  4. item_db.txt [cbox]item_db: ( /****************************************************************************** ************* Entry structure ************************************************ ****************************************************************************** { // =================== Mandatory fields =============================== Id: ID (int) AegisName: "Aegis_Name" (string, optional if Inherit: true) Name: "Item Name" (string, optional if Inherit: true) // =================== Optional fields ================================ Type: Item Type (int, defaults to 3 = etc item) Buy: Buy Price (int, defaults to Sell * 2) Sell: Sell Price (int, defaults to Buy / 2) Weight: Item Weight (int, defaults to 0) Atk: Attack (int, defaults to 0) Matk: Magical Attack (int, defaults to 0, ignored in pre-re) Def: Defense (int, defaults to 0) Range: Attack Range (int, defaults to 0) Slots: Slots (int, defaults to 0) Job: Job mask (int, defaults to all jobs = 0xFFFFFFFF) Upper: Upper mask (int, defaults to any = 0x3f) Gender: Gender (int, defaults to both = 2) Loc: Equip location (int, required value for equipment) WeaponLv: Weapon Level (int, defaults to 0) EquipLv: Equip required level (int, defaults to 0) EquipLv: [min, max] (alternative syntax with min / max level) Refine: Refineable (boolean, defaults to true) View: View ID (int, defaults to 0) BindOnEquip: true/false (boolean, defaults to false) Script: <" Script (it can be multi-line) "> OnEquipScript: <" OnEquip Script (can also be multi-line) "> OnUnequipScript: <" OnUnequip Script (can also be multi-line) "> // =================== Optional fields (item_db2 only) ================ Inherit: true/false (boolean, if true, inherit the values that weren't specified, from item_db.conf, else override it and use default values) }, ******************************************************************************/ { Id: 4582 AegisName: "Bungisngis_Card" Name: "Bungisngis Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 769 Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,getrefine()/2; "> }, { Id: 4583 AegisName: "Engkanto_Card" Name: "Engkanto Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 769 Script: <" bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Poison,30; bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_Plant,30; "> }, { Id: 4584 AegisName: "Manananggal_Card" Name: "Manananggal Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 2 Script: <" bonus bSPDrainValue,1; bonus bMaxSPrate,-1; "> }, { Id: 4585 AegisName: "Mangkukulam_Card" Name: "Mangkukulam Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 16 Script: <" bonus bMaxSPrate,10; bonus bHPGainValue,-666; "> }, { Id: 4586 AegisName: "Tikbalang_Card" Name: "Tikbalang Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 769 Script: <" bonus bMatk,10; bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Wind,5; if(getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Wind,5; } "> }, { Id: 4587 AegisName: "Tiyanak_Card" Name: "Tiyanak Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 136 Script: <" bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,12; bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Fish,12; bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Brute,12; "> }, { Id: 4588 AegisName: "Wakwak_Card" Name: "Wakwak Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 4 Script: <" bonus bBaseAtk,5*(readparam(bStr)/10); "> }, { Id: 4589 AegisName: "Jejeling_Card" Name: "Jejeling Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 4 Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,200*(readparam(bVit)/10); "> }, { Id: 4590 AegisName: "Bangungot_Card" Name: "Bangungot Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 16 Script: <" bonus bInt,4; bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"NPC_WIDESLEEP",3,2500,BF_MAGIC,0; "> }, { Id: 4591 AegisName: "Bakonawa_Card" Name: "Bakonawa Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 16 Script: <" bonus bStr,4; bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Bleeding,2000; "> }, { Id: 4592 AegisName: "Buwaya_Card" Name: "Buwaya Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 16 Script: <" bonus bVit,4; bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"NPC_WIDESTONE",3,2500,BF_MAGIC,0; "> }, )[/cbox] cardprefixnametable.txt [cbox]//malaya 4582#Endurance# 4583#Of poisonous weeds# 4584#Vampire# 4585#Of Curse# 4586#Wind# 4587#Slasher# 4588#Of Powerful# 4589#Of Reach# 4590#Of Lethargy# 4591#Of Blood# 4592#Of Chemical#[/cbox] cardpostfixnametable.txt [cbox]// 2013 malaya! 4583# 4585# 4588# 4589# 4590# 4591# 4592#[/cbox] iteminfo.lub [cbox] [4582] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Card", unidentifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Each 2 refine, MHP + 1%.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Headgear^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, identifiedDisplayName = "Bungisngis Card", identifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Each 2 refine, MHP + 1%.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Headgear^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 }, [4583] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Card", unidentifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Increase damage on Poison property monsters by 30%.", "Ignores 30% of Plant monster's Defense Rate.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Headgear^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, identifiedDisplayName = "Engkanto Card", identifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Increase damage on Poison property monsters by 30%.", "Ignores 30% of Plant monster's Defense Rate.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Headgear^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 }, [4584] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Card", unidentifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Regain 1 SP with each attack.", "MSP - 1%.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Weapon^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, identifiedDisplayName = "Manananggal Card", identifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Regain 1 SP with each attack.", "MSP - 1%.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Weapon^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 }, [4585] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Card", unidentifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Increases Maximun SP + 10%.", "Drain 666 HP each time an enemy is killed.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Armor^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, identifiedDisplayName = "Mangkukulam Card", identifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Increases Maximun SP + 10%.", "Drain 666 HP each time an enemy is killed.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Armor^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 }, [4586] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Card", unidentifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "MATK + 10, increases damage of wind element magic attacks by 5%.", "If the upgrade level is 9 or higher, add an additional 5% wind element magic attacks.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Headgear^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, identifiedDisplayName = "Tikbalang Card", identifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", identifiedDescriptionName = { "MATK + 10, increases damage of wind element magic attacks by 5%.", "If the upgrade level is 9 or higher, add an additional 5% wind element magic attacks.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Headgear^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 }, [4587] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Card", unidentifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Add a Critical Rate + 12 on Demi Human, Brute and Fish monsters.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Accessory^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, identifiedDisplayName = "Tiyanak Card", identifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Add a Critical Rate + 12 on Demi Human, Brute and Fish monsters.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Accessory^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 }, [4588] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Card", unidentifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Every 10 base STR, you gain + 5 ATK.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Garment^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, identifiedDisplayName = "Wakwak Card", identifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Every 10 base STR, you gain + 5 ATK.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Garment^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 }, [4589] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Card", unidentifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Every 10 base VIT, you gain + 200 HP.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Garment^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, identifiedDisplayName = "Jejeling Card", identifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Every 10 base VIT, you gain + 200 HP.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Garment^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 }, [4590] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Card", unidentifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "INT + 4, Adds a high chance of inflicting the Sleep status to the attacking enemy each time the wearer is magically attacked.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Armor^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, identifiedDisplayName = "Bangungot Card", identifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", identifiedDescriptionName = { "INT + 4, Adds a high chance of inflicting the Sleep status to the attacking enemy each time the wearer is magically attacked.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Armor^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 }, [4591] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Card", unidentifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "STR + 4, Adds a high chance of inflicting the Bleeding status to the attacking enemy each time the wearer is physically attacked.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Armor^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, identifiedDisplayName = "Bakonawa Card", identifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", identifiedDescriptionName = { "STR + 4, Adds a high chance of inflicting the Bleeding status to the attacking enemy each time the wearer is physically attacked.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Armor^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 }, [4592] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Card", unidentifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "VIT + 4, Adds a high chance of inflicting the Stone Curse status to the attacking enemy each time the wearer is magically attacked.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Armor^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, identifiedDisplayName = "Buwaya Card", identifiedResourceName = "À̸§¾ø´ÂÄ«µå", identifiedDescriptionName = { "VIT + 4, Adds a high chance of inflicting the Stone Curse status to the attacking enemy each time the wearer is magically attacked.", "Class: ^777777Card^000000", "Compound on: ^777777Armor^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 },[/cbox] original post from http://rathena.org/board/topic/89898-port-malaya-new-cards-11/ related topic http://herc.ws/board/topic/2867-is-this-new-cards-available-also-on-hercules/
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