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Found 3 results

  1. View File Stellar - FluxCP (Herc FluxCP) Stellar by HTML5 UP | @ajlkn | html5up.net Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license) Integrated to FluxCP (Hercules) by Hyvraine of Hyvraine Designs | facebook.com/HyvraineDesigns ================================ Ported this to FluxCP (Herc) as I was fiddling with responsive templates. It's semi-responsive, I think. FEATURES: WoE Countdown Top Guild Top Player (based on FluxCP's Character Ranking module) HOW TO INSTALL: This follows the default theme of FluxCP, it acts similar like Emphaino where it inherits the default FluxCP pages. Extract the RAR file in the themes folder. In application.php: make sure 'stellar' comes first and then 'default' next 'ThemeName' => array('stellar','default'), // Names of the themes you would like to use. Themes are in FLUX_ROOT/themes. First theme listed will be default theme. And you should be good to go. HOW TO EDIT: Site title is still dependent on the variable SiteTitle inside application.php. Edit index.php in stellar/main/ for the front page stuff. For the Favicon, Logo, Description, WoE Hours, Site Navigation, please visit settings.php for more instructions. Submitter Hyvraine Submitted 01/09/18 Category Web Resources  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Stellar by HTML5 UP | @ajlkn | html5up.net Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license) Integrated to FluxCP (Hercules) by Hyvraine of Hyvraine Designs | facebook.com/HyvraineDesigns ================================ Ported this to FluxCP (Herc) as I was fiddling with responsive templates. It's semi-responsive, I think. FEATURES: WoE Countdown Top Guild Top Player (based on FluxCP's Character Ranking module) HOW TO INSTALL: This follows the default theme of FluxCP, it acts similar like Emphaino where it inherits the default FluxCP pages. Extract the RAR file in the themes folder. In application.php: make sure 'stellar' comes first and then 'default' next 'ThemeName' => array('stellar','default'), // Names of the themes you would like to use. Themes are in FLUX_ROOT/themes. First theme listed will be default theme. And you should be good to go. HOW TO EDIT: Site title is still dependent on the variable SiteTitle inside application.php. Edit index.php in stellar/main/ for the front page stuff. For the Favicon, Logo, Description, WoE Hours, Site Navigation, please visit settings.php for more instructions.
  3. New Web Design for Coding YourRO III - Available For more info visit our official site: http://www.ro-services.com/downloads/yourro4-exclusive-web-design-fluxceres-integration/
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