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Found 4 results

  1. View File Stellar - FluxCP (Herc FluxCP) Stellar by HTML5 UP | @ajlkn | html5up.net Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license) Integrated to FluxCP (Hercules) by Hyvraine of Hyvraine Designs | facebook.com/HyvraineDesigns ================================ Ported this to FluxCP (Herc) as I was fiddling with responsive templates. It's semi-responsive, I think. FEATURES: WoE Countdown Top Guild Top Player (based on FluxCP's Character Ranking module) HOW TO INSTALL: This follows the default theme of FluxCP, it acts similar like Emphaino where it inherits the default FluxCP pages. Extract the RAR file in the themes folder. In application.php: make sure 'stellar' comes first and then 'default' next 'ThemeName' => array('stellar','default'), // Names of the themes you would like to use. Themes are in FLUX_ROOT/themes. First theme listed will be default theme. And you should be good to go. HOW TO EDIT: Site title is still dependent on the variable SiteTitle inside application.php. Edit index.php in stellar/main/ for the front page stuff. For the Favicon, Logo, Description, WoE Hours, Site Navigation, please visit settings.php for more instructions. Submitter Hyvraine Submitted 01/09/18 Category Web Resources  
  2. Version 1.1


    Modern Theme This theme is made specifically for nodecp only. Supported version is Version 1.0 and future versions. Maintained by me(Universe creator of nodecp). SFD Means, StaticFileDir meaning that this would work on apache and nginx. If you would like to know how to configure them, refer to our wiki By Downloading this File, you agree to: Not claim it as your own Sell this theme Redistribute it saying that you own it.
  3. View File Modern Theme - NodeCP [SFD Support] Modern Theme This theme is made specifically for nodecp only. Supported version is Version 1.0 and future versions. Maintained by me(Universe creator of nodecp). SFD Means, StaticFileDir meaning that this would work on apache and nginx. If you would like to know how to configure them, refer to our wiki By Downloading this File, you agree to: Not claim it as your own Sell this theme Redistribute it saying that you own it. Submitter Universe Submitted 06/06/19 Category Web Resources  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Stellar by HTML5 UP | @ajlkn | html5up.net Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license) Integrated to FluxCP (Hercules) by Hyvraine of Hyvraine Designs | facebook.com/HyvraineDesigns ================================ Ported this to FluxCP (Herc) as I was fiddling with responsive templates. It's semi-responsive, I think. FEATURES: WoE Countdown Top Guild Top Player (based on FluxCP's Character Ranking module) HOW TO INSTALL: This follows the default theme of FluxCP, it acts similar like Emphaino where it inherits the default FluxCP pages. Extract the RAR file in the themes folder. In application.php: make sure 'stellar' comes first and then 'default' next 'ThemeName' => array('stellar','default'), // Names of the themes you would like to use. Themes are in FLUX_ROOT/themes. First theme listed will be default theme. And you should be good to go. HOW TO EDIT: Site title is still dependent on the variable SiteTitle inside application.php. Edit index.php in stellar/main/ for the front page stuff. For the Favicon, Logo, Description, WoE Hours, Site Navigation, please visit settings.php for more instructions.
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