"If you're using NEMO v.2.0 or newer, it's pretty easy to do it when hexing your client. Just enable the three "Packet __ Key Encryption" patches, and input the desired values.
Then edit your src/map/packets.h, adding a line like this near the end of your file (replacing FIRSTKEY, SECONDKEY and THIRDKEY as appropriate):
// Add me before the '#endif /* _MAP_PACKETS_H */' line packetKeys(0xFIRSTKEY,0xSECONDKEY,0xTHIRDKEY);´
result is this:
#endif /* MAP_PACKETS_H */
Altermatively, if you don't want to edit source files, and you're compiling through ./configure and make, you can use the following (again, replace with your actual keys):
Hello dastgir sir,
disabled packet encryption < -- unchecked or unmarked @ nemo,,
i changed the packet keys of 2012-04-04 or 2012-02-07, i get it from http://www.robrowser.com/prototype/packet-keys/
and put them on trunk/src/map/packet.h
addition. i also did this
you're using NEMO v.2.0 or newer, it's pretty easy to do it when hexing
your client. Just enable the three "Packet __ Key Encryption" patches,
and input the desired values.
edit your src/map/packets.h, adding a line like this near the end of
your file (replacing FIRSTKEY, SECONDKEY and THIRDKEY as appropriate):
// Add me before the '#endif /* _MAP_PACKETS_H */' line
result is this:
if you don't want to edit source files, and you're compiling through
./configure and make, you can use the following (again, replace with
your actual keys):
./configure --with-key1=0xFIRSTKEY --with-key2=0xSECONDKEY --with-key3=0xTHIRDKEY
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