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Removing skills point in each transformation


Hello, I'm having a problem. When a player turn into another class and he has some skill points that he did not use, when he turn the next class, he cant lvl up the skill of it because he has to use all of the points of 1st first.


The script is:


//===== Hercules Script ======================================//= Mestra de Classes//===== By: ==================================================//= Euphy//===== Current Version: =====================================//= 1.4//===== Description: =========================================//= A fully functional job changer.//===== Additional Comments: =================================//= 1.1 Fixed reset on Baby job change. [Euphy]//= 1.2 Added Expanded Super Novice support and initial Kagerou/Oboro support. [Euphy]//= 1.3 Kagerou/Oboro added. [Euphy]//= 1.4 Improved legibility (renamed variables, replaced//      numbers with constants; Changed syntax to match//      Hercules standards; Fixed status point exploit upon//      Baby Novice job change. [Haru]//============================================================prontera,153,193,6	script	Mestra de Classes	2_F_MAGICMASTER,{	function Job_Menu; function A_An;	mes "[Mestra de Classes]";	if (Class > Job_Soul_Linker) {		mes "Sem mais profissões disponíveis.";		close;	}	if (checkfalcon() || checkcart() || checkmount() || hascashmount()) {		mes "Por favor, remova seu "+((checkfalcon())?"falcon":"")+((checkcart())?"cart":"")+((checkmount() || hascashmount())?"mount":"")		    +" antes de continuar.";		close;	}	if (.skill_point_check && SkillPoint > 0) {		mes "Please use all your skill points antes de continuar.";		close;	}	.@eac = eaclass();	.@base = .third_classes ? roclass(.@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK) : Class;	if (.@base >= Job_Knight && .@base <= Job_Crusader2) {		if (BaseLevel < .rebirth_blevel || JobLevel < .rebirth_jlevel) {			.@blvl = .rebirth_blevel - BaseLevel;			.@jlvl = .rebirth_jlevel - JobLevel;			mes "Você precisa "			    + (BaseLevel < .rebirth_blevel ? ((.rebirth_blevel - BaseLevel) +" mais leveis de base "+ (JobLevel < .rebirth_jlevel ? "and " : "")) : "")			    + (JobLevel < .rebirth_jlevel ? (.rebirth_jlevel - JobLevel) +" more job levels " : "")			    + "para continuar.";			close;		}		if (Class > Job_Crusader2) {			mes "Switch to third class?";			next;			Job_Menu(roclass(.@eac|EAJL_THIRD));			close;		}		while (true) {			mes "Selecione uma opção.";			next;			.@choice = select(" ~ ^0055FFRebornar^000000:"+(.third_classes ? " ~ ^FF0000Third Class^000000" : "")+": ~ ^777777Cancelar^000000");			if (.@choice == 3)				close;			mes "[Mestra de Classes]";			mes "Você tem certeza?";			next;			if (.@choice == 1)				Job_Menu(Job_Novice_High);			else				Job_Menu(roclass(.@eac|EAJL_THIRD));			mes "[Mestra de Classes]";		}	}	.@job1 = roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_1);	.@job2 = roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_2);	if ((.@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK) == EAJ_SUPER_NOVICE) {		.@newclass = roclass(.@eac|EAJL_THIRD);		.@required_jlevel = 99;	} else if (Class == Job_Ninja || Class == Job_Gunslinger) {		.@newclass = .@job1;		.@required_jlevel = 70;	}	if (.@newclass && .third_classes) {		if (BaseLevel < .rebirth_blevel || JobLevel < .@required_jlevel) {			mes "Você precisa "			    + (BaseLevel < .rebirth_blevel ? ((.rebirth_blevel - BaseLevel) +" mais leveis de base "+ (JobLevel < .@required_jlevel ? "e " : "")) : "")			    + (JobLevel < .@required_jlevel ? (.@required_jlevel - JobLevel) +" mais leveisq de job " : "")			    + "para continuar.";			close;		}		mes "Mudar para "+jobname(.@newclass)+"?";		next;		Job_Menu(.@newclass);		close;	}	if (.@eac&EAJL_2)		if (.@eac&(EAJL_UPPER|EAJL_BABY) || roclass(.@eac|EAJL_UPPER) == -1) {			mes "Sem mais profissões disponíveis.";			close;		}	if ((.@eac&EAJ_BASEMASK) == EAJ_NOVICE) {		if (JobLevel < .jobchange_first) {			mes "O level de job precisa ser "+.jobchange_first+" para se transformar na primeira classe.";		} else if (Class == Job_Novice_High && .linear_jobchange && lastJob) {			mes "Mudar de classe agora?";			next;			Job_Menu(roclass((eaclass(lastJob)&EAJ_BASEMASK)|EAJL_UPPER));		} else if (Class == Job_Novice) {			Job_Menu(Job_Swordman, Job_Mage, Job_Archer, Job_Acolyte, Job_Merchant, Job_Thief,			         Job_SuperNovice, Job_Taekwon, Job_Gunslinger, Job_Ninja, Job_Baby);		} else if (Class == Job_Novice_High) {			Job_Menu(Job_Swordman_High, Job_Mage_High, Job_Archer_High, Job_Acolyte_High, Job_Merchant_High, Job_Thief_High);		} else if (Class == Job_Baby) {			Job_Menu(Job_Baby_Swordman, Job_Baby_Mage, Job_Baby_Archer, Job_Baby_Acolyte, Job_Baby_Merchant, Job_Baby_Thief,			         Job_Super_Baby);		} else {			mes "Um erro ocorreu.";		}		close;	}	if (roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_1) == -1 || roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_2) == -1) {		mes "Sem mais profissões disponíveis.";	} else if (!(.@eac&EAJL_2) && JobLevel < .jobchange_second) {		mes "O level de job precisa ser "+.jobchange_second+" para se transformar na segunda classe.";	} else if (.linear_jobchange && lastJob && (.@eac&EAJL_UPPER)) {		mes "Mudar de classe agora?";		next;		Job_Menu(lastJob+Job_Novice_High);	} else {		Job_Menu(.@job1, .@job2);	}	close;function Job_Menu {	while (true) {		if (getargcount() > 1) {			mes "Selecione uma profissão.";			.@menu$ = "";			for (.@i = 0; .@i < getargcount(); ++.@i)				.@menu$ += " ~ "+jobname(getarg(.@i))+":";			.@menu$ += " ~ ^777777Cancelar^000000";			next;			.@newjob = getarg(select(.@menu$)-1, 0);			if (!.@newjob) close;			if ((.@newjob == Job_SuperNovice || .@newjob == Job_Super_Baby) && BaseLevel < .supernovice_level) {				mes "[Mestra de Classes]";				mes "O level de base precisa ser "+.supernovice_level+" para se transformar em "+jobname(.@newjob)+".";				close;			}			mes "[Mestra de Classes]";			mes "Você tem certeza?";			next;		} else {			.@newjob = getarg(0);		}		if (select(" ~ Se transformar em ^0055FF"+jobname(.@newjob)+"^000000: ~ ^777777"+(getargcount() > 1 ? "Voltar" : "Cancelar")+"^000000") == 1) {			mes "[Mestra de Classes]";			mes "Agora você é um/uma"+A_An(jobname(.@newjob))+"!";			if (.@newjob == Job_Novice_High && .linear_jobchange)				lastJob = Class; // Note: This is incompatible with the Valkyrie rebirth script.			jobchange .@newjob;			if (.@newjob == Job_Novice_High)				resetlvl(1);			if (.@newjob == Job_Baby) {				resetlvl(4);				SkillPoint = 0;			}			specialeffect2 EF_ANGEL2;			specialeffect2 EF_ELECTRIC;			if (.platinum)				callsub Get_Platinum;			close;		}		if (getargcount() == 1)			return;		mes "[Mestra de Classes]";	}	end;}function A_An {	setarray .@vowels$, "a", "e", "i", "o", "u";	.@firstletter$ = strtolower(charat(getarg(0), 0));	for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@vowels); ++.@i) {		if (.@vowels$[.@i] == .@firstletter$)			return " "+getarg(0);	}	return " "+getarg(0);}Get_Platinum:	skill NV_FIRSTAID, 1, 0;	if (BaseClass == Job_Novice) {		if (Class != Job_SuperNovice)			skill NV_TRICKDEAD, 1, 0;	} else if (BaseClass == Job_Swordman) {		skill SM_MOVINGRECOVERY, 1, 0;		skill SM_FATALBLOW, 1, 0;		skill SM_AUTOBERSERK, 1, 0;	} else if (BaseClass == Job_Mage) {		skill MG_ENERGYCOAT, 1, 0;	} else if (BaseClass == Job_Archer) {		skill AC_MAKINGARROW, 1, 0;		skill AC_CHARGEARROW, 1, 0;	} else if (BaseClass == Job_Acolyte) {		skill AL_HOLYLIGHT, 1, 0;	} else if (BaseClass == Job_Merchant) {		skill MC_CARTREVOLUTION, 1, 0;		skill MC_CHANGECART, 1, 0;		skill MC_LOUD, 1, 0;	} else if (BaseClass == Job_Thief) {		skill TF_SPRINKLESAND, 1, 0;		skill TF_BACKSLIDING, 1, 0;		skill TF_PICKSTONE, 1, 0;		skill TF_THROWSTONE, 1, 0;	}	if (BaseJob == Job_Knight) {		skill KN_CHARGEATK, 1, 0;	} else if (BaseJob == Job_Priest) {		skill PR_REDEMPTIO, 1, 0;	} else if (BaseJob == Job_Wizard) {		skill WZ_SIGHTBLASTER, 1, 0;	} else if (BaseJob == Job_Blacksmith) {		skill BS_UNFAIRLYTRICK, 1, 0;		skill BS_GREED, 1, 0;	} else if (BaseJob == Job_Hunter) {		skill HT_PHANTASMIC, 1, 0;	} else if (BaseJob == Job_Assassin) {		skill AS_SONICACCEL, 1, 0;		skill AS_VENOMKNIFE, 1, 0;	} else if (BaseJob == Job_Crusader) {		skill CR_SHRINK, 1, 0;	} else if (BaseJob == Job_Monk) {		skill MO_KITRANSLATION, 1, 0;		skill MO_BALKYOUNG, 1, 0;	} else if (BaseJob == Job_Sage) {		skill SA_CREATECON, 1, 0;		skill SA_ELEMENTWATER, 1, 0;		skill SA_ELEMENTGROUND, 1, 0;		skill SA_ELEMENTFIRE, 1, 0;		skill SA_ELEMENTWIND, 1, 0;	} else if (BaseJob == Job_Rogue) {		skill RG_CLOSECONFINE, 1, 0;	} else if (BaseJob == Job_Alchemist) {		skill AM_BIOETHICS, 1, 0;	} else if (BaseJob == Job_Bard) {		skill BA_PANGVOICE, 1, 0;	} else if (BaseJob == Job_Dancer) {		skill DC_WINKCHARM, 1, 0;	}	return;OnInit:	.rebirth_blevel = 99;    // Minimum base level to reborn OR change to third class	.rebirth_jlevel = 50;    // Minimum base job level to reborn OR change to third class	.jobchange_first = 10;   // Minimum job level to turn into 1st class	.jobchange_second = 40;  // Minimum job level to turn into 2nd class	.third_classes = 0;      // Enable third classes/Extended Classes? (1: yes / 0: no)	.supernovice_level = 45; // Minimum base level to turn into Super Novice	.linear_jobchange = 1;   // Enforce linear class changes? (1: yes / 0: no)	.skill_point_check = 0;  // Force player to use up all skill points? (1: yes / 0: no)	.platinum = 1;           // Get platinum skills automatically? (1: yes / 0: no)	end;}

How can i remove this points? Thankssss mates.

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You could go for different approaches, you also could simply check if the character used all his status points before beeing able to get to his nex class with: 

if( SkillPoint > 0 ) {mes "Please spend all your skill points first.";close;}

Weirdly though your npc has this check allready, but somehow it doesn't seem to trigger correctly, when you get the problem you wrote about.


SkillPoint allways holds the number of unused skill points of a character. You also can change SkillPoint by setting it to a different value.


You also could reset the status points after the job change so that they can be spent again:


Be careful with that though:

This command takes off all the skill points on the invoking character, so they only have Basic Skill blanked out (lvl 0) left, and returns the points for them to spend again. Nothing else will change but the skills. Quest skills will also reset if 'quest_skill_reset' option is set to Yes in 'battle.conf'. If the 'quest_skill_learn' option is set in there, the points in the quest skills will also count towards the total.
Edited by Winterfox

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So you raised your max blevel?

Put it 70 on 1st and 2nd class, and 120 for trans class






I got 70 as thief. I leveled all skill and i have 27 points left. When i turn assassin and tried to use the others 27 skills points, i got this message:


"Raise til 27 for skills of 1st"

Edited by criseleusis

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