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Send emblem in place of the clan


Well, I was creating a village function style anime Naruto and the part of registration is functioning normally, and maybe I'm not sure that the Emblem loading too, would this code here:


/*================================================== * Author: CreativeSD - Romulo de Sousa Mangueira * Description: Naruto Village. *-------------------------------------------------- */void vlgregemblem(int village_id){	struct village_data *vlgd = vlg->search(village_id);	char* data;	size_t len;	char* p;	int i;	if (vlgd == NULL)		return;	if (SQL_ERROR == SQL->Query(map->mysql_handle, "SELECT `emblem_len`, `emblem_id`, `emblem_data` FROM `village_system` WHERE `village_id`='%i'", village_id))	{		Sql_ShowDebug(map->mysql_handle);		return;	}	if (SQL_SUCCESS != SQL->NextRow(map->mysql_handle))	{		ShowDebug("Village ID (%i) does not exist!n", village_id);		return;	}	SQL->GetData(map->mysql_handle, 0, &data, &len); vlgd->emblem_len = atoi(data);	SQL->GetData(map->mysql_handle, 1, &data, &len); vlgd->emblem_id = atoi(data);	if ( !vlgd->emblem_len)	{		ShowInfo("Village ID (%i) has no emblem!n", village_id);		return;	}	SQL->GetData(map->mysql_handle, 2, &data, &len);	// convert emblem data from hexadecimal to binary	//TODO: why not store it in the db as binary directly? [ultramage]	for (i = 0, p = vlgd->emblem_data; i < vlgd->emblem_len; ++i, ++p)	{		if (*data >= '0' && *data <= '9')			*p = *data - '0';		else if (*data >= 'a' && *data <= 'f')			*p = *data - 'a' + 10;		else if (*data >= 'A' && *data <= 'F')			*p = *data - 'A' + 10;		*p <<= 4;		++data;		if (*data >= '0' && *data <= '9')			*p |= *data - '0';		else if (*data >= 'a' && *data <= 'f')			*p |= *data - 'a' + 10;		else if (*data >= 'A' && *data <= 'F')			*p |= *data - 'A' + 10;		++data;	}	return;}void read_village(void) {	vlg = &village_s;	struct village_data *vlgd;	SqlStmt* stmt = SQL->StmtMalloc(map->mysql_handle);	char name[NAME_LENGTH];	int village_id, hokage_id;	unsigned int counter = 0;	if (SQL_ERROR == SQL->StmtPrepare(stmt, "SELECT `village_id`, `name`, `hokage_id` FROM `village_system`")		|| SQL_ERROR == SQL->StmtExecute(stmt)		) {		SqlStmt_ShowDebug(stmt);		SQL->StmtFree(stmt);		return;	}	SQL->StmtBindColumn(stmt, 0, SQLDT_INT, &village_id, 0, NULL, NULL);	SQL->StmtBindColumn(stmt, 1, SQLDT_STRING, &name[0], sizeof(name), NULL, NULL);	SQL->StmtBindColumn(stmt, 2, SQLDT_INT, &hokage_id, 0, NULL, NULL);	ShowStatus("Initializing Village System Created by © Creative Services and Development.n");		vlg->vl_db = NULL;	vlg->vl_counter = 0;	vlg->search = village_search;	vlg->vl_db = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA);	while (SQL_SUCCESS == SQL->StmtNextRow(stmt)) {		vlg->vl_counter++;		CREATE(vlgd, struct village_data, 1);		vlgd->village_id = village_id;		vlgd->hokage_id = hokage_id;		safestrncpy(vlgd->name, name, sizeof(vlgd->name));		//memcpy(vlgd->emblem_data, emblem_data, emblem_len);		//vlgd->emblem_len = emblem_len;		//vlgd->emblem_id = emblem_id;		ShowInfo("Read Village (ID: %i, Hokage %i, Name %s).n", village_id, hokage_id, name);		idb_put(vlg->vl_db, vlg->vl_counter, vlgd);		//vlgregemblem(village_id);	}}
Through the system simulate fakename I can send the village name and clan in place of position and clan name, the more I suffer when sending clan badge.
Could someone tell me how to do this?

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