I want to modify the way the scaling works on these abilities. I plan to make an item that give the use extra levels of the skill.
10% > 14% > 17% > 19% > 20% extra damage. It becomes 20% at the maximum level 5. The problem though is that past the level 5 point it starts decreasing and becomes a penalty to damage if the skill level is high enough. What I want it to do is stop at 20%.
From Battle.c :
if (sc && sc->count) {
if(sc->data[sC_VOLCANO] && atk_elem == ELE_FIRE)
ratio += skill->enchant_eff[sc->data[sC_VOLCANO]->val1-1];
I want to modify the way the scaling works on these abilities. I plan to make an item that give the use extra levels of the skill.
10% > 14% > 17% > 19% > 20% extra damage. It becomes 20% at the maximum level 5. The problem though is that past the level 5 point it starts decreasing and becomes a penalty to damage if the skill level is high enough. What I want it to do is stop at 20%.
From Battle.c :
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