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Tbox summon


Can anyone teach me how to edit this is script?

i want it run every 3hrs...because this runs every hour


and why 2tcg will i get? 1 is drop in the ground and 1 for auto in my inventory..how to fix this bug?


it duplicates the tcg


// --- Exteria Ragnarok Online [ExRO] 's Property ---// ---   Please visit http://www.exteriaro.com    ---// ---           Scripted By: ARTHistic           ---// ---         Do Not Revomed the Credits         ---prontera,122,192,4	script	Treasure Box Summoner	856,{	mes "[ Treasure Hunt Event ]";	mes "Hello, I'm a new mage here in Midgard. Every hour, I tried to cast my summoning spells and there a chance that i can summon a Treasure Box that will give you items once you destroy it. I only cast my spell on main city and I immediately announce to everyone once I perfectly cast my spells. Anyways, I will give you a little hint...";        if( $@tboxevent == 0 ){        	mes "I ^ff0000failed^000000 to summoned the Treasure Box last time.^000000";	}else {        	mes "^I successfully summoned the Treasure Box last time.";	}	mes " ";	mes "Scripted by: ^777777ARTHistic^000000";	close;OnMinute00:	set $@tboxevent, rand(4);	if ( $@tboxevent != 0 ){		announce "Treasure Chest Event Manager: I perfectly cast my summoning skills.",0;		sleep2 5000;		announce "A rare Treasure Box will be spawned in 30 seconds at Prontera.",0;		sleep2 30000;		monster "prontera.gat",0,0,"Treasure Box",1845,1,"Treasure Box Summoner::OnTBoxKilled";		end;	}else {		announce "Treasure Chest Event Manager: I cast my summoning skills.",0;		end;	}	end;OnTBoxKilled:	announce "The rare Treasure Box has been founded and destroyed by "+strcharinfo(0)+"!", bc_all;	getitem 7227, 1;	end;}


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