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[WIP] AthenaMT

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Hello everyone,


today I wanna discuss my new project with you guys and want to get your opinions in return.


The project is a new Ragnarok Online Emulator, written from scratch. It's Multithreaded, Asynchronous, Shardable and written in C++11.


I'm pretty much at the beginning and therefore it's a good time to discuss some things while planning the program structure.


This is what is used by AthenaMT to fulfill some of the biggest issues:


Data Persistance



Data Cache



Interserver Messaging

Redis Pub/Sub


Network IO

Boost::ASIO (Multithreaded)


Custom Scripting



JSON / XML Parsing / Message Building



These are all dependencies for now, so you just need a newer C++11 compiler and additionally the newest Boost Framework and you can compile.


Right now we are working on the Account Server, which can hopefully be finished within this or next week.


We have an IRC Channel just like hercules has one, just join us on:

IRC Server: irc.rizon.netChannel: #AthenaMT


Our Repository is located on Github:




I would be very happy, if you could do suggestions and your opinions about this project.


Thank you very much for reading.



Edited by Shikazu

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Sounds pretty interesting. Did you consider MariaDB instead of MySQL?

It is a full open source alternative for MySQL that supports more DB Engines, activly developed and you don't need a Enterprise version for clustering and it is optimized for speed, which seems a important matter for you.


Edited by Winterfox

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I will have a look at it, thank you for the link :)


If there is a good driver implementation in c++ for it, it could really be interesting.

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A short update to this project. 


No it's not dead and i made some progress. I've got a working login server now and before im making more progress on that topic, there is another project which i would like to push forward.


Will make a post later about it, it's neccessary for me to make it a very good emulator :) 


Stay tuned.

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