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Build manager script (how do I get it to save/load skills as well)


Hi, I have this build manager I got from a friend.

The build only saves stats though.

Is there any way I we can make it save and load skills as well?


 -    script    Stats Manager    -1,{
function Get_Menu; function Save_Build; function Load_Build;
    set .@BuildCount,10;    // Number of builds to use
    set .@Save,0;    // Zeny required to save a build
    set .@Load,0;    // Zeny required to load a build
    set .@Rename,0;    // Zeny required to rename a build
    set .@MaxLevel,99;    // Maximum base level (to prevent stat overflow)
    if (BaseLevel < .@MaxLevel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You must be level "+.@MaxLevel+" to use this."; }
    while(1)switch(select("Reset Stats:Reset Skills:Save Build:Load Build:Rename Build:Cancel")) {
        case 1:
            message strcharinfo(0),"Stat reset done.";
        case 2:
            if (BaseLevel == 255 ){message strcharinfo(0),"Cannot skill reset if you're level 255";close;}
            if (Class == 4064){message strcharinfo(0),"Please unequip the `Mechanic's Headphones+`";close;}
            message strcharinfo(0),"Skill reset done.";
        case 3:
            if (.@Save) message strcharinfo(0),"It costs "+.@Save+" Zeny to save a build.";
            set .@Build, Get_Menu(.@BuildCount);
            if (Zeny<.@Save) { message strcharinfo(0),"Not enough Zeny."; break; }
            if (getd("Build_"+.@Build+"$")!="") {
                message strcharinfo(0),"Overwrite previous build #"+.@Build+"?";
                if(select("Save new build:Cancel")==2) break; }
            message strcharinfo(0),"Type a name for your build.";
            input getd("Build_"+.@Build+"n$");
            message strcharinfo(0),"Build #"+.@Build+" ("+getd("Build_"+.@Build+"n$")+") saved.";
            set Zeny, Zeny-.@Save;
        case 4:
            if (.@Load) message strcharinfo(0),"It costs "+.@Load+" Zeny to load a build.";
            set .@Build, Get_Menu(.@BuildCount);
            if (getd("Build_"+.@Build+"$")=="") {
                message strcharinfo(0),"No build info found."; break; }
            if (Zeny<.@Load) { message strcharinfo(0),"Not enough Zeny."; break; }
            message strcharinfo(0),"Build #"+.@Build+" loaded.";
            set Zeny, Zeny-.@Load;
        case 5:
            if (.@Rename) message strcharinfo(0),"It costs "+.@Rename+" Zeny to rename a build.";
            set .@Build, Get_Menu(.@BuildCount);
            if (getd("Build_"+.@Build+"$")=="") {
                message strcharinfo(0),"No build info found."; break; }
            if (Zeny<.@Rename) { message strcharinfo(0),"Not enough Zeny."; break; }
            message strcharinfo(0),"Type a new name for Build #"+.@Build+" ("+getd("Build_"+.@Build+"n$")+").";
            input getd("Build_"+.@Build+"n$");
            message strcharinfo(0),"Build #"+.@Build+" renamed.";
            set Zeny, Zeny-.@Rename;
        case 6:
            close; }
    function Get_Menu {
        set .@menu$,"";
        for(set .@i,1; .@i<=getarg(0); set .@i,.@i+1)
            set .@menu$, .@menu$+"Slot "+.@i+" ("+((getd("Build_"+.@i+"n$")=="")?"^777777empty":"^0055FF"+getd("Build_"+.@i+"n$"))+"^000000):";
        return select(.@menu$); }
    function Save_Build {
        set .@s$,"";
        for(set .@i,13; .@i<19; set .@i,.@i+1)
            set .@s$,.@s$+readparam(.@i)+"|";
        setd "Build_"+getarg(0)+"$", .@s$+StatusPoint;
        return; }
    function Load_Build {
        for(set .@i,0; .@i<6; set .@i,.@i+1)
            statusup2 (.@i+13), atoi(.@s$[.@i])-1;
        set StatusPoint, atoi(.@s$[6]);
        return; }


Build Manager.txt

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