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Clone AI


Hi, is there a way to make a clone mimic the player in basic attacks, skills and targets?

Apparently, changing the parameters of my mobdata *MyClone like MyClone->ud.target = sd->ud.target; and a lot more of variables like that are not helping: as soon as I attack something, the clone starts attacking and using random skills on the target indefenitely.


Some help and documentation would be really appreciated. I would also need for the mob to be able to copy Guild and Party names and graphical auras and effects, but I'm not sure if it would be possible.


The code I use as a base is the mob_clone_spawn at mob.c but for the lazy I'll leave it here

int mob_clone_spawn(struct map_session_data *sd, int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, const char *event, int master_id, int mode, int flag, unsigned int duration) {
	int class_;
	int i,j,h,inf, fd;
	struct mob_data *md;
	struct mob_skill *ms;
	struct mob_db* db;
	struct status_data *mstatus;


	if(pc_isdead(sd) && master_id && flag&1)
		return 0;

	ARR_FIND( MOB_CLONE_START, MOB_CLONE_END, class_, mob->db_data[class_] == NULL );
	if(class_ >= MOB_CLONE_END)
		return 0;

	db = mob->db_data[class_]=(struct mob_db*)aCalloc(1, sizeof(struct mob_db));
	mstatus = &db->status;
	memcpy(mstatus, &sd->base_status, sizeof(struct status_data));
	mstatus->rhw.atk2= mstatus->dex + mstatus->rhw.atk + mstatus->rhw.atk2; //Max ATK
	mstatus->rhw.atk = mstatus->dex; //Min ATK
	if (mstatus->lhw.atk) {
		mstatus->lhw.atk2= mstatus->dex + mstatus->lhw.atk + mstatus->lhw.atk2; //Max ATK
		mstatus->lhw.atk = mstatus->dex; //Min ATK
	if (mode) //User provided mode.
		mstatus->mode = mode;
	else if (flag&1) //Friendly Character, remove looting.
		mstatus->mode &= ~MD_LOOTER;
	mstatus->hp = mstatus->max_hp;
	mstatus->sp = mstatus->max_sp;
	memcpy(&db->vd, &sd->vd, sizeof(struct view_data));
	db->range2=AREA_SIZE; //Let them have the same view-range as players.
	db->range3=AREA_SIZE; //Min chase of a screen.

	//Skill copy [Skotlex]
	ms = &db->skill[0];

	 * We temporarily disable sd's fd so it doesn't receive the messages from skill_check_condition_castbegin
	fd = sd->fd;
	sd->fd = 0;

	//Go Backwards to give better priority to advanced skills.
	for (i=0,j = MAX_SKILL_TREE-1;j>=0 && i< MAX_MOBSKILL ;j--) {
		int idx = pc->skill_tree[pc->class2idx(sd->status.class_)][j].idx;
		int skill_id = pc->skill_tree[pc->class2idx(sd->status.class_)][j].id;
		if (!skill_id || sd->status.skill[idx].lv < 1 ||
		for(h = 0; h < map->list[sd->bl.m].zone->disabled_skills_count; h++) {
			if( skill_id == map->list[sd->bl.m].zone->disabled_skills[h]->nameid && map->list[sd->bl.m].zone->disabled_skills[h]->subtype == MZS_CLONE ) {
		if( h < map->list[sd->bl.m].zone->disabled_skills_count )
		//Normal aggressive mob, disable skills that cannot help them fight
		//against players (those with flags UF_NOMOB and UF_NOPC are specific
		//to always aid players!) [Skotlex]
		if (!(flag&1) &&
			skill->get_unit_id(skill_id, 0) &&
		 * The clone should be able to cast the skill (e.g. have the required weapon) bugreport:5299)
		if( !skill->check_condition_castbegin(sd,skill_id,sd->status.skill[idx].lv) )

		memset (&ms[i], 0, sizeof(struct mob_skill));
		ms[i].skill_id = skill_id;
		ms[i].skill_lv = sd->status.skill[idx].lv;
		ms[i].state = MSS_ANY;
		ms[i].permillage = 500*battle_config.mob_skill_rate/100; //Default chance of all skills: 5%
		ms[i].emotion = -1;
		ms[i].cancel = 0;
		ms[i].casttime = skill->cast_fix(&sd->bl,skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv);
		ms[i].delay = 5000+skill->delay_fix(&sd->bl,skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv);

		inf = skill->db[idx].inf;
		if (inf&INF_ATTACK_SKILL) {
			ms[i].target = MST_TARGET;
			ms[i].cond1 = MSC_ALWAYS;
			if (skill->get_range(skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv)  > 3)
				ms[i].state = MSS_ANYTARGET;
				ms[i].state = MSS_BERSERK;
		} else if(inf&INF_GROUND_SKILL) {
			if (skill->get_inf2(skill_id)&INF2_TRAP) { //Traps!
				ms[i].state = MSS_IDLE;
				ms[i].target = MST_AROUND2;
				ms[i].delay = 60000;
			} else if (skill->get_unit_target(skill_id) == BCT_ENEMY) { //Target Enemy
				ms[i].state = MSS_ANYTARGET;
				ms[i].target = MST_TARGET;
				ms[i].cond1 = MSC_ALWAYS;
			} else { //Target allies
				ms[i].target = MST_FRIEND;
				ms[i].cond1 = MSC_FRIENDHPLTMAXRATE;
				ms[i].cond2 = 95;
		} else if (inf&INF_SELF_SKILL) {
			if (skill->get_inf2(skill_id)&INF2_NO_TARGET_SELF) { //auto-select target skill.
				ms[i].target = MST_TARGET;
				ms[i].cond1 = MSC_ALWAYS;
				if (skill->get_range(skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv)  > 3) {
					ms[i].state = MSS_ANYTARGET;
				} else {
					ms[i].state = MSS_BERSERK;
			} else { //Self skill
				ms[i].target = MST_SELF;
				ms[i].cond1 = MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE;
				ms[i].cond2 = 90;
				ms[i].permillage = 2000;
				//Delay: Remove the stock 5 secs and add half of the support time.
				ms[i].delay += -5000 +(skill->get_time(skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv) + skill->get_time2(skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv))/2;
				if (ms[i].delay < 5000)
					ms[i].delay = 5000; //With a minimum of 5 secs.
		} else if (inf&INF_SUPPORT_SKILL) {
			ms[i].target = MST_FRIEND;
			ms[i].cond2 = 90;
			if (skill_id == AL_HEAL)
				ms[i].permillage = 5000; //Higher skill rate usage for heal.
			else if (skill_id == ALL_RESURRECTION)
				ms[i].cond2 = 1;
			//Delay: Remove the stock 5 secs and add half of the support time.
			ms[i].delay += -5000 +(skill->get_time(skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv) + skill->get_time2(skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv))/2;
			if (ms[i].delay < 2000)
				ms[i].delay = 2000; //With a minimum of 2 secs.

			if (i+1 < MAX_MOBSKILL) { //duplicate this so it also triggers on self.
				memcpy(&ms[i+1], &ms[i], sizeof(struct mob_skill));
				db->maxskill = ++i;
				ms[i].target = MST_SELF;
				ms[i].cond1 = MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE;
		} else {
			switch (skill_id) { //Certain Special skills that are passive, and thus, never triggered.
				case TF_DOUBLE:
					ms[i].state = MSS_BERSERK;
					ms[i].target = MST_TARGET;
					ms[i].cond1 = MSC_ALWAYS;
					ms[i].permillage = skill_id==MO_TRIPLEATTACK?(3000-ms[i].skill_lv*100):(ms[i].skill_lv*500);
					ms[i].delay -= 5000; //Remove the added delay as these could trigger on "all hits".
				default: //Untreated Skill
		if (battle_config.mob_skill_rate!= 100)
			ms[i].permillage = ms[i].permillage*battle_config.mob_skill_rate/100;
		if (battle_config.mob_skill_delay != 100)
			ms[i].delay = ms[i].delay*battle_config.mob_skill_delay/100;

		db->maxskill = ++i;

	 * We grant the session it's fd value back.
	sd->fd = fd;

	//Finally, spawn it.
	md = mob->once_spawn_sub(&sd->bl, m, x, y, "--en--", class_, event, SZ_SMALL, AI_NONE);
	if (!md) return 0; //Failed?

	md->special_state.clone = 1;

	if (master_id || flag || duration) { //Further manipulate crafted char.
		if (flag&1) //Friendly Character
			md->special_state.ai = AI_ATTACK;
		if (master_id) //Attach to Master
			md->master_id = master_id;
		if (duration) //Auto Delete after a while.
			if( md->deletetimer != INVALID_TIMER )
				timer->delete(md->deletetimer, mob->timer_delete);
			md->deletetimer = timer->add(timer->gettick() + duration, mob->timer_delete, md->bl.id, 0);


	return md->bl.id;

EDIT: Someone close this, already solved.

Edited by Nardoth

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