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Why is the text color displayed differently?



Hello! I visited because I was wondering why the font color is different.



The Icewall and Frost Nova Requirement descript are identical.

(\data\luafiles514\lua files\skillinfoz\skilldescript.lub)




However, the text color of Ice Wall and Frost Nova are different in the game.




I found a function related to text color, but I wasn't enough to solve this problem.

(\data\lua files\skillinfoz\skillinfo_f.lub)


(MsgStrID.MSI_SKILL_REQUIREMENTS = "^CC3399Requirement:") 



I do not fully understand, 

This function finds the string set in MsgStrID.MSI SKILL REQUIREMENTS and sets the color "^33CC00", and displays the descript according to the job requirements.

But ice wall and frost nova have the same format, will ice wall be displayed as ^CC3399 and frost nova as ^33CC00? Please explain why.

Also, I am a beginner in programming, so if you can explain this function easily and long, I will learn hard.


thank you.:)!!




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