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LF For automatic attack etc plugin


Anyone who can converted this plugin for hercules?

– Auto heal skill (skill list : Heal, Highness Heal, Potion Pitcher, others can be added on script side)
– Auto HP / SP potions use (Configure min HP or SP before using it)
– Sit / Regen (Configure min HP or SP before sit, it auto stand to attack if hit)
– Auto buff skill (Player can choose between all his support skills, it checked if the player is still under status to rebuff)
– Auto attack skill (Player can choose between all his target or ground skills, if ground, the skill is used on ennemie position)
– Auto buff item use (item list : Concentration, Awakening, Berserk potions, others can be added on script side, player can choose the delay between each use)
– Disallow warp to another map while autoattack running (avoid any issue if used with @afk)
– If death, disactivate the auto attack status
– Allow player to disable auto melee attack (usefull for job that only want to use skills)
– Teleportation configuration (skill and fly wing, ex 1) if no mob meet after x s 2) if low hp))
– Allow player to choose enemies by mob id (+ Allow player to attack or ignore if hit by an aggressive monster not on list)
– Allow player to choose item to loot by item id
– Moving configuration (randomly or straight until encouter an obstacle)
– Teleport the player if he has an item or skill for it with it encounter a MVP
– Configuration to priorize or loot or fight
– Confguration to set min skill delay
– Configuration to prefix player name by a string when autoattack is active like : [AUTO] PlayerName
– Configuration to set the min cell distance when moving
– Ammunition switching (arrow, bullets, kunai, cannon ball) to priorize right element
– Auto spell for Sage
– Fix some skills like combos
– Improve greatly mob detection
– Improve greatly delays on skill to run more smoothly
– Add a menu item to reset all configuration saved
– Add a script function to be called from an item to scale the duration based on remaining rental time

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