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Mob Drop Qty

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File Name: Mob Drop Qty

File Submitter: Ind

File Submitted: 14 Jan 2014

File Category: Plugins


HPM Plugin.

/** * Adds a 50% ( customizeable ) chance for ETC (customizeable) items to drop from mobs with double quantity * Adds a 25% ( customizeable as well ) chance for it to use tripple quantity (this dice is only played if the 50% one succeeded) * Adds a 10% ( customizeable as well ) chance for it to use quadruple quantity (this dice is only played if the 25% one succeeded) * Adds a 5%  ( customizeable as well ) chance for it to use quintuple quantity (this dice is only played if the 10% one succeeded) * For example, after a player succeeds at dropping a jellopy (at any rate), theres a 50% chance it'll be 2 jellopies instead of 1, * and if that 50% succeeds, there'll be another 25% chance for it to be 3 instead of 2, and if that 25% succeeds, * there will be another 10% chance for it to drop 4 instead of 3, and if that 10% succeeds, there will be a 5% chance to drop 5 instead of 4. * - MvP drops are not affected * - Items looted by monsters are not affected **/

- Requires HPM Hooking


Easy to Customize

		switch( data->type ) {			/**			 * uncomment those you wanna affect, don't even try adding gear or non-stackable types -- they are not meant to have qty higher than 1!			 **/			//case IT_HEALING:			//case IT_USABLE:			//case IT_CARD:			//case IT_AMMO:			//case IT_DELAYCONSUME:			//case IT_CASH:			case IT_ETC:				/**				 * Feel free to modify the formula here!				 **/				if( rand()0 > 50 ) /* if rand > 50, break and do not affect the qty */					break;				*qty += 1;//from 1 to 2				if( rand()0 > 25 ) /* if rand > 25, break and do not affect the qty further */					break;				*qty += 1;//from 2 to 3				if( rand()0 > 10 ) /* if rand > 10, break and do not affect the qty further */					break;				*qty += 1;//from 3 to 4				if( rand()0 > 5 ) /* if rand > 5, break and do not affect the qty further */					break;				*qty += 1;//from 4 to 5				break;		}

You may also use the *nameid variable if you wish to further enhance the mechanic, for example

if( *nameid == 604 ) /* if dead branch, qty + 2 */	*qty += 2;

How to Install

Check the wiki page on 'Building a Plugin' http://herc.ws/wiki/HPM#Building_a_plugin


Contribute / Customize

Its available at our Staff Plugins Repo, pull requests are more than welcome.


Click here to download this file

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Yahoo. the forum has some problem with rand() % 100 and replaced it with rand() % 0 in the demonstration, within the codebox above.

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