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Event Scripts with Maps to be released in Downloads section
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Very self explanatory title huh?
At the current moment I'm working on a Dice Event. This event consist in: Players use the command @dice (which have the same effect of /dice with the dice rolling and showing result) and keeping themselves or being kicked out from the event depending on result (there are many rounds, the one who remains most rounds will be the winner). The event itself is already scripted, except for the "map interaction" porcentage. - screenshot for reference
What I'm requesting is a script that uses a 'for' or 'while' (or something with the same effect) that grab the 1st guy to enter the map (trough the command @event) and leave him in 'xzc yxc coord', the next guy will be placed in 'xck ysx coord', and so on... (all coordinates are static, just need a huge list for that), until it reaches 84 players (because there are 84 dices on the map) or the time limit (5 mins) is reached. (something fully efficient/no missing parts or bugs - like auto reseting the counter after the event and so)
I'll add your script in the base event script and place your credits there; Also the map and the script will be shared with all commu (Hercules and rA) - with your credits in download description. You can even upload it by yourself. The only thing you shouldn't do is to remove other people credit (since you will have the map and the full script in hands before we upload it, as you wish).
P.S.: I'm going to work in some more events, so if you want to script a bit more or have your own script/idea and want a map for it, post it here or PM-me and I'll do my best to create a map for a great package of events that we can share here.
P.S.2: If you decide to work on it please leave a message here telling us, because I'll post this request also on rA community.
map finished
, here is the previous version:
Thank you, Angel
Event script: Rhina
Map design: Angel
Edited by AngeliskShare this post
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