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Can anyone help me?


how to fix this?


if i summon clone he wont use skill  like asura strike he always use normal attacks?


And for



how to disable skills and normal attacks? the event not yet started but they already attack each other and the damage always 1 damage normal or skill attacks?

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prontera,130,172,6	script	RFYL npc	994,{OnInit:disablenpc "RFYL event";disablenpc "RFYL npc";end;}prontera,135,167,5	script	RFYL Event	899,{if(getgmlevel() < 60 ) end;mes "Hello there GM " + strcharinfo(0) + " !";next;set .menu$, select(.gm_menu$);switch( select ("Open RFYL Event:No Thanks")) {		case 1: // Run For Your Life				next;				mes "I will now create warps, announce, & warp you.";				close2;				warp "g_room1-1",230,368;				Announce "There will be a 'Run For Your Life' Event Held!",bc_all;				sleep2 2500;				enablenpc "RFYL event";				sleep2 2500;				Announce "If you want to join, the warp will be open in Prontera. It will be open for 2 minute!",bc_all;				sleep2 30000;				Announce "You have only 1 minute left to join the event!",bc_all;				sleep2 1000;				initnpctimer;				goto L_Timer;				end;				close;		case 2:				mes "[RFYL Event]";				mes "Come back if you change your mind, See Yah!";				close;		}L_Timer:	OnTimer00000:		Announce "Timer has started!",bc_all;		end;			OnTimer30000:		Announce "Thirty Seconds Have Passed By!",bc_all;		sleep2 5000;		Announce "Hurry to Prontera if you want to join!",bc_all;		end;								OnTimer40000:		Announce "Twenty seconds left!",bc_all;		end;								OnTimer50000:		Announce "Ten seconds left!",bc_all;		end;								OnTimer55000:		Announce "5!",bc_all;		sleep2 1000;		Announce "4!",bc_all;		sleep2 1000;		Announce "3!",bc_all;		sleep2 1000;		Announce "2!",bc_all;		sleep2 1000;		Announce "1!",bc_all;		sleep2 1000;		Announce "The warp is now closed!",bc_all;		sleep2 1000;		disablenpc "RFYL event";		stopnpctimer;		end;		OnInit:	setarray .gmevents$,"RFYL?";	for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.gmevents$); set .@i, .@i +1 )	set .gm_menu$, .gm_menu$ + (.gmevents$[.@i]) +":";	disablenpc "RFYL event";	end;}prontera,156,172,5	script	RFYL event	811,{	mes "[ Run For Your Life Event ]";	mes "Hello, I'm the Run For Your Life Event Manager. My record says that the defending champion on this event was "+$PPEDefendingChampion$+". Anyways, what do you want to do?";	mes " ";	mes "Scripted by: ^777777MyRO^000000";	next;	menu "Join Event Now",PPE_Join,"Nevermind",PPE_nvm;PPE_Join:{			if (gethominfo(2) != "null"){				mes "No homunculus is allowed in this event! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!";				close;			}			if (getpetinfo(2) != "null"){				mes "No pet is allowed in this event! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!";				close;			}			if (checkcart()){				mes "[ Run For Your Life Event ]";				mes "No cart is allowed! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!";				close;			}			if (checkfalcon()){				mes "No falcon is allowed! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!";				close;			}			if (checkriding()){				mes "No riding is allowed! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!";				close;			}			mes "[ Run For Your Life Event ]";			mes "Good luck "+strcharinfo(0)+".";			mes " ";			mes "Scripted by: ^777777MyRO^000000";			close2;			warp "g_room1-1",230,368;			end;		}	PPE_nvm:		mes "[ Run For Your Life Event ]";		mes "Okay. Maybe next time.";		mes " ";		mes "Scripted by: ^777777MyRO^000000";		close;} 


-	script	LMS#disable	-1,{OnInit:disablenpc "Mr. Banker";disablenpc "LMS Event";end;}-	script	LMS	-1,{OnClock000:OnClock0100:OnClock0200:OnClock0300:OnClock0400:OnClock0500:OnClock0700:OnClock0800:OnClock0900:OnClock1000:OnClock1200:OnClock1300:OnClock1400:OnClock1500:OnClock1600:OnClock1700:OnClock1800:OnClock1900:OnClock2000:OnClock2100:OnClock2200:OnClock2300:// Edit this to what ever you want. note : OnClock0000 is 12 midnight and OnClock1200 is 12 Noongoto startlmsevent;startlmsevent:announce "Mr. Manager: The Last Man Standing event will be starting shortly.",0;sleep2 10000;announce "Mr. Manager: Those who want to play, please proceed to Prontera and Register.",0;sleep2 10000;announce "Mr. Manager: After 1 Minute the Registration will close.",0;sleep2 10000;announce "Mr. Manager: Please go to Prontera and Register now if you want to join.",0;enablenpc "LMS Event";initnpctimer;end;OnTimer30000:announce "Mr. Manager: Last 30 seconds.",0;sleep2 5000;announce "Mr. Manager: If you want to join please Register in Prontera.",0;end;OnTimer50000:announce "Mr. Manager: Last 10 seconds.",0;end;OnTimer55000:announce "Mr. Manager: 5.",0;end;OnTimer56000:announce "Mr. Manager: 4.",0;end;OnTimer57000:announce "Mr. Manager: 3.",0;end;OnTimer58000:announce "Mr. Manager: 2.",0;end;OnTimer59000:announce "Mr. Manager: 1.",0;end;OnTimer60000:announce "Mr. Manager: Time's up.",0;end;OnTimer61000:disablenpc "LMS Event";donpcevent "Mr. Banker::OnEnable";stopnpctimer;end;}//---------All Job Registration---------------prontera,156,172,5	script	LMS Event	811,{mes "[Mr. Manager]";mes "Hello What can I do for you?";next;menu "Register",-,"What is LMS?",what,"Leave",leave;next;mes "[Mr. Manager]";mes "Thankyou for registering Mr. " + strcharinfo(0) + ", Have fun!";warp "guild_vs2",0,0;end;what:mes "[Mr. Manager]";mes "LMS is also known as Last Man Standing Event";next;mes "[Mr. Manager]";mes "LMS is also like a PvP.";mes "The only difference is at LMS you will get 50 HPRO Point if you are the Last Man Standing at the arena.";next;mes "[Mr. Manager]";mes "That's all";close;leave:mes "[Mr. Manager]";mes "I hope you will register next time";close;}//--------------------------//--------------------------guild_vs2,49,57,6	script	Mr. Banker	56,{mes "[Banker]";mes "Congrats. You've won.";next;announce "Mr. Manager: We have a winner! well done "+strcharinfo(0)+".",0;getitem 7227,1; // Change This item id to what ever you want . item id,amountdispbottom "1 TCG Card";mes "You will return now";warp "prontera",155,182;disablenpc "Mr. Banker";close;end;OnEnable:pvpoff "guild_vs2";mapannounce "guild_vs2","Mr. Manager:The Last Man Standing Event will start shortly",0;sleep2 10000;mapannounce "guild_vs2","Mr. Manager:But before we start this is just a few reminders..",0;sleep2 10000;mapannounce "guild_vs2","Mr. Manager:Using Cloaking , Hiding is strictly not allowed..",0;sleep2 10000;mapannounce "guild_vs2","Mr. Manager: Only the Last Man Standing will win this event!!",0;sleep2 10000;mapannounce "guild_vs2","Mr. Manager: What are we waiting for?..Let's Get Ready to Rumble!!...",0;sleep2 10000;goto L_Start;end;L_Start:if(getmapusers("guild_vs2") == 1) goto L_Champ;if(getmapusers("guild_vs2") == 0) goto L_None;if(getmapusers("guild_vs2") > 1) {mapannounce "guild_vs2","Mr. Manager: Get ready at the count of 5 we will start!....",0;sleep2 10000;mapannounce "guild_vs2","Mr. Manager: 5",0;sleep2 5000;mapannounce "guild_vs2","Mr. Manager: 4",0;sleep2 4000;mapannounce "guild_vs2","Mr. Manager: 3",0;sleep2 3000;mapannounce "guild_vs2","Mr. Manager: 2",0;sleep2 2000;mapannounce "guild_vs2","Mr. Manager: 1",0;sleep2 1000;pvpon "guild_vs2";goto timer;end;}timer:initnpctimer;end;OnTimer1000:end;OnTimer1100:if(getmapusers("guild_vs2") == 1) goto L_Champ;if(getmapusers("guild_vs2") > 2) goto timer;if(getmapusers("guild_vs2") == 2) goto champ;stopnpctimer;end;champ:announce "Mr. Manager: Last 2 Brave warriors are still alive!",0;sleep2 10000;if(getmapusers("guild_vs2") == 1) goto L_Champ;if(getmapusers("guild_vs2") > 1) goto timer;end;L_Champ:mapannounce "quiz_02","Mr. Banker: Please talk to me to get your prize..",0;pvpoff "guild_vs2";enablenpc "Mr. Banker";end;L_None:disablenpc "Banker";pvpoff "guild_vs2";end;}//----- Die = warp prt ------	script	Killa_warp	-1,{OnPCDieEvent:	getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0);	if(.@map$=="guild_vs2")	{		set #kill_point, 0;		announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" died, and out of the game!.",bc_all;		atcommand "@alive";		warp "prontera",0,0;		end;	}OnPCKillEvent:	getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0);	if(.@map$=="guild_vs2")	{	set #kill_point,#kill_point+1;	if ( #kill_point % 4 == 0) {	announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" have made 4 Consecutive Kills!!He will be granted an item",bc_all;	getitem 607, 50;	end;	}	}}// == Mapflagsguild_vs2	mapflag	nowarpguild_vs2	mapflag	nowarptoguild_vs2	mapflag	noteleportguild_vs2	mapflag	nosaveguild_vs2	mapflag	nomemoguild_vs2	mapflag	nobranchguild_vs2	mapflag	pvp_nopartyguild_vs2	mapflag	restricted	1

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