I stumbled across this which led me to look at the .h file which lead me to the conclusion that I should be AOK to use the client version dated 2014, 04, 16.
I fully intend to do some google searching on the matter hoping to stumble upon the full client version which I will then put to use, but before I did that I wanted to cover all of my bases by asking here as well.
I was able to get the server setup and have it running (which is pretty sweet, I can't wait to fun around with it), but my problem is finding a client that will run.
I tried this link but the date is for august 1st of this year and I don't see packet information for that in the header (not feeling confident enough to test the waters in that case). So to that end I need 3 things:
The full client download for 2014 04 16, the xDiff, and the ragexe (which I had hoped to find myself here but no love).
If anyone can direct me to them I would be appreciative. Sorry for such a noob post (probably the answer is already present in the forum somewhere and I just haven't seen it yet).
I stumbled across this which led me to look at the .h file which lead me to the conclusion that I should be AOK to use the client version dated 2014, 04, 16.
I fully intend to do some google searching on the matter hoping to stumble upon the full client version which I will then put to use, but before I did that I wanted to cover all of my bases by asking here as well.
I was able to get the server setup and have it running (which is pretty sweet, I can't wait to fun around with it), but my problem is finding a client that will run.
I tried this link but the date is for august 1st of this year and I don't see packet information for that in the header (not feeling confident enough to test the waters in that case). So to that end I need 3 things:
The full client download for 2014 04 16, the xDiff, and the ragexe (which I had hoped to find myself here but no love).
If anyone can direct me to them I would be appreciative. Sorry for such a noob post (probably the answer is already present in the forum somewhere and I just haven't seen it yet).
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