Break San 3 Posted October 15, 2014 (edited) I have this script but the battleground is not starting, I put two people to begin with. reloadscript need to start typing the command to register so it works. Please move the topic to support area - script sdkfksdfjsdfgdf -1,{OnInit: .eventlasting = 30 * 60; // how long would the event last or it auto-reset. 30 *60 = 30 mins .min2start = 2; // minimum player to start .startingscore = 50; // score at start setarray .rewardwin, 7773,30; // premiar a equipe vencedora setarray .rewardlose, 7773,15; // premiar a equipe vencedora setarray .Map$, "florian", "bat_c01", "guild_vs3"; .rewardwinsize = getarraysize( .rewardwin ); .rewardlosesize = getarraysize( .rewardlose ); .totalmap = getarraysize( .Map$ ); bindatcmd "bg", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnJoin"; bindatcmd "leavebg", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnLeave"; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .totalmap; .@i++ ) { setmapflag .Map$[.@i], mf_battleground, 2; setmapflag .Map$[.@i], mf_nosave; setmapflag .Map$[.@i], mf_nowarp; setmapflag .Map$[.@i], mf_nowarpto; setmapflag .Map$[.@i], mf_noreturn; setmapflag .Map$[.@i], mf_noteleport; setmapflag .Map$[.@i], mf_nomemo; setmapflag .Map$[.@i], mf_noexppenalty; setmapflag .Map$[.@i], mf_nobranch; setmapflag .Map$[.@i], mf_noicewall; setmapflag .Map$[.@i], mf_gvg; } end;OnLeave: while ( .signup_aid[.@i] != getcharid(3) && .@i < .signup_count ) .@i++; if ( .@i == .signup_count ) { dispbottom "Você ainda não se inscreveu na BG."; end; } deletearray .signup_aid[.@i], 1; .signup_count--; dispbottom "Você tem deixar o registro desta BG."; end;OnJoin: if ( getmapflag( strcharinfo(3), mf_nowarp ) || getmapflag( strcharinfo(3), mf_nowarpto ) ) { dispbottom "Você não pode se inscrever para BG neste mapa."; end; } while ( .signup_aid[.@i] != getcharid(3) && .@i < .signup_count ) .@i++; if ( .@i < .signup_count ) { dispbottom "Você ainda não se inscreveu na BG."; end; } .signup_aid[ .signup_count ] = getcharid(3); .signup_count++; dispbottom "Você se registrou na BG.";// .@i = 1; // DEBUG// .@signup_name$ = rid2name( .signup_aid[0] );// while ( .signup_aid[.@i] ) {// .@signup_name$ = .@signup_name$ +","+ rid2name( .signup_aid[.@i] );// .@i++;// }// dispbottom "[Debug] Atualmente tem "+ .signup_count +" e eles são "+ .@signup_name$;L_Start: for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .signup_count; .@i++ ) { if ( attachrid( .signup_aid[.@i] ) ) { if ( getmapflag( strcharinfo(3), mf_nowarp ) ) { // player has went into another event deletearray .signup_aid[.@i], 1; } } else { deletearray .signup_aid[.@i], 1; .signup_count--; .@i--; } } if ( .start || .signup_count < .min2start ) { announce "Batalha Campal -- [Field of Death] -- +"+ .signup_count +" jogadores para começar -- Digite @bg para participar!", bc_all, 0xFFA500; end; } announce "Batalha Campal -- [Field of Death] -- Começou!", bc_all, 0xFFA500; .start = 1; .@map$ = .Map$[ rand(3) ]; .red = createbgid( .@map$, 0,0, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnRedQuit", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnRedDead" ); .blue = createbgid( .@map$, 0,0, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBlueQuit", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBlueDead" ); callfunc "shuffle__", 0, .min2start -1, .@r; .@modulus = rand(2); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .signup_count; .@i++ ) setbgid ( .@i %2 == .@modulus )? .red : .blue, .signup_aid[ .@r[.@i] ]; deletearray .signup_aid, .min2start; .signup_count -= .min2start; bg_warp .red, .@map$, 0,0; bg_warp .blue, .@map$, 0,0; .score[1] = .score[2] = .startingscore; bg_updatescore .@map$, .score[1], .score[2]; sleep .eventlasting * 1000; if ( .start == 1 ) { if ( .score[1] > .score[2] ) { mapannounce "guild_vs"+ .map, " Time Vermelho ganhou!", bc_all, 0xFFA500; callsub L_reward, .red, .rewardwin, .rewardwinsize; callsub L_reward, .blue, .rewardlose, .rewardlosesize; } else if ( .score[1] < .score[2] ) { mapannounce "guild_vs"+ .map, " Time Azul ganhou!", bc_all, 0xFFA500; callsub L_reward, .blue, .rewardwin, .rewardwinsize; callsub L_reward, .red, .rewardlose, .rewardlosesize; } else { mapannounce "guild_vs"+ .map, "Empate !", bc_all, 0xFFA500; callsub L_reward, .red, .rewardlose, .rewardlosesize; callsub L_reward, .blue, .rewardlose, .rewardlosesize; } } bg_warp .red, "prontera", 155,182; bg_warp .blue, "prontera", 158,182; bg_destroy .red; bg_destroy .blue; .start = 0; deletearray .score; goto L_Start;L_reward: getbgusers getarg(0); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@arenamembersnum; .@i++ ) for ( .@j = 0; .@j < getarg(2); .@j += 2 ) getitem getelementofarray( getarg(1), .@j ), getelementofarray( getarg(1), .@j +1 ), $@arenamembers[.@i]; return;OnRedDead: callsub L_dead, 1;OnBlueDead: callsub L_dead, 2;L_dead: .score[ getarg(0) ]--; bg_updatescore strcharinfo(3), .score[1], .score[2]; if ( !.score[ getarg(0) ] ) awake strnpcinfo(0); while ( checkcell( strcharinfo(3), .@x = rand(200), .@y = rand(200), cell_chknopass ) ); bg_team_setxy getcharid(4), .@x, .@y; sleep2 1250; percentheal 0,0; if ( getmapflag( strcharinfo(3), mf_battleground ) ) warp strcharinfo(3), 0,0; end;OnRedQuit: callsub L_quit, 1, .red;OnBlueQuit: callsub L_quit, 2, .blue;L_quit: percentheal 100, 100; if ( bg_get_data( getarg(1), 0 ) ) end; mapannounce strcharinfo(3), "Todos "+ .teamname$[ getarg(0) ] +"membros da equipe saiu!", bc_all, 0xFF3333; .score[ getarg(0) ] = 0; awake strnpcinfo(0); end;}florian mapflag battleground 2florian mapflag nosave SavePointflorian mapflag nowarpflorian mapflag nowarptoflorian mapflag noreturnflorian mapflag noteleportflorian mapflag nomemoflorian mapflag nopenaltyflorian mapflag nobranchflorian mapflag noicewallbat_c01 mapflag battleground 2bat_c01 mapflag nosave SavePointbat_c01 mapflag nowarpbat_c01 mapflag nowarptobat_c01 mapflag noreturnbat_c01 mapflag noteleportbat_c01 mapflag nomemobat_c01 mapflag nopenaltybat_c01 mapflag nobranchbat_c01 mapflag noicewallguild_vs3 mapflag battleground 2guild_vs3 mapflag nosave SavePointguild_vs3 mapflag nowarpguild_vs3 mapflag nowarptoguild_vs3 mapflag noreturnguild_vs3 mapflag noteleportguild_vs3 mapflag nomemoguild_vs3 mapflag nopenaltyguild_vs3 mapflag nobranchguild_vs3 mapflag noicewall//------------------------------ FUNÇÃO --------------------------------------------------//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// callfunc "shuffle", <min num>, <max num>, <output array> {, <count> };function script shuffle__ { .@static = getarg(0); .@range = getarg(1) +1 - .@static; .@count = getarg(3, 0); if ( .@range <= 0 ) return 0; if ( !.@count || .@count > .@range ) .@count = .@range; while ( .@i < .@count ) { .@r = .@save = rand( .@i, .@range -1 ) ; if ( !.@tmp1[.@i] ) { .@r = .@tmp1[.@r] ? .@tmp2[.@r] : .@r; .@tmp2[.@i] = .@r; .@tmp2[.@save] = .@i; .@tmp1[.@save] = 1; set getelementofarray( getarg(2), .@i ), .@r + .@static; if ( .@save < .@count ) set getelementofarray( getarg(2), .@save ), .@i + .@static; } .@i++; } return .@count;}/*prontera,156,184,5 script kjdshfksfjh 100,{// input .@min, -1000000000, 1000000000;// input .@max, -1000000000, 1000000000; .@min = 1; .@max = 5; callfunc "shuffle__", .@min, .@max, .@output$, 100; dispbottom implode( .@output$, "," );}*/ Edited October 15, 2014 by Salpetti Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
I have this script but the battleground is not starting, I put two people to begin with.
reloadscript need to start typing the command to register so it works.
Please move the topic to support area
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