I downloaded a ready made server named Ragnarok Super Saiyan and im using this server because its too hard for me to make one :3... the client is 20100707 (checked using NEMO-master) also data files are in .lub. but i already converted it into lua
*This problem about costumes is what, server sided or client? or both?:3 *Is it possible to add custom items w/o editting acce files? *Im using notepad ++ to edit src files, is it enough to use it for pc.h and pc.c *Can i still add custom items even if i dont put them on iteminfo.lub/lua?
example item as in the thumbnail
5574,Well-Chewed_Pencil,Well Chewed Pencil,5,,,100,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,4096,,10,1,555,{ bonus bHit,3; if(isequipped(5073)) { bonus bDex,2; bonus bDef,2; } },{},{}
I downloaded a ready made server named Ragnarok Super Saiyan and im using this server because its too hard for me to make one :3... the client is 20100707 (checked using NEMO-master) also data files are in .lub. but i already converted it into lua
*This problem about costumes is what, server sided or client? or both?:3
*Is it possible to add custom items w/o editting acce files?
*Im using notepad ++ to edit src files, is it enough to use it for pc.h and pc.c
*Can i still add custom items even if i dont put them on iteminfo.lub/lua?

Edited by Dastgiruse codebox
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