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- Mariel

Stalao's Auto Event


How to fix this error ?

[Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'PvpEventPrize' (flag=0).[Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'ZombiePrize' (flag=0).[Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC '1234-Prize' (flag=0).[Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'MazePrize' (flag=0).[Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'ManhuntPrize' (flag=0).[Error]: npc_read_event_script: detected possible use of wrong case in a script. Found '::OnPCLogOutEvent', probably meant to be '::OnPCLogoutEvent' (in 'OnPCLogoutEvent').



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How to fix this error ?

[Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'PvpEventPrize' (flag=0).[Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'ZombiePrize' (flag=0).[Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC '1234-Prize' (flag=0).[Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'MazePrize' (flag=0).[Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'ManhuntPrize' (flag=0).[Error]: npc_read_event_script: detected possible use of wrong case in a script. Found '::OnPCLogOutEvent', probably meant to be '::OnPCLogoutEvent' (in 'OnPCLogoutEvent').

I tried giving NPCs unique name but still, it can't be disabled. 

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@- Mariel thanks really appreciate ! waiting for you. hehe

Here !


//===== EinherjarRO Scripts ==================================

//= Auto-Event System

//===== By: ==================================================

//= Stolao

//===== Current Version: =====================================

//= 1.5C

//===== Compatible With: =====================================

//= rAthena SVN

//===== Description: =========================================

//= Will Automatically pick one event from the events in its

//= list every hour and run it. Giving out an Item and

//= Announcing the Winner.


//= Manhunt event origionally a release by stydianx

//= from http://rathena.org/board/topic/83791-man-hunt-event/

//===== Uses: ================================================

//= The Maze event is held on a custom map, you will need to install

//===== Comments: ============================================

//= [stolao]

//= Optimize

//= Add more events

//= Spell Check

//= Make customisable in game by gm

//= Make "Zeny" changable for Points

//= Add a Shop

//= Add a vote for event option

//= Add Events Lucky Pick, DB Event, MVP Arena, Invasion, Ragnarok Training

//===== Additional Comments: =================================

//= 1.00 -> 1.4B See Chagelogs on forums

//= 1.4C Fixed an extra '{' added by mistake

//= 1.4D Condenced @$MobsUsed + @$MobsRate -> @$Mobs

//= 1.4E Removed Unessisare stopnpctimer (from pre 1.0F)

//= 1.4F Added Poring Event

//= 1.50 Optimized PVP and Maze a little

//= 1.51 Added $@SpecialConditions Check for all events on initiation (future in game gm config)

//= 1.52 Fixed Time Remaining Countdown, was dispalying +1 min off

//= 1.53 Replace 99_pvp for pvp_n_1-5, bug on my client

//= 1.54 Replaced areawards with mapwarp when suitable

//= 1.55 Added mapwarp to initiation of scripts

//= 1.56 Fixed a bug in Poring, not summoning wrong Poring

//= 1.57 Changed $@CurrentEvent -1 -> -1*$@CurrentEvent after start of event

//= 1.58 Added $@Conditions&2 (precentheal 100,100) to PvPEvent

//= 1.59 Added Manhunt Event

//= 1.5A Fixed bug with Manhunt Target being killable after event still

//= 1.5B Fixed a bug with storeall and item check -[Thanks Digos]

//= 1.5C Fixed a hang screen in ( $@Cost[0] && $@Cost[1] ) -[Thanks Digos]

//===== Contact Ifo: =========================================

//= [stolao]

//= Email: [email protected]



- script Event_Management -1,{


mes "[Event Management]";

if(getgroupid() >= 60) {

mes "What would you like to do?";

menu "Join Event",-,"RunEvent",OnRunEvent;

} else {

mes "Would you like to try and Join the event?";

if(select("Yes:No") > 1) close;




mes "[Event Management]";

if($@CurrentEvent <= 0 ){ mes "No events to join at the moment."; close;

} else {

mes "This is a "+$@Eventname$+" Event for "+(($@ReqJob >= 0)?jobname($@ReqJob):"Players")+" between Levels "+$@LvReq[0]+"/"+$@LvReq[1]+" and "+$@LvReq[2]+"/"+$@LvReq[3]+"";

if($@Players[0]) mes "Must be at least "+$@Players[0]+" players for event to take place";

if($@Cost[0] > 0 && $@Cost[1] > 0) mes "You will also need "+$@Cost[1]+" "+getitemname($@Cost[0])+" to join.";

if($@Cost[2] > 0) mes "You will also need "+$@Cost[2]+"z to join.";

mes "Would you like to Join?";

if(select("No:Yes") == 1){

mes "Ok come back later";


} else if(BaseLevel < $@LvReq[0] || JobLevel < $@LvReq[1] || BaseLevel > $@LvReq[2] || JobLevel > $@LvReq[3] || ($@ReqJob >= 0 && BaseClass != $@ReqJob)){

mes "Sorry this is an Event for "+(($@ReqJob >= 0)?jobname($@ReqJob):"Players")+" between Levels "+$@LvReq[0]+"/"+$@LvReq[1]+" and "+$@LvReq[2]+"/"+$@LvReq[3]+"";


} else if ( $@Cost[0] && $@Cost[1] && (countitem($@Cost[0]) < $@Cost[1]) ) {

if(countitem($@Cost[0]) < $@Cost[1]){

mes "Sorry but, You will need "+$@Cost[1]+" "+getitemname($@Cost[0])+" to join.";



} else if($@Cost[2] > Zeny){

mes "Sorry but, You will need "+$@Cost[2]+"z to join.";


} else if($@Players[1] && getmapusers($@Map$) >= $@Players[1]){

mes "Sorry event is full, try again next time.";


} else {

if($@Conditions & 1) sc_end SC_ALL;

if($@Conditions & 2) percentheal 100,100;

if($@Conditions & 4) sc_start SC_DECREASEAGI,300000+$@MaxTime*60000,10;

if(($@Conditions & 16) && getarraysize($@PlayerIDList) < $@Players[1]){

set $@PlayerNameList$[$@SaveChars[1]],strcharinfo(0);

set $@SaveChars[1],$@SaveChars[1]+1;


if($@Cost[0] && $@Cost[1]){ delitem $@Cost[0],$@Cost[1]; set $@Pool[0],$@Pool[0]+$@Cost[1]; }

if($@Cost[2]){ set Zeny,Zeny-$@Cost[2]; set $@Pool[1],$@Pool[1]+$@Cost[2]; }

if($@Conditions & 8) atcommand "@storeall";

warp $@Map$,$@XY[0],$@XY[1];





mes "[Event Management]";

if($@CurrentEvent){ mes "Sorry an event is already running"; close;

} else if(agitcheck()||agitcheck2()){ mes "Sorry cannot run event during woe"; end;

} else {

mes "Ok boss what event should we run today?";


case 1:

if(getgroupid()<60) delitem 26504,1;






case 2:

if(getgroupid()<60) delitem 26504,1;






case 3:

if(getgroupid()<60) delitem 26504,1;






case 4:

if(getgroupid()<60) delitem 26504,1;






case 6:

if(getgroupid()<60) delitem 26504,1;






case 10:

if(getgroupid()<60) delitem 26504,1;






default: break;





if(agitcheck()||agitcheck2()) end;



case 1: callfunc("1234RUN"); break;

case 2: callfunc("ZombieRUN"); break;

case 3: callfunc("PvpEventRUN"); break;

case 4: callfunc("MazeRUN"); break;

case 5: //Invasion break; //save old_morocc from satan morroc

case 6: callfunc("PoringRUN"); break;

case 7: //Mvp Arena break; //Summons a random mvps and turns pvp on

case 8: //Rag-narok training break; //Summons a random mvps (no drops) from list continuesly with pvp on, res and gives buffs to all after and prize last man standing

case 9: //X-O quiz_01 140 277 break; //like 1234 but just 2 squares

case 10://Manhunt break; //Someone elses event

case 11://lucky Pick break; //pick one person who enters map and gives them a prize

case 12://DB event break: //Auto summons monsters from dead branches (pvp on)






set $@CurrentEvent,0;




function script CleanEvents {

set $@ReturnMap$[0],"invek";

setarray $@ReturnXY[0],146,166;

set $@SpecialConditions,0;

set $@Eventname$,"";

setarray $@Map$,"invek";

setarray $@XY[0],146,166;

setarray $@LvReq[0],0,0,5000,5000;

set $@ReqJob,-1;

setarray $@Prizes[0],0,0,0;

setarray $@Cost[0],0,0,0;

setarray $@PrizePool[0],0,0;

setarray $@Pool[0],0,0;

setarray $@PrizeMap$,"";

set $@JobGroup,0;

setarray $@PrizeXY[0],0,0;

set $@Conditions,0;

setarray $@Players[0],0,0;

set $@MaxTime,0;

set $@Winers,0;

setarray $@OOB[0],0,0,0,0;

setarray $@StairsX[0],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;

setarray $@StairsY[0],0,0;

setarray $@Box1[0],0,0;

setarray $@Box2[0],0,0;

setarray $@Box3[0],0,0;

setarray $@Box4[0],0,0;

setarray $@BoxY[0],0,0;

cleararray $@Mobs[0],0,127;

setarray $@SaveChars,0,0;

set $@Target,-1;

cleararray $@PlayerNameList$[0],0,127;

set $@CurrentEvent,0;

set $@ReturnMap$[0],"invek"; //Map Warped to after Events

setarray $@ReturnXY[0],146,166; //X, Y Warped to after Events




//========================= Running Event ===============================


function script ZombieRUN {

if($@CurrentEvent||agitcheck()||agitcheck2()){ end; }


set $@Eventname$,"Zombie Survival";

set $@CurrentEvent,1;

setarray $@Map$,"1@zombie"; //Zombie Event Map

setarray $@Players[0],2,0; //Min,Max Players

setarray $@XY[0],0,0; //Zombie Event X, Y

setarray $@LvReq[0],0,0,10,10; //Max Base,Job Levels for Zombies

set $@ReqJob,0; //Base Job Required to Play

set $@MaxTime,10; //Zombie Waves Times (Suggest Less then 50)

setarray $@Mobs,1394,50,1423,30,1298,10; //MobID,Amount Per Wave

setarray $@PrizeMap$,"1@zombie"; //Zombie Prize Map

setarray $@PrizeXY,175,120; //Zombie Prize X, Y

setarray $@Prizes,14001,10,50000; //Prize - Item, Amount, Zeny

setarray $@Cost,0,0,1000; //Join Cost - Item, Amount, Zeny

setarray $@PrizePool,0,0; //100 = 1% Prizes pooled from players - Items, Zeny

set $@Conditions,1|2|8; //Bitwise

//1 sc_end SC_ALL;

//2 percentheal 100,100;

//4 sc_start SC_DECREASEAGI,300000+$@MaxTime*60000,10;

//8 atcommand "@storeall";


mapwarp $@Map$,$@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1];

disablenpc "ZombiePrize";

for(set .@i,2; .@i > 0; set .@i,.@i-1){

announce ""+$@Eventname$+" Event Will begin in "+.@i+" Mins!",8;

announce "Please type @joinevent to join",8;

sleep 60000;


announce ""+$@Eventname$+" Event Has Begun!",8;

set $@CurrentEvent,$@CurrentEvent*-1;


mapannounce $@Map$,"Sorry there are not enough players for this event to take place",8;

mapwarp $@Map$,$@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1];

set $@CurrentEvent,0;


} else {

sleep 25000;

monster $@Map$,$@PrizeXY[0],$@PrizeXY[1],"--ja--",1394,10,"ZombiePrize::OnKillZombie";

for(set .@@Wave,0; .@@Wave < $@MaxTime; set .@@Wave,.@@Wave+1){

if(.@@Wave < $@MaxTime){ mapannounce $@Map$,"Wave "+.@@Wave+"!",8;

} else { mapannounce $@Map$,"FIANL WAVE!",8; }

sleep 1000;

for(set .@i,5; .@i > 0; set .@i,.@i-1){

mapannounce $@Map$,""+.@i+"...",8;

sleep 1000;


mapannounce $@Map$,"Begin Wave!",8;

for(set .@i,0; (.@i < getarraysize($@Mobs)); set .@i,.@i+2){

monster $@Map$,0,0,"--ja--",$@Mobs[.@i],.@@Wave*$@Mob[.@i+1],"ZombiePrize::OnKillZombie";


if(!getmapusers($@Map$)){ set .@@Wave,$@MaxTime+.@@Wave;

} else {

mapannounce $@Map$,"There are "+getmapusers($@Map$)+" Players",8;

sleep 56000;



mapannounce $@Map$,"Zombie Survival is now over!",8;

mapwarp $@Map$,$@PrizeMap$,$@PrizeXY[0],$@PrizeXY[1];

enablenpc "ZombiePrize";

killmonster $@Map$,"ZombieRUN::OnKillZombie";

set $@CurrentEvent,0;






function script 1234RUN {

if($@CurrentEvent||agitcheck()||agitcheck2()){ end; }


set $@Eventname$,"Dice";

set $@CurrentEvent,2;

setarray $@Map$,"quiz_01"; //1234 Event Map

setarray $@XY,205,92; //1234 X, Y

setarray $@Players[0],1,0; //Min,Max Players

set $@Winers,1; //Number of Winers

set $@MaxTime,100; //Max rolls before tie (suggest 100 max)

setarray $@OOB[0],182,94,228,88; //Out of bounds upper area x1, y1, x2, y2

setarray $@StairsX[0],185,188,197,200,209,212,221,224; //Area stairs x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8

setarray $@StairsY[0],87,82; //Out of bounds area stairs y1, y2

setarray $@Box1[0],183,191; //Box 1 x1, x2

setarray $@Box2[0],195,203; //Box 2 x1, x2

setarray $@Box3[0],207,215; //Box 3 x1, x2

setarray $@Box4[0],219,227; //Box 4 x1, x2

setarray $@BoxY[0],81,59; //Boxs y1, y2

setarray $@Prizes[0],0,0,3000000; //Prize - Item, Amount, Zeny

setarray $@Cost[0],0,0,0; //Join Cost - Item, Amount, Zeny

setarray $@PrizePool[0],0,0; //100 = 1% Prizes pooled from players - Items,Zeny


mapwarp $@Map$,$@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1];

disablenpc "1234-Prize";

for(set .@i,2; .@i > 0; set .@i,.@i-1){

announce ""+$@Eventname$+" Event Will begin in "+.@i+" Mins!",8;

announce "Please type @joinevent to join",8;

sleep 60000;


announce ""+$@Eventname$+" Event Has Begun!",8;

set $@CurrentEvent,$@CurrentEvent*-1;

sleep 9000;


mapannounce $@Map$,"Sorry there are not enough players for this event to take place",8;

mapwarp $@Map$,$@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1];

set $@CurrentEvent,0;


} else {

mapannounce $@Map$,"Ok the rules of this "+$@Eventname$+" Event are as follows",8;

sleep 5000;

mapannounce $@Map$,"Each player picks a box 1, 2, 3 or 4",8;

sleep 5000;

mapannounce $@Map$,"There will be a count down from 10 to 0",8;

sleep 5000;

mapannounce $@Map$,"at 0 a four sided die will be rolled",8;

sleep 5000;

mapannounce $@Map$,"Anyone in the box of the number rolled will be warped to town",8;

sleep 5000;

mapannounce $@Map$,"as well as anyone on the stairs or outside the box",8;

sleep 5000;

mapannounce $@Map$,"the number of players remaining will be announced",8;

sleep 5000;

mapannounce $@Map$,"this prosses will repeat till only one player remains",8;

sleep 5000;

mapannounce $@Map$,"take a few moments to fnd a box",8;

sleep 15000;

mapannounce $@Map$,"we will now begin, please find a box",8;

sleep 6000;

for(set .@1234,0; .@1234 < $@MaxTime; set .@1234,.@1234+1){

for(set .@i,10; .@i > 0; set .@i,.@i-1){

mapannounce $@Map$,""+.@i+"...",8;

sleep 1000;


set .@i,rand(1,4);

mapannounce $@Map$,"0... Good Bye Box "+.@i+"",8;


case 1: areawarp $@Map$,$@Box1[0],$@BoxY[0],$@Box1[1],$@BoxY[1],$@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1]; break;

case 2: areawarp $@Map$,$@Box2[0],$@BoxY[0],$@Box2[1],$@BoxY[1],$@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1]; break;

case 3: areawarp $@Map$,$@Box3[0],$@BoxY[0],$@Box3[1],$@BoxY[1],$@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1]; break;

case 4: areawarp $@Map$,$@Box4[0],$@BoxY[0],$@Box4[1],$@BoxY[1],$@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1]; break;


areawarp $@Map$,$@OOB[0],$@OOB[1],$@OOB[2],$@OOB[3],$@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1]; //Upper Area

areawarp $@Map$,$@StairsX[0],$@StairsY[0],$@StairsX[1],$@StairsY[1],$@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1]; //Stairs 1

areawarp $@Map$,$@StairsX[2],$@StairsY[0],$@StairsX[3],$@StairsY[1],$@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1]; //Stairs 2

areawarp $@Map$,$@StairsX[4],$@StairsY[0],$@StairsX[5],$@StairsY[1],$@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1]; //Stairs 3

areawarp $@Map$,$@StairsX[6],$@StairsY[0],$@StairsX[7],$@StairsY[1],$@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1]; //Stairs 4

if(getmapusers($@Map$)<=$@Winers){ set .@1234,$@MaxTime+1;

} else {

mapannounce $@Map$,"There are "+getmapusers($@Map$)+" Players Remaining.",8;

mapannounce $@Map$,"Take a few moments if you want to change boxes.",8;

sleep 20000;



mapannounce $@Map$,"Event is over",8;

mapannounce $@Map$,"Walk up the stairs and speak with the Npc in the center to collect your prize",8;

enablenpc "1234-Prize";

set $@CurrentEvent,0;





function script PvpEventRUN {

if($@CurrentEvent||agitcheck()||agitcheck2()){ end; }


set $@Eventname$,"Last Man Standing";

set $@CurrentEvent,3;

setarray $@Map$,"pvp_n_1-5"; //PVP Event Map

setarray $@XY[0],0,0; //PVP Event X, Y

setarray $@Players[0],2,0; //Min,Max Players

setarray $@LvReq[0],70,1,150,150; //Min Base, Job, Max Base, Job Levels for PVP

set $@MaxTime,20; //PVP Times in Mins (Suggest Less then 50)

set $@JobGroup,7; //Jobs Groups Allowed Bitwise

//[1] Novice, [2] 1st, [4] 2nd, [8] 3rd

set $@Conditions,2; //Bitwise

//1 sc_end SC_ALL;

//2 percentheal 100,100;

//4 sc_start SC_DECREASEAGI,300000+$@MaxTime*60000,10;

//8 atcommand "@storeall";

setarray $@Prizes[0],0,0,1000000; //Prize - Item, Amount, Zeny

setarray $@Cost[0],0,0,2500; //Join Cost - Item, Amount, Zeny

setarray $@PrizePool[0],0,10000; //100 = 1% Prizes pooled from players - Items, Zeny

if(rand(100) < 10 && $@JobGroup){


case 1:

set .i,0;

set $@ReqJob,.i;

set $@Eventname$,"Novice Last Man Standing";



case 2: case 3:

set .i,rand(1,6);

if(rand(7) == 7) set .i,4046;

set $@ReqJob,.i;

set $@Eventname$,""+jobname(.i)+" Class Last Man Standing";


case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7:

set .i,rand(7,12) + rand(1)*7;

if(rand(17) > 14) set .i,rand(23,25);

if(rand(19) > 16) set .i,4047+rand(1)*2;

set $@ReqJob,.i;

set $@Eventname$,""+jobname(.i)+" Class Last Man Standing";


case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11:

case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15:

set .i,rand(4054,4059)+rand(1)*(12+rand(1));

set $@ReqJob,.i;

set $@Eventname$,""+jobname(.i)+" Class Last Man Standing";





mapwarp $@Map$,$@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1];

disablenpc "PvpEventPrize";

for(set .@i,2; .@i > 0; set .@i,.@i-1){

announce ""+$@Eventname$+" Event Will begin in "+.@i+" Mins!",8;

announce "Please type @joinevent to join",8;

sleep 60000;


announce ""+$@Eventname$+" Event Has Begun!",8;

set $@CurrentEvent,$@CurrentEvent*-1;

sleep 9000;


mapannounce $@Map$,"Sorry there are not enough players for this event to take place",8;

} else {

mapannounce $@Map$,"The Rules of this event are as follows",8;

sleep 5000;

mapannounce $@Map$,"This is a Free for all Last man Standing",8;

sleep 5000;

mapannounce $@Map$,"there is a "+$@MaxTime+" min time limit in place if there is no clear winner within "+$@MaxTime+" mins the Event ends",8;

sleep 5000;

mapannounce $@Map$,"Everyone has 1 Life so Res, Ygg Leafs and Kazail dont work",8;

sleep 5000;

mapannounce $@Map$,"Spread out PVP will begin in 10...",8;

sleep 1000;

for(set .@i,9; .@i > 0; set .@i,.@i-1){

mapannounce $@Map$,""+.@i+"...",8;

sleep 1000;


gvgon $@Map$;

mapannounce $@Map$,"Begin",8;

sleep 5000;

for(set .@@pvp,0; .@@pvp < $@MaxTime; set .@@pvp,.@@pvp+1){

if(getmapusers($@Map$)<2){ set .@@pvp,.@@pvp+$@MaxTime;

} else { mapannounce $@Map$,"There are "+getmapusers($@Map$)+" Players Remaining",8; }

sleep 60000;



mapannounce $@Map$,"We have a winner",8;

pvpoff $@Map$;

enablenpc "PvpEventPrize";

mapannounce $@Map$,"Talk to the Npc in the center of the map for a prize",8;

set $@CurrentEvent,0;


} else { mapannounce $@Map$,"Time Is up",8; }


sleep 5000;

gvgoff $@Map$;

set $@CurrentEvent,"0";

mapwarp $@Map$,$@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1];




function script MazeRUN {

if($@CurrentEvent||agitcheck()||agitcheck2()){ end; }


set $@CurrentEvent,4;

set $@Eventname$,"Maze";

setarray $@Map$,"maze";

setarray $@XY,371,143;

setarray $@LvReq[0],0,0,5000,5000;

set $@ReqJob,-1;

setarray $@Prizes[0],7227,25,10000;

setarray $@Cost[0],0,0,1000;

setarray $@PrizePool[0],0,10000;

setarray $@Players[0],1,0;

set $@MaxTime,30; //Number of Mins to complete maze


mapwarp $@Map$,$@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1];

enablenpc "mazeroadblock";

disablenpc "MazePrize";

for(set .@i,2; .@i > 0; set .@i,.@i-1){

announce ""+$@Eventname$+" Event Will begin in "+.@i+" Mins!",8;

announce "Please type @joinevent to join",8;

sleep 60000;


announce ""+$@Eventname$+" Event Has Begun!",8;

set $@CurrentEvent,$@CurrentEvent*-1;

sleep 9000;

if(getmapusers($@Map$)<$@Players[0]){ mapannounce $@Map$,"Sorry there are not enough players for this event to take place",8;

} else {

mapannounce $@Map$,"Rules are simple first to get to end of maze wins, so begin~",8;

disablenpc "mazeroadblock";

enablenpc "MazePrize";

for(set .@maze,0; .@maze < $@MaxTime; set .@maze,.@maze+1){

if(getmapusers($@Map$)<1) set .@maze,.@maze+$@MaxTime;

mapannounce $@Map$,"There are "+($@MaxTime-.@maze)+" Minuets Remaining",8;

sleep 60000;


mapannounce $@Map$,"Time Is up",8;


disablenpc "MazePrize";

sleep 5000;

mapwarp $@Map$,$@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1];

set $@CurrentEvent,0;




function script PoringRUN {

if($@CurrentEvent||agitcheck()||agitcheck2()){ end; }


set $@Eventname$,"Poring";

set $@CurrentEvent,6;

setarray $@Map$,"pvp_n_1-5"; //Poring Event Map

setarray $@XY[0],0,0; //Poring Event X, Y

setarray $@Players[0],1,0; //Min,Max Players

setarray $@LvReq[0],0,0,1000,1000; //Min Base, Job, Max Base, Job Levels for PVP

set $@MaxTime,30; //Poring Time in Mins (Suggest Less then 50)

set $@Winers,2; //Number of Winers

setarray $@Mobs,1725,$@Winers,1725,15,1725,15,1725,15,1725,15,1725,15,1725,15,1725,15,1725,15,1725,15,1725,15,1725,15,1725,15,1725,15,1725,15,1725,15,1725,15,1725,15,1725,15;

setarray $@MobNames$,"Poring","P0ring","Porlng","Porimg","Porinq","Poporing","This One","Right","Kill Me","Poning","qoring","Pooring","Pouring","Polling","~Poring~","Winner","Prize","Porirg","Paring";

setarray $@Prizes[0],7227,25,100000; //Prize - Item, Amount, Zeny

setarray $@Cost[0],0,0,2500; //Join Cost - Item, Amount, Zeny

setarray $@PrizePool[0],0,10000; //100 = 1% Prizes pooled from players - Items, Zeny


mapwarp $@Map$,$@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1];

pvpoff $@Map$;

for(set .@i,2; .@i > 0; set .@i,.@i-1){

announce ""+$@Eventname$+" Event Will begin in "+.@i+" Mins!",8;

announce "Please type @joinevent to join",8;

sleep 60000;


announce ""+$@Eventname$+" Event Has Begun!",8;

set $@CurrentEvent,$@CurrentEvent*-1;

if(getmapusers($@Map$)<$@Players[0]){ mapannounce $@Map$,"Sorry there are not enough players for this event to take place",8;

} else {

mapannounce $@Map$,"Rules are simple",8;

sleep 3000;

mapannounce $@Map$,"Kill the 'Poring' with the correct name, and get a warped to town with a prize.",8;

sleep 3000;

mapannounce $@Map$,"Kill the wrong one and get warped to town with nothing.",8;

sleep 3000;

mapannounce $@Map$,"There "+(($@Winers>1)?"are":"is")+" "+$@Winers+" right poring"+(($@Winers>1)?"s":"")+" and a "+$@MaxTime+" min timer.",8;

sleep 3000;

mapannounce $@Map$,"Event will now Begin~",8;

sleep 3000;

for(set .@i,2; .@i < getarraysize($@Mobs); set .@i,.@i+2){

monster $@Map$,0,0,$@MobNames$[.@i/2],$@Mobs[.@i],$@Mobs[.@i+1],"PoringPrize::OnKillWrong";


monster $@Map$,0,0,"--ja--",$@Mobs[0],$@Mobs[1],"PoringPrize::OnKillRight";

for(set .@poring,0; .@poring < $@MaxTime; set .@poring,.@poring+1){

if(getmapusers($@Map$)<1) set .@poring,.@poring+$@MaxTime;

mapannounce $@Map$,"There are "+($@MaxTime-.@poring)+" Minuets Remaining",8;

sleep 60000;



mapannounce $@Map$,"Time Is up",8;

killmonsterall $@Map$;

sleep 5000;

mapwarp $@Map$,$@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1];




function script ManHuntRUN {

if($@CurrentEvent||agitcheck()||agitcheck2()){ end; }


set $@CurrentEvent,10;

set $@Conditions,19; //Bitwise

//1 sc_end SC_ALL;

//2 percentheal 100,100;

//4 sc_start SC_DECREASEAGI,300000+$@MaxTime*60000,10;

//8 atcommand "@storeall";

//16 save player name in array (must be on for manhunt event)

set $@Eventname$,"Man-Hunt";

setarray $@Map$,"pvp_n_1-5"; //Poring Event Map

setarray $@XY,0,0; //Poring Event X, Y

setarray $@Prizes,7227,25,50000; //Prize - Item, Amount, Zeny

setarray $@Cost,0,0,2500; //Join Cost - Item, Amount, Zeny

setarray $@PrizePool[0],0,10000; //100 = 1% Prizes pooled from players - Items, Zeny

setarray $@Players,2,100; // Min,Max PLayers, keep max players no more than 125

set $@MaxTime,10; //Number of Rounds, each round is a 1 min with a 10 second breather suggest under 45


mapwarp $@Map$,$@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1];

enablenpc "ManhuntPrize";

for(set .@i,2; .@i > 0; set .@i,.@i-1){

announce ""+$@Eventname$+" Event Will begin in "+.@i+" Mins!",8;

announce "Please type @joinevent to join",8;

sleep 60000;


set $@CurrentEvent,$@CurrentEvent*-1;

if(getmapusers($@Map$)<$@Players[0]){ mapannounce $@Map$,"Sorry there are not enough players for this event to take place",8;

} else {

setarray $@Pool,$@Pool[0]/$@MaxTime,$@Pool[1]/$@MaxTime;

mapannounce $@Map$,"The goal is this event is to kill the target within 60 seconds.",8;

sleep 5000;

mapannounce $@Map$,"The one who managed to kill the target will gain a prize",8;

sleep 5000;

mapannounce $@Map$,"But if the target surivived, the target will gain the prize",8;

sleep 5000;

mapannounce $@Map$,"Man-Hunt Event start!",8;

for(set .@round,1; .@round < $@MaxTime; set .@round,.@round+1){

if(getmapusers($@Map$)<$@Players[0]){ mapannounce $@Map$,"Sorry there are not enough players for this event to take place anymore",8;

} else {

if(.@round > 1){ mapannounce $@Map$,"Next Round will begin in 10 seconds!",8; sleep 10000; }

while(attachrid(getcharid(0,$@PlayerNameList$[$@Target])) && strcharinfo(3)!= $@Map$){

set $@Target,rand(getarraysize($@PlayerNameList$));


mapannounce $@Map$,"[Round "+.@round+"] Our target is "+$@PlayerNameList$[$@Target]+"!",8;

atcommand "killable "+$@PlayerNameList$[$@Target];

atcommand "size "+$@PlayerNameList$[$@Target]+" 2";

sleep 60000;

if($@Target != -1){

if(attachrid(getcharid(0,$@PlayerNameList$[$@Target])) && strcharinfo(3)== $@Map$){

announce "Congrats to, "+strcharinfo(0)+" a winner in the "+$@Eventname$+" event!",bc_blue|bc_all;

if($@Prizes[0])getitem $@Prizes[0],$@Prizes[1];

if($@PrizePool[0])getitem $@Cost[0],($@Pool[0]*$@PrizePool[0]/10000);

if($@Prizes[2]||$@PrizePool[1])set Zeny,Zeny+$@Prizes[2]+($@Pool[1]*$@PrizePool[1]/10000);



atcommand "alive "+$@PlayerNameList$[$@Target]+"";

atcommand "killable "+$@PlayerNameList$[$@Target]+"";

atcommand "size "+$@PlayerNameList$[$@Target]+" 0";




disablenpc "ManhuntPrize";

mapannounce $@Map$,"Event is Over",8;

sleep 5000;

mapwarp $@Map$,$@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1];


//========================= Prizes ======================================


1@zombie,175,120,4 script ZombiePrize 425,{

mes "[Event Agent]";

mes "So you mangaed to live";


mes "[Event Agent]";

mes "Here is your prize and goodbye";


announce "Congrats to, "+strcharinfo(0)+" a winner in the "+$@Eventname$+" event!",bc_blue|bc_all;

if($@Prizes[0])getitem $@Prizes[0],$@Prizes[1];

if($@PrizePool[0])getitem $@Cost[0],($@Pool[0]*$@PrizePool[0]/10000);

if($@Prizes[2]||$@PrizePool[1])set Zeny,Zeny+$@Prizes[2]+($@Pool[1]*$@PrizePool[1]/10000);

setarray $@Pool[0],0,0;

warp $@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1];



getmapxy(.@pc_map$, .@pc_x, .@pc_y, 0);

set .@i,rand(getarraysize($@Mob)/2)*2;

monster $@Map$,.@pc_x+rand(-5,5),.@pc_y+rand(-5,5),"--ja--",$@Mobs[.@i],.@@Wave*$@Mob[.@i+1],"ZombiePrize::OnKillZombie";

dispbottom "Don't do that";

sc_start SC_DECREASEAGI,SC_DECREASEAGI,300000+$@MaxTime*60000,10;

percentheal -20,-100;




quiz_01,205,92,4 script 1234-Prize 456,{

mes "[Event Agent]";

mes "Your a lucky one";


mes "[Event Agent]";

mes "I guess you get a prize";


announce "Congrats to, "+strcharinfo(0)+" a winner of the "+$@Eventname$+" event!",bc_blue|bc_all;

if($@Prizes[0])getitem $@Prizes[0],$@Prizes[1];

if($@PrizePool[0])getitem $@Cost[0],($@Pool[0]*$@PrizePool[0]/10000);

if($@Prizes[2]||$@PrizePool[1])set Zeny,Zeny+$@Prizes[2]+($@Pool[1]*$@PrizePool[1]/10000);

setarray $@Pool[0],0,0;

warp $@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1];




pvp_n_1-5,99,100,4 script PvpEventPrize 405,{

mes "[Event Agent]";

mes "So your the last one standing";


mes "[Event Agent]";

mes "Your reward";


announce "Congrats to, "+strcharinfo(0)+" the winner in the "+$@Eventname$+" event!",bc_blue|bc_all;

if($@Prizes[0])getitem $@Prizes[0],$@Prizes[1];

if($@PrizePool[0])getitem $@Cost[0],($@Pool[0]*$@PrizePool[0]/10000);

if($@Prizes[2]||$@PrizePool[1])set Zeny,Zeny+$@Prizes[2]+($@Pool[1]*$@PrizePool[1]/10000);

setarray $@Pool[0],0,0;

warp $@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1];

disablenpc "PvpEventPrize";




maze,369,162,4 script MazePrize 405,4,4,{

mes "[Event Agent]";

mes "Walk up to me to claim prize~";



mes "[Event Agent]";

mes "So you mangaed to reach me";


mes "[Event Agent]";

mes "Here is your prize~";


announce "Congrats to, "+strcharinfo(0)+" a winner in the "+$@Eventname$+" event!",bc_blue|bc_all;

if($@Prizes[0])getitem $@Prizes[0],$@Prizes[1];

if($@PrizePool[0])getitem $@Cost[0],($@Pool[0]*$@PrizePool[0]/10000);

if($@Prizes[2]||$@PrizePool[1])set Zeny,Zeny+$@Prizes[2]+($@Pool[1]*$@PrizePool[1]/10000);

setarray $@Pool[0],0,0;

warp $@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1];




- script PoringPrize -1,{


set .@i,rand(1,(getarraysize($@Mobs)/2))*2;

monster $@Map$,0,0,$@MobNames$[.@i/2],$@Mobs[.@i],$@Mobs[.@i+1],"PoringPrize::OnKillWrong";

warp $@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1];



announce "Congrats to, "+strcharinfo(0)+" a winner in the "+$@Eventname$+" event!",bc_blue|bc_all;

if($@Prizes[0])getitem $@Prizes[0],$@Prizes[1];

if($@PrizePool[0])getitem $@Cost[0],($@Pool[0]*$@PrizePool[0]/10000);

if($@Prizes[2]||$@PrizePool[1])set Zeny,Zeny+$@Prizes[2]+($@Pool[1]*$@PrizePool[1]/10000);

setarray $@Pool[0],0,0;

sleep2 1000;

warp $@ReturnMap$[0],$@ReturnXY[0],$@ReturnXY[1];




- script ManhuntPrize -1,{


if ($@CurrentEvent == -10 && strcharinfo(0) == $@PlayerNameList$[$@Target] ){

if(attachrid(killerrid)) {

announce "Congrats to, "+strcharinfo(0)+" a winner in the "+$@Eventname$+" event!",bc_blue|bc_all;

if($@Prizes[0])getitem $@Prizes[0],$@Prizes[1];

if($@PrizePool[0])getitem $@Cost[0],($@Pool[0]*$@PrizePool[0]/10000);

if($@Prizes[2]||$@PrizePool[1])set Zeny,Zeny+$@Prizes[2]+($@Pool[1]*$@PrizePool[1]/10000);

set $@Target,-1;





if($@CurrentEvent == -10 && strcharinfo(0) == $@PlayerNameList$[$@Target]){

mapannounce $@Map$,"The target has logged out of this game. This round will be nulled.",0;

set $@Target,-1;




//========================= Other =======================================


maze,358,148,0 warp mazeroadblock 2,2,maze,371,149


1@zombie mapflag gvg

maze mapflag gvg



Edited by - Mariel

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