Long story short, i'm trying to add new custom Mercenary skills based on some of the existing skills but having trouble with the client changes. The problem is that the new skills do not even show in the list of skills when checking the mercenary.
Server Details:
My server is Hercules version 20140205.
I have been able to create a new NPC in "Hercules/npc/other/mercenary_rent.txt" as well as 10 new "scroll" items in "Herculesdbreitem_db.conf". These work without issue as i'm able to talk to the npc and purchase mercenary scrolls.
I have also successfully created the new mercenaries in "Hercules/db/mercenary_db.txt" and assigned it's skills in the following locations:
"Hercules/src/map/skill.h" - Right after MER_INCAGI,
"Hercules/src/map/skill.c" - Copied any reference to AL_HEAL and AL_ANGELUS using MER_
"Hercules/src/map/battle.c"- Copied any reference to AL_HEAL and AL_ANGELUS using MER_
The skills I assigned it are 2 existing skills "Blessing - 8239" and "Magnificat - 8222", while giving it a new version of "Heal - Reused commented out 8241" and "Angelus - 8242".
In order to accomidate the new skills I increased the MAX_MERCSKILL in "Hercules/src/common/mmo.h" to 50 (Could have been 41 but wanted to leave room).
The 10 new items have been added to "kRO/System/itemInfo.lua" and "kRO/System/itemInfo.lub" through the luatolub tool.
Testing Trials:
The Mercenary Manager NPC works perfectly with correct text, items, and prices. I'm not too concerned about confirming the loyalty or "calls"/"faith" values yet. The scoll items used to create the mercenaries have the correct image, name, and work when used. The Mercenaries summoned have the correct animation, stats, and function as normal mercenaries would (Custom AI to be done at a later time). The two pre-existing skills, blessing and magnificat, work without issue when cast. Heal does work when cast but Angelus does not even appear in the mercenary skills list.
I cannot see any other places that I would need to modify on the client to include more than the standard 40 mercenary skills so that my new skills appear in the list.
Looking over the forums and many other sources I have found very limited information that would help. Some sites say it's a limitation of the client while others say it can be managed via the lua/lub files.
Long story short, i'm trying to add new custom Mercenary skills based on some of the existing skills but having trouble with the client changes.
The problem is that the new skills do not even show in the list of skills when checking the mercenary.
Server Details:
My server is Hercules version 20140205.
I have been able to create a new NPC in "Hercules/npc/other/mercenary_rent.txt" as well as 10 new "scroll" items in "Herculesdbreitem_db.conf".
These work without issue as i'm able to talk to the npc and purchase mercenary scrolls.
I have also successfully created the new mercenaries in "Hercules/db/mercenary_db.txt" and assigned it's skills in the following locations:
"Hercules/src/map/skill.h" - Right after MER_INCAGI,
"Hercules/src/map/skill.c" - Copied any reference to AL_HEAL and AL_ANGELUS using MER_
"Hercules/src/map/battle.c"- Copied any reference to AL_HEAL and AL_ANGELUS using MER_
The skills I assigned it are 2 existing skills "Blessing - 8239" and "Magnificat - 8222", while giving it a new version of "Heal - Reused commented out 8241" and "Angelus - 8242".
In order to accomidate the new skills I increased the MAX_MERCSKILL in "Hercules/src/common/mmo.h" to 50 (Could have been 41 but wanted to leave room).
Client Details:
My client is a NEMO patched version of the 20140205 ThemonChan client from "https://github.com/ThemonChan/2014-Ragexe-Client".
I have updated the skill list to include the new skills at the following locations:
"kRO/Data/luafiles514/lua files/skillinfoz/skillid.lub"
"kRO/Data/luafiles514/lua files/skillinfoz/skilldescript.lub"
"kRO/Data/luafiles514/lua files/skillinfoz/skillinfolist.lub"
"kRO/Data/luafiles514/lua files/newskillinfo/skillid.lub"
The mercenaries have been added to the following locations:
"kRO/Data/luafiles514/lau files/datainfo/NPCIdentity.lub"
"kRO/Data/laufiles514/lau files/datainfo/jobname.lub"
"kRO/Data/laufiles514/lau files/datainfo/jobentity.lub"
The 10 new items have been added to "kRO/System/itemInfo.lua" and "kRO/System/itemInfo.lub" through the luatolub tool.

Edited by djlaw69Testing Trials:
The Mercenary Manager NPC works perfectly with correct text, items, and prices.
I'm not too concerned about confirming the loyalty or "calls"/"faith" values yet.
The scoll items used to create the mercenaries have the correct image, name, and work when used.
The Mercenaries summoned have the correct animation, stats, and function as normal mercenaries would (Custom AI to be done at a later time).
The two pre-existing skills, blessing and magnificat, work without issue when cast.
Heal does work when cast but Angelus does not even appear in the mercenary skills list.
I cannot see any other places that I would need to modify on the client to include more than the standard 40 mercenary skills so that my new skills appear in the list.
Looking over the forums and many other sources I have found very limited information that would help.
Some sites say it's a limitation of the client while others say it can be managed via the lua/lub files.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
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