Hi all, I've been looking over the source files on where to edit the Deathbound skill of Rune Knight. Right now deathbound only reflects skills on a very close range (1 cell). Is it possible to increase it to 3-4 cells?
Here's what I found in battle.c
if( wd->flag & BF_SHORT ) { if( !is_boss(src) ) { if( sc->data[SC_DEATHBOUND] && skill_id != WS_CARTTERMINATION ) { uint8 dir = map->calc_dir(target,src->x,src->y), t_dir = unit->getdir(target); if( !map->check_dir(dir,t_dir) ) { int64 rd1 = damage * sc->data[SC_DEATHBOUND]->val2 / 100; // Amplify damage. trdamage += rdamage = rd1 - (damage = rd1 * 30 / 100); // not normalized as intended. rdelay = clif->skill_damage(src, target, tick, status_get_amotion(src), status_get_dmotion(src), -3000, 1, RK_DEATHBOUND, sc->data[SC_DEATHBOUND]->val1, 6); skill->blown(target, src, skill->get_blewcount(RK_DEATHBOUND, sc->data[SC_DEATHBOUND]->val1), unit->getdir(src), 0); if( tsd ) /* is this right? rdamage as both left and right? */ battle->drain(tsd, src, rdamage, rdamage, status_get_race(src), 0); battle->delay_damage(tick, wd->amotion,target,src,0,CR_REFLECTSHIELD,0,rdamage,ATK_DEF,rdelay,true); delay += 100;/* gradual increase so the numbers don't clip in the client */ } wd->damage = wd->damage + wd->damage2; wd->damage2 = 0; status_change_end(target,SC_DEATHBOUND,INVALID_TIMER); } } }
Hi all, I've been looking over the source files on where to edit the Deathbound skill of Rune Knight. Right now deathbound only reflects skills on a very close range (1 cell). Is it possible to increase it to 3-4 cells?
Here's what I found in battle.c
Thanks in advance for the help.
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