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Mikhail von Hohenheim

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About Mikhail von Hohenheim

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  1. the f***?? it literally is no longer available?? waah,,
  2. too bad,, my IP is blocked from rAthena for unknown reason, is there like another place that i can get this?? like from Mega?
  3. anyone familiar on how this works?? basically here's what i want to do: few months ago, got an issue with my service provider putting a throttling on a previously unlimited internet service, i found a workaround with it, and it worked for a few months. But just a week ago, that work around is not effective anymore, now, having a huge issue on my internet that actually has a daily capping which refreshes every 1am. while trying to search the web on a workaround again, or bypass, i run into this word "VPN" it is said that it can help you to make your Service Provider think that you haven't reached the daily cap yet. anyone got an insight?? needed since i cannot even update my files on github cause of this.
  4. uhm,, i cant find the 2010 from microsoft,, 2015 and 2013 i cant download it for some reason,, well i cant remember if its the express version,, but as long as i can compile my server that'll be fine,,
  5. My hard drive crashed and couple of weeks ago, and had just had it repaired,, I at least somehow have backup of my server files,, but i cannot get a copy of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 anymore,,
  6. Might be cloudflare, it might have detected some.kind of attacks from range of ip, and that included yours?You could contact some rA staff to get it solved... how to contact them?? i can't even access the site anymore??
  7. i have problem accessing rathena,, it says "The owner of this website (rathena.org) has banned your IP " well,, so far as i know i didn't do anything to their site?? anyone had an idea??
  8. Yes but he can change the element according the situation. i.e The monster is fire element, the enemy attack him with water attacks, then he chnage to water element to reduce the damage. You can made the skill to activate with a low chance. If the attacker still attacking him, a low chance make he change the element after a ammount of damage. You can do he change the element at 100% when reach a set ammount of life (in %). Like a BBS or sage's skill Change "element". 2 elements is not possible in a clean hercules. actually what i mean is like this,, create something like the skill of Blacksmith "Skin Tempering" would reduce damage from a specific element and add a damage bonus damage to a specific element without affecting the elemental properties, then put it like a monster skill,, if not possible to put it like a passive skill make it like a buff skill,,,
  9. but you can try to make a monster skill that would give resistance/bonus damage from a certain element that would work the same way as the "second" element??
  10. server side,, src/map/status.c look for SC_TWOHANDQUICKEN
  11. HAPPY CHRISTMAS too Guyz,, and Merry Holidays!!
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