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is this working now with http emblem?
Since this seems like a custom mob, any chance it has DamageMotion = 0 ? I remember observing that at least in my client, DamageMotion = 0 makes the critical damage not show properly in client. It does increase the damage but does not render the balloon. And I am not sure, is this a custom font for damage? have you tried using the original one just in case? If that's not the case, then, copying from the other topic: 1. Are you using the latest/recent version of Hercules? If not, update your herc. 2. Do you have source modifications? If yes, try to remove your source modifications and see if it works (maybe the easiest way is to get a clean herc in same version and check if it works) other than that, other information that may help someone trying to help you: 1. Hercules version 2. RE/PRE-RE? 3. Client version 4. Customizations you have (source, plugins, etc) -- even better, try without them, trying to help someone with custom code is way harder than with vanilla code
The Tree of Savior has emerged into the world of Ragnarok Join my Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/AhBjDJnEW3 Screenshots In-game Video
Hello, can anyone help me? i have a problem the critical star display is not showing when i attack to mobs T_T but showing for attack to player and have double attack skills (TF_DOUBLE).
I think it would be better to have your own topic, but... First of all, this topic seems very convoluted with a lot of info and from several years ago, you may have a totally different issue. My recommendation is: Does trying it in the latest hercules, with no source modifications, work? If yes, then: 1. Are you using the latest/recent version of Hercules? If not, update your herc. 2. What exactly are you expecting? Monsters critting any time, or monsters that uses the Critical Strike skill showing critical? Note that RO monsters don't critical by default. They have a skill that causes critical. 3. Do you have source modifications? If yes, try to remove your source modifications and see if it works (maybe the easiest way is to get a clean herc in same version and check if it works) From that you should be able to pinpoint where the issue is likely to be. - If using clean herc in same version as yours works, check your modifications - If using current herc doesn't work, and it really was supposed to work to match official content, I think we have a bug in herc -- maybe open an issue with details
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