meko 170 Posted June 4, 2017 List of deprecated script commands and Hercules features(2017) misceffect() specialeffect2() pow() useatcmd() v2018.06.03 pcblockmove() v2019.03.10 UDT_MAPIDXY and UDT_WALKTOXY constant v2019.04.07 petstat() v2019.05.05 debugmes() v2019.11.17 getguildname() getguildmaster() getguildmasterid() Future deprecations: ⚠️ Please avoid using those commands in new scripts menu() 2 Legend and tedexx reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meko 170 Posted September 18, 2017 As of June 3rd, the specialeffect() command has been upgraded and it now allows to use effects on any kind of unit (player, npc, mob, homunculus, ...) and to show it to any player. This allowed us to deprecate specialeffect2() and misceffect() so now there is a single command for effects instead of 3 different ones, making things simpler for everyone. You can still use specialeffect2() and misceffect() but they will trigger a warning every time, since they will be removed in the future. Here's how the updated specialeffect() command works: specialeffect(effect number{, send target{, unit id{, account id ]}}) effect number is the effect to use. see effect_list.txt for a list of all effects send target is to whom the effect should be sent. The most common values are: AREA will show the effect to every player in the area SELF will show the effect to one player only see for a list of possible send targets unit id is the unit on which the effect should be centered it can be a mob id, an account id, a npc id or the id of any other kind of unit account id is the player to which the effect should be sent if SELF was specified as send target To migrate from specialeffect2 to specialeffect: specialeffect2(effect) ➜ specialeffect(effect, AREA, playerattached()) specialeffect2(effect, target, "player name") ➜ specialeffect(effect, target, getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT, "player name")) To migrate from misceffect to specialeffect: Because the behaviour of this command varies depending on if the npc has a sprite or not, what you want is either one of the two: misceffect(effect) ➜ specialeffect(effect) misceffect(effect) ➜ specialeffect(effect, AREA, playerattached()) 2 JulioCF and NiklPar reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meko 170 Posted September 18, 2017 As of June 3rd, the pow() command has been superseded by the exponentiation operator (**). You can still use pow() but it will trigger a warning every time, as this command will be removed in the future. The exponentiation operator has higher precedence than any other operator. This means (a * b ** c) is equivalent to (a * (b ** c)) and not ((a * b) ** c) Here's how to migrate your scripts: pow(a, b) ➜ (a ** b) In combination with other operators: pow(a * b, c) ➜ ((a * b) ** c) pow(a, b * c) ➜ (a ** (b * c)) To automatically convert your scripts: # from the Hercules root folder: find npc db -type f -exec sed -i -r 's/pow\((.+),[ ]*(.+)\)/((\1) ** (\2))/g' {} + If you are using vanilla Hercules then all your scripts should already be converted. See also Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meko 170 Posted September 18, 2017 As of September 18 2017, the useatcmd() command has been deprecated. If you were using useatcmd() for built-in @commands you can simply replace it with atcommand(): useatcmd("@command") ➜ atcommand("@command") If you were using useatcmd() for custom @commands (registered with bindatcmd()) you can use doevent() instead: useatcmd("@custom") ➜ doevent("MyNPC::OnUseCommand"); MyNPC is the name of the NPC in which you used bindatcmd()OnUseCommand is the event you registered with bindatcmd() Edge cases: useatcmd(), unlike atcommand(), uses the group id of the attached player rather than running with admin privileges. If you need to check whether or not a player should be able to use a command, use can_use_command() if (can_use_command("@foobar")) { atcommand("@foobar"); } else { dispbottom("You cannot use this command!"); } 2 Mihael and Mystery reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnnieRuru 958 Posted June 4, 2018 Related commit : if you have event scripts that uses *pcblockmove, its time to convert into *setpcblock Example : (old) pcblockmove(getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT), true); now should be setpcblock(PCBLOCK_MOVE, true); the new one is more flexible and can limit other actions too 2 Ridley and Tsuuu reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnnieRuru 958 Posted March 11, 2019 Related commit: this is part of *setunitdata script command clean-up the UDT_MAPIDXY and UDT_WALKTOXY constant has been deprecated so this script command only dealing with 1 INTEGER value now it has been standardize, all (int) has been removed from the documentation Example 1 : setunitdata UDT_MAPIDXY (old) .@mobgid = monster("this", -1,-1, "--ja--", PORING, 1); setunitdata(.@mobgid, UDT_MAPIDXY, "guild_vs2", 50,50); now should be .@mobgid = monster("this", -1,-1, "--ja--", PORING, 1); unitwarp(.@mobgid, "guild_vs2", 50,50); Example 2 : getunitdata UDT_MAPIDXY (old) .@mobgid = monster("this", -1,-1, "--ja--", PORING, 1); getunitdata(.@mobgid, UDT_MAPIDXY, .@pos); dispbottom(sprintf("%d %d %d", .@pos[0], .@pos[1], .@pos[2])); // apparently we don't have *mapid2name script command ... doesn't matter anymore now should be .@mobgid = monster("this", -1,-1, "--ja--", PORING, 1); getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, UNITTYPE_MOB, .@mobgid); dispbottom(sprintf("%s %d %d", .@map$, .@x, .@y)); Example 3 : setunitdata UDT_WALKTOXY (old) .@mobgid = monster("this", -1,-1, "--ja--", PORING, 1); setunitdata(.@mobgid, UDT_WALKTOXY, 158,185); now should be .@mobgid = monster("this", -1,-1, "--ja--", PORING, 1); unitwalk(.@mobgid, 158, 185); 1 1 IndieRO and anacondaq reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ridley 295 Posted November 30, 2019 Related commit: and present in getguildinfo() getguildname() getguildmaster() getguildmasterid() Script Conversion: find npc db -type f -exec sed -i -e "s/getguildname(/getguildinfo(GUILDINFO_NAME, /g" \ -e "s/getguildmaster(/getguildinfo(GUILDINFO_MASTER_NAME, /g" \ -e "s/getguildmasterid(/getguildinfo(GUILDINFO_MASTER_CID, /g" {} + Format and Values: *getguildinfo(<info type>{, <guild id>}) *getguildinfo(<info type>{, "<guild name>"}) Valid <info type> are: GUILDINFO_NAME - guild name GUILDINFO_ID - guild id GUILDINFO_LEVEL - current level GUILDINFO_EXP - current exp GUILDINFO_NEXT_EXP - exp required to reach the next level GUILDINFO_SKILL_POINTS - available skill points GUILDINFO_ONLINE - number of online members GUILDINFO_AV_LEVEL - average member level GUILDINFO_MAX_MEMBERS - guild capacity GUILDINFO_MASTER_NAME - name of the guild master GUILDINFO_MASTER_CID - char id of the guild master Example: 1Old: getguildmaster(getcharid(CHAR_ID_GUILD)) 1New: getguildinfo(GUILDINFO_MASTER_NAME, getcharid(CHAR_ID_GUILD)) 2Old: getguildname(getcharid(CHAR_ID_GUILD)) 2New: getguildinfo(GUILDINFO_NAME, getcharid(CHAR_ID_GUILD)) 1 IndieRO reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ridley 295 Posted December 27, 2019 Related commit: consolemes() debugmes() Format and Values: consolemes("<type>", "<format string>"{,<param>{, ...}}) List of available <type> are: CONSOLEMES_DEBUG = 0 CONSOLEMES_ERROR = 1 CONSOLEMES_WARNING = 2 CONSOLEMES_INFO = 3 CONSOLEMES_STATUS = 4 CONSOLEMES_NOTICE = 5 Example: Old: debugmes("Please check your special warp menu settings on the Warpra."); New: consolemes(CONSOLEMES_WARNING, "Please check your special warp menu settings on the Warpra."); consolemes(CONSOLEMES_DEBUG, "%s has clicked me!", strcharinfo(PC_NAME)); consolemes(CONSOLEMES_DEBUG, "\033[0;32mHello World"); // supports ANSI escape sequences 1 IndieRO reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ridley 295 Posted December 27, 2019 Related commit: This command will return the currently active pet information of the invoking character. getpetinfo(<type>) petstat(<flag>) Types: PETINFO_ID - Pet Database ID, stored in `pet` table to distinguish from other pets. PETINFO_CLASS - Pet class ID. (Id field) PETINFO_NAME - Pet Name, return "null" if there's no active pet. PETINFO_INTIMACY - Pet Intimacy level. 1000 is full loyalty. PETINFO_HUNGRY - Pet hungry level. 100 is completely full. PETINFO_RENAME - Pet rename flag. 0 means this pet has not been named yet. PETINFO_GID - Pet Game ID PETINFO_EGGITEM - Pet EggItem PETINFO_FOODITEM - Pet FoodItem PETINFO_ACCESSORYITEM - Pet AccessoryItem PETINFO_ACCESSORYFLAG - return 1 if the pet currently equipping accessory, return 0 otherwise. PETINFO_EVO_EGGID - Pet Evolve EggID PETINFO_AUTOFEED - Pet AutoFeed flag. 1 IndieRO reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites