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  1. 1 point

    File pack #4

    Version 1.0.0


    Hi i have been working on many ragnarok stuff lately and am going to release what ive completed, its theme is north american horror, although the mapping is 100% complete for 7/8 maps the warps, and gat are not Tons of models that wont break your game but feel free to ask if you have an issue with gravity errors Also included a bunch of monsters I made and edited Some textures here are real life images , so please dont zoom in on weird things and do weird stuff , not much of it is in here but dont be annoying thanks
  2. 1 point

    Looking for Ragnarok devs

    Drop the info man, this is not CIA.
  3. 1 point

    Mob Element View

    Version 1.0.0


    A small mod that allows you to display a custom icon and a title referring to the element and element level of the mob. It can be disabled by changing it in monster.conf // Show Element Info [Hyroshima] // 0= Off, 1= On mob_ele_view: 1 I have an observation to inform, if any of the information related to show_mob_info is enabled the mod will behave as disabled. // Display some mob info next to their name? (Note 3) // (does not works on guardian or Emperium) // 1: Display mob HP (Hp/MaxHp format) // 2: Display mob HP (Percent of full life format) // 4: Display mob's level show_mob_info: 0 The video quality is not very good (sorry), watch the preview video in fullscreen 😅
  4. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Since RO starting point in renewal changed several times, and finding those files are getting increasingly hard, I decided to group them all and release here. This only includes the original map files, no changes, no NPCs adjustments. When downloading, you will find 6 options, pick the ones that you need. Hercules is currently (as of v2024.08) using 2012 Academy and 2015 Start Point (or 2018 with wrong map cache?). Files: - academy_2012 -- Criatura Academy 2012 version. Corridors in both floors, everything linked together - academy_2015 -- Criatura Academy 2015 version. 2nd floor changed to have rooms separate from the corridor ("making it smaller") - academy_2017 -- Criatura Academy 2017 version. 1st floor changed to a big open area - start_2012 -- iz_int is a boat for players to leave to izlude (NPCs not included) - start_2015 -- iz_int is a sunken ship; int_land is a island linking the sunken ship to the new one. Players can walk over the ship. - start_2018 -- the ship at int_land is no longer walkable Usage: - Download the ones that you need, - extract it somewhere - copy the content of the data folder to your data folder or GRF - you may need to regenerate your map cache and adjust the NPCs if the map is not the one for your Hercules version
  5. 1 point

    High-Res DamageFont

    Version 1.0.0


    High-Res Damagefont Here is a new damage font i've cooked for you guys. Alot simpler than the other ones ive uploaded, wen't for a more minimalistic design. I've tried not to kill the pixelated vibe that we all love from the original one, but still improving its resolution. Was pretty happy with the result ;] Hope you all like it. CyA
  6. 1 point

    Q> about setunitdata

    that's why I keep saying hercules mob controller is utterly broken there are 2 problems here 1. the hp and max hp is very strange thing when you want to increase the monster hp, setunitdata UDT_MAXHP 1st, then UDT_HP later when you want to decrease the monster hp, setunitdata UDT_HP 1st, then UDT_MAXHP later I'm not even sure need to fix this or not, because rathena also doing this way 2. yes, our recalculate monster status are broken https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/2408 prontera,155,185,5 script askdaksd 1_F_MARIA,{ .@mobgid = monster( "this", -1,-1, "--ja--", PORING, 1 ); setunitdata .@mobgid, UDT_MAXHP, 1000000; setunitdata .@mobgid, UDT_HP, 1000000; setunitdata .@mobgid, UDT_LEVEL, 99; end; }
  7. 1 point

    proxy server

    Lagless wont help. It will cause more lag since players need to connected to more hop server.
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