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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/17 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Official instances

    Hello peoples, I've been asked recently to create official instances that aren't release on rathena yet. Therefor, I've decided to modify or create those for hercules too. I'll start to release the two existing in rathena that are still missing in Hercules, Horror Toy Factory and Faceworm Nest. For those, I wouldn't ask for anything, as I made really few edits, only enough to allow them to work on Hercules. On the other hand, if you're interested into any of the following list, on hercules or rathena, please feel free to contact me! Here's the list of instances I've rewritten: Airship Assault Charleston Crisis Devil Tower Endless Cellar (rathena only pour le moment) Infinite Space (rathena only pour le moment) Last Room Morse Cave Overlook Water Dungeon Poring Village Room of Consciousness Sarah And Fenrir Sky Fortress Temple of Demon God And i've also rewritten the quest and stuff enchant for Sarah And Fenrir, Poring Village and Infinite Space. And the General warper to instances entrance. Please note that this instances are developped other videos, irowiki and database I have found (for mobs and items). Therefor, they might be not exactly the same as official. But they're as close as possible!
  2. 1 point
    No te recomiendo para nada Digital Ocean u OVH, sobretodo si tu servidor está enfocado en América del Sur pues no cuentan con servidores en Miami o Dallas, cuyas latencias son las mejores para este continente (sobretodo Miami). En su lugar te recomendaría Future Hosting o Vultr que poseen locaciones en Miami que aseguran un ping decente. Hay servicios VPS que se ofrecen bajo virtualización OpenVZ y son más baratos, bastante más baratos, pero no te los recomiendo para alojar un servidor aunque sí para pruebas. Usualmente lo que se recomienda es KVM o Xen y asegurarse de que haya un buen puerto por máquina. No te recomiendo servicios como Ragnahosting o cualquier hosting que preinstale el emulador, es mucho mejor contratar un hosting serio y reconocido y aprender a adminstrar por tu cuenta. Si lees las guías de GitHub no tendrás mayores problemas. Saludos.
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