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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    doubt about weight

    I think the 'problem' is the character inventory size. The client send the message 'You're overweight', but really you don't have space in your inventory.
  2. 1 point


    Try : - script asdfgh FAKE_NPC,{ OnPCLoginEvent: .players[getarraysize(.players)] = getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT); end; OnPCLogoutEvent: .@i = callfunc("array_find", .players, getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT)); if (!(.@i < 0)) deletearray .players[.@i], 1; end; OnMinute15: if (!.random_receiver) { .@i = 0; .@s = getarraysize(.players); while (.@i < .@s) { getitem Jellopy, 1, .players[.@i]; .@i++; } } else getitem Jellopy, 1, .players[rand(getarraysize(.players))]; end; OnInit: .random_receiver = 0; // 0 - all online players | 1 = random online player end; } PS : I am using below release so please plug that as well to your server to avoid any issues
  3. 1 point

    March Digest 2020

    March Digest 2020 The following digest covers the month of March1st - March 30th 2020 Team Changes None Added Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2020-03-04. (#2645) Exposed the item bound type (`IBT_*`) constants to the script engine. (#2650) Added item scripts for item IDs 12459 through 12465 and corrected their name in the pre-renewal DB. (#2634, issue #1196) Added the `unitiswalking()` script command, to check whether an unit is walking at a given time. (#2628) Changed Changed the default `PACKETVER` to 2019-05-30. (part of #2645) Major refactoring of the functions in `unit.c`, adding code documentation and following the code style guidelines. Functions have been renamed when backward compatible changes to the arguments or return values were made. (#2546) A new header `unitdefines.h` has been added. `enum unit_dir` is now provided, to standardize handling of facing/walking directions. The macros `unit_get_opposite_dir()`, `unit_is_diagonal_dir()`, `unit_is_dir_or_opposite()`, `unit_get_ccw90_dir()`, `unit_get_rnd_diagonal_dir()` have been added. `unit->walktoxy_timer()` has been renamed to `unit->walk_toxy_timer()` and its return values have been changed and documented. `unit->walktoxy_sub()` has been renamed to `unit->walk_toxy_sub()` and its return values have been changed and documented. `unit->delay_walktoxy_timer()` has been renamed to `unit->delay_walk_toxy_timer()` and its return values have been changed and documented. `unit->walktoxy()` has been renamed to `unit->walk_toxy()` and its return values have been changed and documented. `unit->walktobl_sub()` has been renamed to `unit->walk_tobl_timer()` and its return values have been changed and documented. `unit->setdir()` has been renamed to `unit->set_dir()` and its return value and arguments have been changed and documented. `unit->getdir()` has been renamed to `unit->get_dir()` and its return type and constness of the arguments have been changed. `unit->warpto_master()` has been added. `unit->sleep_timer()` has been renamed to `unit->sleeptimer()` and its return values have been changed and documented. `unit->calc_pos()` now accepts `enum unit_dir`. `map->check_dir()` now accepts `enum unit_dir`. `map->calc_dir()` now returns `enum unit_dir` and accepts a const bl. `npc->create_npc()` now accepts `enum unit_dir`. `skill->blown()` now accepts `enum unit_dir`. `skill->brandishspear_first()` now accepts `enum unit_dir`. `skill->brandishspear_dir()` now accepts `enum unit_dir`. `skill->attack_blow_unknown()` now accepts `enum unit_dir`. The remaining unit functions have been documented. New return values have been added to `pc->setpos()`, for better error handling. (#2633, issue #2632) Increased the `MAX_MOB_LIST_PER_MAP` value to 115 in pre-renewal builds, to fit all the default spawns. (#2638, issue #1915) Extended the `getiteminfo()` command to also accept item names, and added the types `ITEMINFO_ID`, `ITEMINFO_AEGISNAME`, `ITEMINFO_NAME`. (#2639) Changed `itemskill()` to ignore conditions by default. The `ISF_CHECKCONDITIONS` needs to be explicitly passed if conditions should be checked/consumed. (part of #2648) Changed the NPC shop behavior to prevent selling items from the favorites tab of the inventory. (#2651) Updated Doxygen configuration to speed up generation and fix compatibility warnings. (0d747896e0) Updated the Travis-CI configuration file according to the validation warnings and notices. (eb97973e68) Fixed Fixed a missing `get_index()` call in `Skill2SCTable`, causing some skills to activate the wrong status. (#2643, issue #2636) Fixed a compilation error C2233 in Visual Studio. (part of #2645) Fixed Basilica unintentionally restraining boss mobs. (#2612, issue #1276, related to issue #2420) Fixed the handling of unequip scripts in zones where an item is restricted. The `OnUnequip` script is now never executed when unequipping in a restricted zone, but it is always executed when entering such zones, regardless of the `unequip_restricted_equipment` battle flag. (#2642, issue #2180) Fixed the handling of skill requirements and conditions by the `itemskill()` command. (#2648, issue #2646) Added missing requirements to `CASH_INCAGI` and `RK_CRUSHSTRIKE`. (part of #2648) Fixed an incorrect return value in `unit->walktobl()` causing mobs to be unable to walk to their target. (#2659) Fixed an incorrect return value in `unit->walktobl()` causing mobs to get stuck when they try to loot. (#2664) Deprecated None Removed Removed the `ISF_IGNORECONDITIONS` flag previously used by `itemskill()`, now the default behavior. (#2648) Special thanks to @Haru, @4144, @Kenpachi, @Asheraf, @hemagx, @skyleo, @Emistry
  4. 1 point

    February Digest 2020

    February Digest 2020 The following digest covers the month of February 1st - February 29th 2020 Team Changes @Wolf is now a Global Moderator The following Members have been moved to the new "Retired Staff" Group. Special thanks to Ind and Jman for funding Hercules and this community - and also to everyone else who has contributed towards it. @Ind, @Jman and @Mystery - Former Administrators @Masao, @Nameless2you, @Ragno and @Sneaky - Former Script Developers @malufett, @Michi and @mkbu95 - Former Core Developers The following Members were contributing as High Council, Moderator or Graphics Moderator and got moved to Community Contributor Group. Thank you for your help and contribution. @Eurydice, @Gepard, @Muad_Dib, @Xgear, @Yommy, @jaBote, @Judas, @Adel and @Uzieal Added Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2020-02-06. (#2625) Added support for the expanded barter shop, see example script in `npc/custom/expandedbartershop.txt` and the related script commands `sellitem()`, `startsellitem()`, `sellitemcurrency()`, `endsellitem()`. Note: this includes a database migration. (part of #2625) Added the new script commands `cloakonnpc()` and `cloakoffnpc()`. (part of #2615) Added the new script command `achievement_iscompleted()` to check for achievement completion. (part of #2615) Added Exploration Achievement NPCs. (#2615) Added support for an `OnNPCUnload` label, where a script can perform its cleanup before being unloaded (such as removing mapflags, etc). (part of #2590) Added the Rebellion jobchange quest and its related mobs and items. (#2621) Added support for switching madogear type. See the documentation for `setmount()` and the related `MADO_ROBOT` and `MADO_SUITE` constants. (#2586) Changed Changed the logic of `skill_get_index` to make it easier to add new skills, custom or official. (#2596) Refactored `int_party` code related to exp sharing calculations. (part of #2601) Updated the Duel system cooldown to be configurable with seconds granularity. The `duel_time_interval` setting can be safely updated and with `@reloadbattleconf`, applying to any existing cooldowns. (#1495) Converted `PACKET_ZC_STATE_CHANGE` to use its struct format and added a function to send it to a single target. (part of #2615) Changed the behavior of `@unloadnpc`, `@reloadnpc`, `@unloadnpcfile` to kill the monsters that were spawned by the unloaded script (non-permanent spawns). (#2590, issue #2530) Updated the `mobdbconverter.py` tool to support Race, Size and Element constants. The script now requires Python 3. (#2620) Cleaned up a duplicate definition of `SP_VARCASTRATE` in `pc_readparam()`. (#2624, issue #1311) Extended `itemskill()` with a new `ISF_INSTANTCAST` flag to be able to cast a skill without cast time. (part of #2616) Extended `itemskill()` with a new `ISF_CASTONSELF` flag to be able to forcefully cast a skill on the invoking character. (part of #2616) Converted `ZC_AUTORUN_SKILL` to use its struct format. (part of #2616) Fixed Fixed some signed/unsigned mismatch compiler warnings. (#2601, issue #1434) Fixed some cases where the family exp sharing state wasn't correctly detected. (part of #2601) Fixed a duplicate "Skill Failed" message when using Asura Strike. (part of #2248, issue #1239) Fixed an issue that made a character turn to face its target after casting Asura Strike. (#2248, issue #1239) Fixed the position of a character after a failed Asura Strike cast, to be 3 cells from its original position instead of 2. (part of #2248, issue #1239) Fixed the status icon from the Elemental Resistance Potions and the Undead Element Scroll not disappearing when the status changes end. (#2614, issue #2593) Fixed a crash when using `@loadnpc`, `@reloadnpc` or `@unloadnpcfile` on a directory. (part of #2590, issue #2179) Fixed `PR_STRECOVERY` to only cure status effects if the target's element isn't Undead. (#2618, issue #2558) Fixed the mobs spawned by `mob_clone_spawn()` (`clone()`, `@evilclone`) being invulnerable because of an uninitialized `dmg_taken_rate` taking the value of 0. (#2617, issue #2607) Fixed a crash when the script function `getunits()` was called with an invalid mapindex. Now an error message is added when the mapindex validation fails. (#2619) Fixed a crash when `map_forcountinmap()` was called with an invalid mapindex. Now the function will return 0 instead. (part of #2619) Fixed clientside errors when using a `ViewData` block in the mob database without specifying a `HairStyleId`. The hair style will now default to 1 when a `ViewData` block is specified. (#2622) Fixed the damage calculation being too low when using weapons of type `W_RIFLE` (in pre-renewal). (#2623) Fixed an issue that could cause homunculi to be in an unexpected partially-vaporized state (i.e. when a Vanilmirth kills its own master through `HVAN_EXPLOSION`). (#2626) Fixed NPC ID validation when `SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT` is defined, causing scripts to abort with an "Unknown NPC" error on the console. (#2627, issue #2073) Fixed the skill condition checks and the `flag` parameter of `itemskill()`. The constants `ISF_NONE` and `ISF_IGNORECONDITIONS` are now available. (part of #2616) Fixed the `itemskill()` items to provide their proper Aegis behavior, in their requirement checks, self-targeting and item consumption. (#2616, issue #819) Fixed the Earth Spike Scroll to consume 10 SP when `SC_EARTHSCROLL` is active. (part of #2616) Fixed warnings in the HPMHookGenerator. (1000b10026) Deprecated None Removed None Special thanks to @Haru, @4144, @Kenpachi, @Asheraf Additional thanks to @Haziel for creating the badge for the retired staff group
  5. 1 point

    browedit 620 and 586

    Yup You can download every version from there: http://browedit.excalibur-nw.com/release/ If you want here is mine: https://mega.nz/#!7B1SmCQC!suqfj5ZLBc2Y-L2SEybgIaJMZ7e4tl6CuikzC6ZicPM
  6. 1 point

    browedit 620 and 586

    It should be the same, 620 is used to build your whole map whereas 586 is use to save maps you've created with 620 because 620 doesn't save them right, you can have some models that disappears in game. So: 620: Build your maps, save it 586: Open your 620 maps, save it
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