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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/22 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    How to limit random event

    I made this model as you explained how it works. //Add a call function in item // callfunc "Boxx"; function script Boxx { //Item ID //== setarray .@ItemID[0],1108,2104,5011,2301,2404; //check if you still have an item with a refine lower than 10 //== for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@ItemID); set .@i,.@i+1) if((getd("eqi_"+.@ItemID[.@i])-1) < 10) setarray .@equips[getarraysize(.@equips)],.@ItemID[.@i]; //All refined +10 //== if(!getarraysize(.@equips)){ dispbottom "Bye bye."; end; } set .@idx,rand(getarraysize(.@equips)); set .@slot,getiteminfo(.@equips[.@idx],ITEMINFO_LOC); switch(.@slot) { case 2: set .@slot,EQI_HAND_R; break; case 16: set .@slot,EQI_ARMOR; break; case 32: set .@slot,EQI_HAND_L; break; case 64: set .@slot,EQI_SHOES; break; case 256: set .@slot,EQI_HEAD_TOP; break; } if(getd("eqi_"+.@equips[.@idx])) { if(!countitem(.@equips[.@idx])){ dispbottom "Item not found "+getitemname(.@equips[.@idx])+"!"; end; } if(getequipid(.@slot) != .@equips[.@idx]) equip .@equips[.@idx]; successrefitem .@slot; setd "eqi_"+.@equips[.@idx],getd("eqi_"+.@equips[.@idx])+1; } else { setd "eqi_"+.@equips[.@idx],1; getitem .@equips[.@idx],1; } end; }
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