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Everything posted by vomaito

  1. Thanks, I make it work. and one last question, when you create a warpportal in a Herc Instance, the instance is attached or need to use instance_mapname? I mean, if you warp normal. The instance says that you need to go back. example: warp map@instance,x,y; is different to warp instance_mapname(map@instance),x,y; first one send player to a map but leaves instance map second sent a player to a map but is a instance map. Thanks (for help a rA user).
  2. Well Thanks I ask here because see rA and Herc has similar code. And the src func in script will be easy to add. Is only in script.c and script.h?
  3. Hi, I wanna take some of Hercules instances for my rAthena emulator. but i Have a problem -questprogress(questID); can someone provide me the diff or things I need to add for the new function? I change manually if(!questprogress(id)) to if(checkquest(id)==-1) and if(questprogress(id)) to if(checkquest(id)!=-1) but I have one question: -There is something incompatible between Herc Instance system to rA Instance System? Thanks I hope you can help me.
  4. A mi me pasaba al usar mucho OnPCLoginEvent, OnPCDieEvent y OnPCKillEvent se saturaba la memoria del servidor y causaba el crash. Los NPC no marcaban error pero me di cuenta que eran esos por que cuando se caía el map era al momento de jugar PvP o WoE (esos eventos solo se utilizaban por mis npc en pvp o en woe) y el PC Login me daba error cuando entraban mas de 100 usuarios, dejaba de hacer attach a los usuarios. Intenta ver las graficas de uso de Memoria y si esta arriba del 80% has un upgrade a tu plan.
  5. Emulador? Version? Npc o cambios al SRC que hayas hecho? PD: estas en EccoHost (antes RagnarokHost)? Te recomiendo lo cambies, a mi a veces me desconectaba el login-server de la nada y habia muchos disconnect, bueno eso fue en noviembre.
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