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About aznguy212

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  1. @@Winterfox so what should I do about that? Is there a way to report this bug?
  2. Hello Hercules community. I have a problem where I use the changebase script and it changes me the to the desired class but it also changes my skills as well. How do I prevent it from changing my skills and just changing my appearance? Thank you as always community!
  3. I'm not a coder but perhaps the " clif->skill_nodamage(&src->bl, bl, AL_HEAL, heal, 1); " might be the reason why it is missing? just my guess. perhaps changing it to something else might work?
  4. Hello guys! I'm in need of a solution to a small problem. I added a lot more skills to the Novice class in the dbreskill_tree.conf but when I use the client, I can not upgrade them because they are in the MISC tab. I even edited the skillinfozskilltreeview.lub and skillinfoskilltreeview.lub dbreskill_tree.conf skillinfozskilltreeview.lub skillinfoskilltreeview.lub The skills are visible in the MISC tab but I can not distribute skill points to them: Any help is always much appreciated! Thank you guys very much in advance!
  5. Hello fellow Hercules community members! I’m here to tell you about a project I’m currently working on and it’s call “Project: DANMA”. What is "Project: DANMA" anyway? Well, let me try and explain without giving too much away and just enough to get you all interested! ============================================================================================= Introduction Project: DANMA is a new take on experiencing Ragnarok Online with a few modified elements and gameplay. The idea came from watching, reading, and playing many different anime,manga, and games. I'll be going over the mechanics and other elements that will be worked on for this game modification. I would also like to note, I suck at intros so I'll just add stuff here to make it look longer. I'm also looking for team members who would like to help make this interesting idea come to fruition! If you have any questions after reading my ideas please feel free to leave a post on what you'd like to know! If you're interested in applying to join the team PM me your Skype, Experience and Samples of your work! ===== Gameplay: Shards, Levels, and Items In most traditional MMORPGs you sit in your chair, do quests, beat up monsters, and gain exp to level up and become stronger. Project: DANMA isn't quite like that. What I mean is, you do go on quests, beat up monsters, and gain exp but that only gets you so far. In this game monsters all drop a certain item 100% of the time. These are call "Core Shards" (name is subject to change). These shards are used to craft, sell, and gain stat points for the player. Shards come in different forms: "Lesser, Impure, Raw, and Colored". As you might have guessed, the crafting, price, and stats rewarded vary from the different forms of shards. Lesser Shards sell for the lowest price and is used to craft low level items. Dropped by low level mobs. Impure Shards sell for a modes price and is used to make advanced level items. Dropped by medium level mobs and at rare times, low level mobs. Raw Shards sell for a high price and is used to make high level items. Dropped by high level mobs and mini bosses. Colored Shards (Blue Shard, Red Shard, etc) sell for the highest price and is used to make special grade items. Dropped by bosses and at rare times, high level mobs. Now I'll go over levels and how shards affect stat points. Leveling is based on exp from quests and farming mobs but your base level is capped fairly early and you get more job levels. Now this is where the shards come in. Your base level is capped but your stats are not. You trade enough shards to get stat points to increase your character's power. You have a good amount of job levels so you can still get a good amount of skills you want and need. More on skills later. I will now explain how items are acquired. You can buy certain items and equipment with the money you get from selling shards but you can also craft better items! Now of course, you can't just create items with shards alone. You have to farm or buy materials as well. There will be NPC's who will craft items for you with shards alone and provide the materials needed for the crafting if you provide extra cash. Of course, some items the NPC can not craft because they do not have the material. In this case, you'll have to go farm and find said materials. Potions bought at stores can be less effective than ones you get crafted. Same applies for weapons and armor. That's all for this section! ===== Gameplay: Skills and Classes I will explain how the skill and class system works in this section. When you start your adventure, you have access to almost all the skills from the get go! Meaning, you do not need to put points in certain skills to get to the next skill. This sounds a bit over powered but let me explain: As I have mentioned earlier, you have access to ALMOST all of the skills. By that I mean mostly physical skills are unlocked for you to use. Magical skills are acquired through weapons and accessories you craft using certain shards. Normally, magic isn't usable by people so in this fantasy setting same rule applies but you have an item that draws magic from the shards. You can also get skills specific to certain Factions. Faction skills can be useful for utility and other stuff. I will be explaining about factions in the later section. I will explain what I plan to do about classes. Simply put, there are no classes. You're just a novice with higher stats than you would in an original Ragnarok Online game. Now you're probably asking, "What about certain items that require certain classes and animation". I did say there are no classes but, for animation sake, I'll be adding items that change how your appearance looks and thus changing the animation. Why do this when you can just change class? One example would be because each class has different stat distribution and I feel that by making everyone ONE class the stats will be more balanced when it comes to PVP. So depending on what stats you level up, you can counter other players. Another would be if you change your job your job levels reset so that's a no no. I'm sure we could change that but that's for another day. When you equip the items that change your looks and animation it will prevent you from equipping certain weapons as well. Reasoning behind it is, if you're wearing heavy armor, you wouldn't be able to operate a bow and arrow as well as you would when you wear lighter clothing. Same thing with light clothes and close combat, you wouldn't want to go into a fight with swords and spears without protection. More to come later. ===== Gameplay: Guilds and Factions Now we all know you like to join little clubs in MMORPGs known as Guilds and make lots of friends! Well, you can do that but there is another group called Factions. A guild can be considered a group of friends and your circle of friends, but a faction is more like a group you'd consider a family. By joining a faction you will be allowed to have certain skills as mentioned previously. There are currently 3 factions I have designed but more may come. The three factions each specialize in Smithing/Crafting, Healing/Supporting, or Potions/Buffs You can join any of these factions but once you join a faction you can not leave. You may join guilds run by people from different factions and you may leave the guild at any time. Factions get benefits by popularity. By gaining popularity NPCs may charge you less, give you extra money, and may give you a special gift. Faction popularity is done by Player votes. However you can not vote for your own faction. If a member from a different faction has helped you in any way, you should give their faction a point but it is not required for you to do so. Its more of a community thing. ===== Gameplay: Towns and Dungeons I'll keep this part clean and simple. Currently, there will be one Major City and a few small towns. The city will be the center of the adventurers' source of everything! Shops, Smiths, Guilds, Factions, and Dungeons! Yes, you read that right! The Dungeons will be in the city! At the center of the city is where the dungeon will be located. You must progress through each dungeon one by one and once you reach a certain floor, you will encounter a boss. Once you defeat this boss you may proceed to the more dangerous dungeons. There will be a Warp NPC who unlocks a warp to each floor you have visited before. Otherwise, you can not go to that floor even with a party. This means power leveling other players will not be so easy. ===== Final Things I'm planning on adding more content and stuff as soon as I get the basic stuff flowing at a constant pace. If you're interested in this idea please let me know. If you are wanting to help develop this project for the sake of bringing some fresh content, please feel free to PM me. If and when this project is finished and goes live, I will do my best to compensate the developers and partners who were a part of this project. Thank you for reading and please don't get your hopes up too high hahaha.
  6. @@latheesan did you specify where the NPC is located on the script? ex: prontera,150,150,5 script NPC NAME NPC_ID,{
  7. @@Dastgir dataluafiles514lua filesdatainfoaccessoryid.lub ACCESSORY_C_Flower_Summer_Hat = 1369, ACCESSORY_Moon_Eyepatch = 1370, ACCESSORY_Ghoul_Mask = 1401 } dataluafiles514lua filesdatainfoaccname.lub [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_C_Flower_Summer_Hat] = "_C플라워섬머햇", [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Moon_Eyepatch] = "_달의_안대", [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Ghoul_Mask] = "_Ghoul_Mask" } dataidnum2itemresnametable.txt 25007#끈적끈적한독#25008#끈적끈적한독box#30000#Ghoul_Mask# dataidnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt 25007#Beast_Powder#25008#Beast_Powder_Box#30000#Ghoul_Mask# dataidnum2itemdesctable.txt //========================================================//CUSTOM Items//========================================================30000#A large rectangle curved shield made from three sheets of wood glued together and covered with canvas and leather.Flee +5Perfect dodge +1Every 3 refine level, Perfect dodge +2.Refined to +10, MaxHP and MaxSP +10%.Class: ^777777Shield^000000Defense: ^7777771^000000Weight: ^77777750^000000Required Level: ^77777710^000000Jobs: ^777777All^000000# serverdbitem_db.txt //CUSTOM GEAR//==============================================================================={ Id: 30000 AegisName: "Ghoul_Mask" Name: "Ghoul Mask" Type: 5 Buy: 300 Weight: 100 Upper: 63 Loc: 1 Refine: false View: 1401 Script: <" bonus bAtk,10; ">}) ROsystemiteminfo.lub [30000] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Ghoul Mask", unidentifiedResourceName = "Ghoul_Mask", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Unknown Item, can be identified by ^6A5ACDMagnifier^000000." }, identifiedDisplayName = "Ghoul Mask", identifiedResourceName = "Ghoul_Mask", identifiedDescriptionName = { "A large rectangle curved shield made from three sheets of wood glued together and covered with canvas and leather.", "Flee +5", "Perfect dodge +1", "Every 3 refine level, Perfect dodge +2.", "Refined to +10, MaxHP and MaxSP +10%.", "Class: ^777777Shield^000000", "Defense: ^7777771^000000", "Weight: ^77777750^000000", "Required Level: ^77777710^000000", "Jobs: ^777777All^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 1401 }}main = function()
  8. I made a custom headgear and everything I followed the directions and got rid of all errors that occured. Everything shows up in game but not on the player. Can anyone help me out? Don't mind the description. I just used a template and changed the class ID and everything.
  9. @@latheesan I also had that similar problem. What's happening is the client you're using can not load the NEW PRONTERA so you have to either use a client that supports the new map or you can use this GRF http://www.mediafire.com/download/7hcz6u9vl4vjhb4/newprontera.grf See how that helps.
  10. @@Winterfox Alright. Thank you. I'll try and figure it out or something. Have a nice day!
  11. @latheensan Glad to be of help. Have a good day.
  12. @@latheesan Your client and server packet might not match. When you compiled the server did you change the packet to match your client? the file you have to edit is called "mmo.h" under "trunk/src/common/" #ifndef PACKETVER #define PACKETVER 20141022 <--- CHANGE THIS TO 20130814 TO MATCH YOUR CLIENT#endif // PACKETVER after that try recompiling and run the new server files and see what happens.
  13. @@Winterfox I don't see any option for that in the NEMO patcher. Is there another way I could possibly fix that?
  14. Hello! I'm having trouble with my client dismissing the exp bar even thought I can level my job level more. When I'm at level 50 job level as first class, the bar goes away but I can go up to level 300. How do I prevent the bar from going away before it hits the 300 mark? please help! LEVEL 1 LEVEL 50 LEVEL 300
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