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Posts posted by mhiel012


    // ===== Donation Npc 1.0 ===================== //
    // ===== Credits : Jhosef and trOn ============ //
    // ===== Change Logs ========================== //
    // ============================================ //
    // ==== NPC Location ========================== // 
    prontera,146,172,5    script    TopUp    807,{
    // === Configuration ========================== //
        set .gms_level, 99;
        set .code_length,10; // Length for the Donation Code
        set .code_length2,3; // Length for the Validation Code
        set .donate_item, 7179; // Donation Item
        set .@itemORcash, 0; // 0 for Item or 1 for Cash Point
        set .@npc_name$, "TopUp";
        setarray .coupon_code$[0],"A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L",
        setarray .validation_code$[0],"A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L",
    // ==== NPC Talk ============================== //
        if( getgmlevel() >= .gms_level) goto AdminPanel;
        if( getgmlevel() < .gms_level) goto PlayerPanel;
    // ==== Don't Edit This ======================= //
        set .@stats$,"0";
    // ==== Admin Panel =========================== //
        mes .@npc_name$;
        mes "Welcome " + strcharinfo(0) + ".";
        switch(select("Add Redeem Code:Player View:Exit"))
                case 1:
                    for(set @i, 0; @i < .code_length; set @i, @i+1)
                        set @random_char, rand(0,(getarraysize(.coupon_code$)-1));
                        set @new_donation$, @new_donation$ + .coupon_code$[@random_char];
                    for(set @i, 0; @i< .code_length2; set @i, @i+1)
                        set @random_char, rand(0,(getarraysize(.validation_code$)-1));
                        set @new_validation$, @new_validation$ + .validation_code$[@random_char];
                    mes .@npc_name$;
                    mes "Enter Item Amount:";
                    input @donate_amount;
                    mes .@npc_name$;
                    mes "Coupon added.";
                    query_sql "INSERT INTO `donate` (`code`, `item_amount`,`validation_code`,`status`) VALUES ('"+@new_donation$+"', "+@donate_amount+", '"+@new_validation$+"' , '"+.@stats$+"')";
                    set @new_donation$, "";
                    set @new_validation$, "";
                    mes "This is the list of code logs";
                    query_sql "SELECT `code` , `item_amount` , `validation_code` , `status` FROM `donate` ORDER BY `code` DESC", .@codelist$, .@status$, .@validation$;
                        mes .@npcname$;
                        mes "There are no entrys in the Code List.";
                        mes .@npcname$;
                        mes "The list will spawn at your main chat box.";
                        dispbottom "Codelist | Amount | Validation";
                        for(set @ei,0; @ei < getarraysize(.@codelist$); set @ei,@ei + 1) 
                            dispbottom ""+.@codelist$[@ei]+" | "+.@status$[@ei]+" | "+.@validation$[@ei]+" "; 
                case 2:
                    goto PlayerPanel;
                case 3:
                    mes .@npc_name$;
                    mes "Have a nice day.";
    // ==== Player Panel ========================== //
        mes .@npc_name$;
        mes "Welcome to the Redeeming System. How can I help you?";
        switch(Select("View My Redeem Code:Enter My Redeem Code:Exit"))
            case 1:
                mes .@npc_name$;
                mes "Please enter your Validation Code:";
                input @my_code$;
                query_sql "SELECT `validation_code` FROM `donate` WHERE `validation_code` = '"+@my_code$+"'", @available_code$;
                    if(@my_code$ == @available_code$)
                        query_sql "SELECT `code` FROM `donate` WHERE `validation_code` = '"+@my_code$+"'", @available_code2$;
                        mes .@npc_name$;
                        mes "Your Redeem Code is : [^FF7700"  + @available_code2$+ "^000000].";
                    mes .@npc_name$;
                    mes "Your Validation Code is Invalid.";
            case 2:
                mes .@npc_name$;
                mes "Please enter your Redeem Code:";
                input @donate_code$;
                query_sql "SELECT `code` FROM `donate` WHERE `code` = '"+@donate_code$+"'", @donation_code$;
                query_sql "SELECT `status` FROM `donate` WHERE `code` = '"+@donate_code$+"'", @donate_status;
                if(strtoupper(@donate_code$)==@donation_code$ && @donate_status == 0)
                    if( .itemORcash == 0)
                        query_sql "SELECT `item_amount` FROM `donate` WHERE `code` = '"+@donate_code$+"'", @Donation_Code$;
                        mes .@npc_name$;
                        mes "You get ^0000FF" + getitemname(.donate_item) + " - " + @Donation_Code$ + " ea.^000000";
                        query_sql "UPDATE `donate` SET `status`=1 WHERE `code`='"+@donate_code$+"'";
                        emotion e_thx;
                        //query_sql "DELETE FROM `donate` WHERE `code`='"+@donate_code$+"'";
                        getitem .donate_item,@Donation_Code$;
                        query_sql "SELECT `item_amount` FROM `donate` WHERE `code` = '"+@donate_code$+"'", @Donation_Code$;
                        mes .@npc_name$;
                        mes "You get ^0000FF" + @Donation_Code$ + " Cash Point.^000000";
                        query_sql "UPDATE `donate` SET `status`=1 WHERE `code`='"+@donate_code$+"'";
                        emotion e_thx;
                        //query_sql "DELETE FROM `donate` WHERE `code`='"+@donate_code$+"'";
                        set #CASHPOINTS, @Donation_Code$;
                    mes .@npc_name$;
                    mes "This Redeem Code doesn't exist.";
            case 3:
                mes .@npc_name$;
                mes "Have a nice day.";
    // ============================================ //
        query_sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `donate` (`code` TINYTEXT NOT NULL, `item_amount` INT NOT NULL, `validation_code` TEXT NOT NULL, `status` TEXT NOT NULL, INDEX `code` (`code`(32)) ) ENGINE=MyISAM";
        query_sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `donation` (`name` TEXT NOT NULL, `code` TEXT NOT NULL, `item_amount` INT NOT NULL, `validation_code` TEXT NOT NULL, INDEX `code` (`code`(32)) ) ENGINE=MyISAM";

    help i find this on rathena... need same this npc but for herc. thx


    Hi AnnieRuru, Im interested with your Wow Domination Battleground that is why I make a Map for it.. but not 100% same with arathi Bg.. But atleast 90% of it.. with the use of models of ragnarok of course  ^_^  :rolleyes: . because I see that your Topic in Rathena has been outdated. Maybe we can team up making this battle ground :P  I made my arathi map 200x200 its not to big not to small..


    let me know if you need help with the map might i can contribute some of the design :P

    sure the map is not 100% designed so we will be happy if someone help with the design.. because I made this map with my Imagination only haha because i used to play world of warcraft before/

  3. Hi AnnieRuru, Im interested with your Wow Domination Battleground that is why I make a Map for it.. but not 100% same with arathi Bg.. But atleast 90% of it.. with the use of models of ragnarok of course  ^_^  :rolleyes: . because I see that your Topic in Rathena has been outdated. Maybe we can team up making this battle ground :P  I made my arathi map 200x200 its not to big not to small..


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