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Everything posted by zackdreaver

  1. Project update : [*]Added new decompiled lub file [*]Added TXT format for pre-renewal item info [*]Added monstertalktable.xml [*]Added new 3 strongman hairs in iteminfo [*]Added Custom and Official pettalktable.xml (the official now work perfect after i clean it...yay!) [*]Fixed "coin fling.bmp" [*]Added pet Golem pettalktable.xml [*]Fix dancer and bard skills [*]Changed Teleport skill so it more versatile More info : Click here "To use pettalktable with talk different than poring, you need to edit pet_db and changed talk_convert_class to corresponding Pet ID that present in pettalktable.xml if there is no succubus in pettalktable.xml you can use Zealotus ID"
  2. Yeah at last.... creating my own grid with my guild emblem as base picture still can't figure out how to change its color -.- grid.zip
  3. Open your clientinfo.xml changed langtype to 1
  4. -.- i believe that was my mistake when tried to cleanup skill name it's error caused by skillinfolist.lub, fling's name update your GIT, and replace skillinfolist.lub sorry for the trouble
  5. @Kong I have no file with that name in KRO data and rdata grf.
  6. afaik changing langtype to 1 will fix it
  7. that's weird, i can exctract both zip and grf just fine. EDIT: Okay reuploaded, i hope it fixed and can be extracted. let's wait it to be aproved.
  8. File Name: New 3 Strongman Hairs File Submitter: zackdreaver File Submitted: 19 Feb 2015 File Category: Sprites & Palettes Hello community, this is the new strongman hair with 3 new colors, it is an official release by ragnarok gravity. Click here to download this file
  9. so i was thinking about your comment, @Dastgir should we add "other languages" to this project? i, my self has create "indonesian" language, though it far from useable -.- (creating from scratch) you can check it in my siggy. as for other language, we can use data from french ragnarok, they include : German, Spanish, French and Turkish What community thought about this ideas???
  10. Version 1.2


    Hello community, this is the new strongman hair with 3 new colors, it is an official release by ragnarok gravity.
  11. item_db.conf not the doc folder
  12. heeeyyy they update the files...again http://www.divine-pride.net/forum/topic/14939/kro-update-2-17-2015-45211-am
  13. for the chatbox you need to double left clik on it, then changed it the way you want, like "general chat" and "battle log" for the equipment you need to check, did you patch your client to read iteminfo.lub or iteminfo.lua. you need the translated iteminfo if you get that gibberish texts
  14. Project update : Give a better name for maps added episode 16.1 quests Added KRO items (20150211, 20140917, 20140903, 20140827, 20140820, 20140813, 20140808, 20140730, 20140723, and 20140716) Added item info in TXT format Separate renewal and pre-renewal files Separate and update KRO raw files Added achievement_list.lub (partially translated) and lastly Fix skills description so it match KRO renewal desc. (2nd and transcendence classes) More info you can check here : http://goo.gl/MpfQ6J please report if there any error or mistake, as i'm not tested it yet.
  15. hmm too many questions, i will answer the setup problem, i've experienced this problem back in 2011-2012, here is my solution, you need to check OptionInfo lub and lua there are several folder where you can found it. SystemOptionInfo.lub (encrypted) SystemLuaFiles514OptionInfo.lub (encrypted) savedataOptionInfo.lua (set up by setup.exe and client) dataOptionInfo.lua (set up by setup.exe and client) check if it messed up (like doubled line below it), if the file is encrypted, leave it. if there any OptionInfo lua and lub found in 1 folder, you need to delete the lua one.
  16. really fun reading this comments http://forums.warpportal.com/index.php?/topic/170939-rip-pro-iro-migration-thoughts-and-welcomes/ i feel them as i was an IRO player
  17. check your Mp3dec.asi, is it present? is your mp3 file has the right format? check it bit rate and sample rate lastly, check OptionInfo.lua in savedata folder, make sure this line written like this : CmdOnOffList["/bgm"] = 1
  18. do hercules have shadow equip in item_db yet?
  19. there is new costume (decoration of time) if anyone interested making patch/PR of it http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/20246
  20. @Antares thanks for reporting, i will look this renewal update later, we will use KRO desc.
  21. will you consider use this format? https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ROClientSide/Translation/master/Data/luafiles514/lua%20files/datainfo/addrandomoptionnametable.lub it from KRO
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