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Everything posted by kronos

  1. hello, it is probably a noob question, but since im a noob with a personal private server, i will ask anyway. Im trying to customize the amount of rewarded experience points of some quests, but on some of the scripts i cant find the especific number to modify with the getexp function, accordind to the script_commands.txt documentation. For example in the Amatsu Dungeon Entrance Quest, in the exact moment the player recieves the experience there is no getexp: mes "with this ticket.";next;event_amatsu = 6;completequest 8135;delitem 1022,1; //Fox_Tailgetitem 7160,1; //Lord's_Passable_Ticketmes "[Ishida Yoshinaga]";mes "This isn't a big reward but"; Could someone please help me?
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